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Muslimah Wajib Tahu, Inilah Ketentuan-Ketentuan Syariat bagi Rambut Perempuan yang Boleh dan Tidak Boleh Dilakukan

Muslimah Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that are Allowed and Not Allowed to be Done.

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

"Dream - Islam commands women to cover their aurah. According to Imam Syafi'i, the aurah of women is the entire body, except for the face and the palms of the hands."

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

"Meanwhile, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, the entire body is considered as 'aurat', except for the face, two palms, and two soles. Now, a woman's hair itself is considered as 'aurat' that should be preserved and covered. As explained in a hadith: 'Whoever has hair, should honor it.' (HR. Abu Dawud) In relation to women's hair, Islam has regulated it and set rules that should be followed by every Muslimah. Here are some regulations regarding women's hair that are allowed and not allowed, as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Ketentuan Rambut Perempuan yang Diperbolehkan

"Allowed Women's Hair Provisions"

There are several conditions regarding women's hair that are allowed in Islam. The following are the provisions that need to be known by Dream friends:


1. Collecting Hair and Making It One

Collecting hair and making it into a bun or braid, then letting it loose, is allowed in Islam. However, it must be covered from the view of non-mahram individuals.


2. Curling Hair

Based on its original law, curling hair is not a problem in Islam. However, if it is done to imitate immoral and disbelieving women, then it becomes prohibited.

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

3. Using Ribbons or Hair Accessories

Islam allows women to use ribbons or hair accessories that aim to enhance the size of the head. This is because it is necessary to style their hair to prevent it from becoming messy. As long as they do not use accessories in the form of musical instruments or living creatures.


4. Go to the Hairdresser

Women are allowed to go to a hairdresser at an affordable rate. This is not considered as wasting money and its purpose is to enhance their appearance in front of their husband.

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

5. Haircut

"Islam does not prohibit women from cutting their hair. The prohibition applies only if it is shaved completely. Other than that, it is allowed to cut long hair for easier washing and combing."


6. Coloring Hair

To dye hair to cover gray is a recommended practice. However, do not use black dye. If black is mixed with other colors and becomes very dark, then it is not a problem. It is also allowed to use brown and reddish-yellow colors, as long as there is no resemblance.

Ketentuan Rambut Perempuan yang Tidak Diperbolehkan

"Provisions of Women's Hair that are Not Allowed"

There are several regulations regarding women's hair that are not allowed in Islam, which are considered forbidden. What are those regulations?


1. Collecting Hair at the Topmost Part

Women are prohibited from gathering or tying their hair at the very top. This is explained in a hadith: "... Their heads are like tilted camel humps..." (HR Muslim)


2. Connecting Hair

"Islam prohibits women from extending their hair, which causes confusion. Thus, those who see the hair think it is their own hair, when in fact it is not. It is explained in the hadith: 'Allah curses women who extend their hair and ask for their hair to be extended.' (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)"

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

3. Come to the Salon with Male Barbers

Women are not allowed to come to a salon where the employees or hairdressers are men. This is because it is forbidden (haram) for a woman's aura to be shown to a man who is not her mahram.


4. Follow Hair Model

In this case, Islam prohibits women from cutting their hair in accordance with hair styles that have elements of resemblance to disbelievers and resemble animal models.

Muslim Women Must Know, These are the Provisions of Sharia for Women's Hair that Can and Cannot be Done

5. Wearing a Wig

A Muslim woman is prohibited in her religion from wearing a wig or fake hair. This is classified as al-washl, which means attaching hair that is considered forbidden.

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