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7 Things that Make it Difficult for Women to Enter Heaven, Don't Let You Be One of Them!

7 Things that Make it Difficult for Women to Enter Heaven, Don't Let You Be One of Them!

Dream – Rasulullah SAW once mentioned in his statement that the least number of inhabitants in heaven are women. This hadith was narrated by Imam Muslim and Ahmad, and it is considered authentic. Then, a question arises from some Muslims about the reason why women are mentioned by Rasulullah SAW as the least number of inhabitants in heaven. Let's take a look at the following explanation!

In the book Jahannam Ahwaluha wa Ahluha Adz Tadzkirah by Imam Al-Qurthubi, it is explained that the reason why women find it difficult to enter paradise is because they are dominated by their desires, their love for the world, and their neglect of the hereafter due to their shallow intellect. They are also easily deceived by the pleasures of the world, which makes them weak in performing good deeds. Women are also considered to be the strongest cause of diverting men from the hereafter due to their desires. They are also easily deceived when led astray from religion and find it difficult to accept being guided towards the hereafter.

7 Things that Make Women Difficult to Enter Heaven, Don't Let You Be Included!

Muslim women should avoid things that make it difficult for them to enter paradise and even often lead them to fall into the fire of hell. Here are the things that make it difficult for women to enter paradise.

1. Disobedience to Husband

Not obeying one's husband is one of the things that causes women difficulty in entering heaven. As explained in a hadith from Abdurrahman bin Auf radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "If a woman always maintains the five daily prayers, fasts for a month (in the month of Ramadan), truly guards her chastity (from committing adultery), and truly obeys her husband, then it will be said to this virtuous woman, 'Enter paradise through whichever gate you like.'" (HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Hibban)

2. Not Grateful for Husband's Gifts

The matter that causes women to have difficulty entering heaven next is because they disbelieve in the blessings given by their husbands. If a woman wants to obtain the pleasure of Allah, then it is better not to deny the goodness of her husband and disbelieve in blessings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Allah will not look at a woman who does not appreciate what is in her husband and does not feel satisfied with him." (HR. Nasai)

3. Showcasing Jewelry (Tabarruj)

Tabarruj or showing off jewelry, wealth, and beauty is one of the things that make it difficult for women to enter paradise. Even though Allah SWT has stated in Surah An-Nur verse 31 that women should not display their adornments. Imam Adz-Dzahabi in the book Al-Khaibar mentioned, "One of the actions that cause them (women) to be cursed is showing off gold and gems that are inside the niqab, wearing fragrant oils with musk and the like if they leave the house."

4. Coloring Hair with Black Color

The issue that causes women to have difficulty entering heaven next is the habit of dyeing their hair black. From Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "In the end times, there will be people who dye their hair black like the majority color of a dove's chest, they will not smell the scent of heaven."


5. Divorcing Husband Without Reason

The translation of the given text is as follows, while preserving the HTML tags: "Woman who divorces her husband without any valid reason is one of the matters that make it difficult for her to enter heaven. From Tsaubah radhiyallahu 'anhu, she said that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: "Any woman who asks for divorce without clear reasons, then it is forbidden for her to smell the fragrance of heaven." (HR. Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, and Ibnu Majah)"


6. Does not Recognize His Father

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Woman who does not acknowledge her father and claims descent from someone else is mentioned in the hadith that she will not smell the scent of paradise. From Abdullah bin Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever claims descent from someone other than his own father will not receive the scent of paradise. Yet, the scent of paradise can be smelled from a distance of seventy years, or a journey of seventy years. (HR. Ahmad)"

7. Dressed But Naked

7. Dressed But Naked

The phenomenon of women dressing but appearing naked is something we often witness. However, that is what causes a woman to have difficulty entering heaven.

From Abu Hurairah RA, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

"\u201cThere are two groups of inhabitants of hell that I have never seen: (1) a group that carries whips like the tails of cows, with which they beat people; (2) women who are dressed (but) naked, they sway and lean (away from obedience), their hair is like the hump of a leaning camel, they will not enter paradise and will not smell its fragrance, even though the fragrance of paradise can be smelled from such a great distance.\u201d (HR. Muslim)"

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