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Reading of the Prayer for Thursday Morning and Evening, So That Blessings Are Granted.

Reading of the Prayer for Thursday Morning and Evening, So That Blessings Are Granted.

"Dream - Reading the prayer for Thursday morning and evening to be blessed can be an effort to start activities. This prayer is an attempt to seek protection and blessings from Allah SWT. Since it's the beginning of the week, we can take advantage of the time to memorize the prayer reading for Thursday morning and evening."

Morning and Evening Prayer Reading for Thursday to Obtain Blessings

"1. Thursday Morning and Evening Prayer for Long Life"

The translation of "Doa Kamis Pagi" to English is "Thursday Morning Prayer".

"O Allah, this Thursday morning we ask for Your blessings. Grant us a long life so that we may continue to worship and do good deeds. Bestow happiness and success in all that we do. Keep us away from all forms of illness and disaster, and protect us from the temptations of Satan and our desires. Grant us blessings in our sustenance so that we can fulfill our obligations well. And most importantly, grant us happiness in this world and in the hereafter. Amen.""

The translation of "Doa Kamis Sore" to English is "Thursday Evening Prayer".

"Allah, the Most Merciful, on this Thursday afternoon, we ask for blessings in our lives. Grant us mercy and strength to face all tests and trials. Protect us from all temptations and slanders that disturb our faith. Give us the opportunity to attain goodness and blessings in everything we do. Guide our steps towards the path of obedience to You. Make our lives filled with happiness and blessings. Amen.""

"2. Reading of the Prayer for Thursday Morning and Evening for Blessings to be Granted"

 "O Allah, on this morning we ask for Your blessings and a long life. Grant us a long life so that we can continue to worship and do good in this world. Protect us from all diseases and disasters that may hinder the long life You bestow upon us. Grant us strength and health so that we can live our days with full energy and spirit. O Allah, we also ask this Thursday morning, bestow blessings and mercy upon every step we take. "

"Grant us the wisdom to face every test and trial that You give. Make us servants who are always grateful for all the blessings You bestow upon us. In the evening, we seek Your forgiveness and mercy. Give us the opportunity to correct our mistakes and draw closer to You. Make a good death and a husnul khotimah a blessing for us. Accept all our acts of worship with Your pleasure. Amen."

3. Doa Hari Kamis Pagi dan Sore yang Diajarkan Nabi SAW

"3. Thursday Morning and Evening Prayers Taught by the Prophet SAW"

The translation of "Doa Hari Kamis Pagi" to English is "Thursday Morning Prayer."

"O Allah, bestow Your blessings upon us on this Thursday, and all that is within it. Grant us blessings in our sustenance, knowledge, health, and good deeds. Save us from all evils and dangers, and keep us away from all diseases and calamities. Give us the strength to perform good deeds and to avoid all that is forbidden by You. O Allah, grant my prayer on this Thursday and make me among Your servants who receive blessings.""

The translation of "Doa Hari Kamis Sore" to English is "Thursday Evening Prayer".

"O Allah, bestow blessings upon us this Thursday and make us Your servants who are always grateful for all Your blessings. Grant blessings to our family, our friends, and all of humanity. Protect us from the deceit of Satan and keep us away from all sinful actions. Grant us safety and well-being in this world and the Hereafter. O Allah, fulfill our prayers this Thursday and bless every step and action we take. Amen.""

"4. Thursday Night Prayer Reading"

 "O Allah, on this Thursday night, we come to You with sincere hearts full of longing. We ask that You bless us in this world and the hereafter. Grant us the strength to face all trials and tests in this life. Give us the wisdom to make the best choices. We ask that You protect and keep our families safe from all dangers. Grant them good health and priceless happiness. "

"Grant us the strength of faith so that we may always be close to You. O Allah, give us the opportunity to give charity and do good to others. Make us Your servants who are full of love and compassion. Grant us a deep understanding of Your religion so that we can apply its teachings in our daily lives. We are grateful for all the blessings You have given, and we pray that You continue to bless us with blessings in this world and the hereafter. Amen."

"5. Morning and Evening Prayer Reading for Thursday so that the Family is Blessed"

The translation of "Bacaan Doa Hari Kamis Pagi" to English is "Reading of the Thursday Morning Prayer."

"O Allah, on this Thursday morning we come to You with grateful hearts. Grant blessings to our family, and shower Your mercy upon us all. Make us a family that is always with You in all matters, keep us away from all forms of difficulties, and give us strength to face all tests. May every step we take always be in Your pleasure and serve as a means to draw closer to You. Amen.""

The translation of "Bacaan Doa Hari Kamis Sore" to English is "Thursday Evening Prayer Reading".

"O Allah, on this blessed Thursday, we ask You that our family is always bestowed with blessings. Make our household a place filled with love, affection, and happiness. Protect us from all slander and danger, and grant us generous sustenance. Guide us to always do good and avoid all forms of immorality. Let today be the beginning of a better change for our family. Amen.""

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