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Makna dan Amalan Hari Tasyrik, Ternyata Artinya 'Jemur Daging', Ini Penjelasannya

Meaning and Practice of Tasyrik Day, Apparently It Means 'Drying Meat', Here's the Explanation

Dream - Meaning and practice when the important tasyrik day is known to Muslims. Tasyrik day means the day that falls after Eid al-Adha, which is the 11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhu al-Hijjah, in the Hijri calendar.

Meaning and Practice of Tasyrik Day, Apparently It Means 'Sun-Drying Meat', Here's the Explanation

The meaning of "Hari Tasyrik"

Called tasyrik day because on those days the sacrificial meats are heated under the scorching sun. Because at that time the technology was not advanced, so the way to preserve the sacrificial meat was by heating it under the scorching sun. So what is the actual meaning of tasyrik day? In this article, Dream will discuss the meaning of tasyrik day, practices, and other related matters. Let's listen to the review below!

Makna Hari Tasyrik yang Perlu Dipahami

The meaning of Tasyrik Day that needs to be understood.

"The day of Tasyrik can be interpreted in several explanations according to its context. Here are the explanations:"


1. Implementation Day of Hajj Worship

For the pilgrims who are in Mecca, Tasyrik Day is when they are in Mina, one of the important locations in the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage. During those three days, the pilgrims perform a series of rituals, including throwing jumrah (throwing stones at the three devil statues symbolically), spending the night in Mina, and performing other worship as part of the Hajj.


2. Animal Sacrifice Day

One of the meanings of Hari Tasyrik is as the day of performing the sacrifice of sacrificial animals for Muslims who do not perform the hajj pilgrimage. After performing the Salat Idul Adha on the 10th of Dzulhijjah, capable Muslims sacrifice animals as a form of sacrifice and sharing with others.


3. Opportunity to Earn Rewards

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Hari Tasyrik is also considered a blessed time and provides an opportunity for Muslims to perform acts of goodness, such as remembrance of Allah, reading the Quran, giving charity, and performing other worship. The rewards from these acts of goodness are believed to be greater during the days of Tasyrik."

"Blessed Time"

Although Hari Tasyrik has certain meanings and blessings, it is important to remember that the practice of sacrificing animals is only carried out by financially capable Muslims within the framework of the hajj pilgrimage or sacrificial offering. For Muslims who do not perform the sacrifice, the three days of Tasyrik are still respected as a blessed time and provide an opportunity for worship and earning rewards by performing acts of goodness.


"Takbir on the Day of Tasyrik"

On the day of Tasyrik, it is also recommended to recite takbir after every obligatory prayer. Some companions practiced takbir after the obligatory prayers on the day of Tasyrik. According to the Shafi'i school of thought, the absolute takbir, also known as takbir mursal, starts after sunset on the 9th of Dzulhijjah. More precisely, it is during the Maghrib prayer on the night of the celebration. In addition, some Shafi'i scholars say that the beginning of the absolute takbir is at the dawn of the day of Arafah. Then, the last time for the absolute takbir is before Maghrib on the 13th of Dzulhijjah.

While the specific takbir begins after the evening prayer on the day of Eid al-Adha until after the afternoon prayer on the 13th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the restricted takbir should be recited beforehand before regularly remembering after the obligatory prayers. When the community celebrates Eid al-Adha by sacrificing sacrificial animals and eating them together, the Hajj pilgrims are in Mina performing the stoning of the Jamarat ritual. On this Tashriq day, Muslims are prohibited from fasting.

"Amalan Hari Tasyrik yang Bisa Dilakukan" translates to "Acts of Worship during the Days of Tashreeq that Can be Performed."

"After knowing the meaning of the tasyrik day, next, also know the deeds that Sahabat Dream can do on tasyrik days. Here are some deeds that can be performed during tasyrik days: 1. Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals The first deed is slaughtering sacrificial animals for those who are financially capable. Besides being rewarded, sacrificing also has a high social value."

2. Enjoying Meals

The second practice is to enjoy food and drinks on the day of Tasyrik. This is why Muslims are prohibited from fasting on that day. This is done as a form of gratitude for the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "The days of Tasyrik are days of enjoying food and drinks." Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu reported that the Prophet Muhammad SAW sent Abdullah bin Hudzaifah to go around the city of Mina and convey, "Do not fast on this day (Tasyrik) because it is a day for eating, drinking, and remembering Allah."

3. Main Time for Dhikr and Takbir

The next practice is to increase remembrance and praise to Allah SWT. Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 203, "And remember Allah during the appointed days." Ibn Abbas explained that the appointed days referred to the days of Tasyrik (days for drying meat).


Meanwhile, Ikrimah explained that 'berdzikir' means to recite takbir during the tasyrik days after the obligatory prayers. Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, "The Tasyrik days are days of eating, drinking, and remembering Allah abundantly." (Narrated by Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Daud, Nasa'i)

Meaning and Practice of Tasyrik Day, Apparently It Means 'Sun-Drying Meat', Here's the Explanation

4. Reading the Prayer of Sapu Jagad

Reading the prayer of sapu jagad is one of the main deeds to be done on the day of tasyrik. The next deed of the day of tasyrik is praying. Imam Syafii said from Abdullah ibnus Saib, that he once heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW saying the prayer of sapu jagad between the pillar of Bani Jumah and the pillar of Aswad, which is: "O our Lord, grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of hell."

"Here is the prayer of sapu jagad in Arabic and its Latin version: صبنَنانة ابنینانة فَ الدََنانقَنة حَسنانة وَينة افَ الأَُبانةنانة حَسنانة وَقَنة قَنةنانةنة وَقَنةنة وَقَنةنة قَنةنانةنة وَقَنةنة قَنةنانةنة اقَانةينةنةنةنة فَنةنانةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةنةن

That is the meaning and practice of the important day of tasyrik that Muslims should know. Hopefully, by knowing it, a Muslim can enhance their worship on the day of tasyrik and increase recitation of takbir to Allah SWT.

Meaning and Practice of Tasyrik Day, Apparently It Means 'Sun-Drying Meat', Here's the Explanation
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