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Menguak Misteri Harta Karun Nabi Sulaiman yang Ternyata Disimpan Israel, Ada Petunjuk Ini di Dalamnya

Unveiling the Mystery of Prophet Solomon's Treasure, which is Actually Kept by Israel, There are Clues in It

Unveiling the Mystery of Prophet Solomon's Treasure, which is Actually Kept by Israel, There are Clues Inside

"Dream - Al-Quran not only serves as a guide for Muslims, but also preserves the history of Islam. One of them discusses who the kings who once ruled in Israel."

Unveiling the Mystery of Prophet Solomon's Treasure, which is Actually Kept by Israel, There are Clues Inside

Through the Quran, Prophet Sulaiman (as) is mentioned as the third king of Israel and a wise ruler. In Jewish teachings, Prophet Sulaiman is better known as King Solomon, the son of King David. According to history, Prophet Sulaiman was a king who possessed abundant wealth. Because of this, many believe that his wealth is hidden somewhere. However, in 2012, there was news that archaeologists from Israel discovered artifacts from King Solomon in the form of jars during excavations in Ophel, Jerusalem.

Although so, it was only in the year 2023 that the discovery found its enlightenment. Namely in the form of writings engraved on the relic jar of King Sulaiman. To know more clearly, here is as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Unveiling the Mystery of Prophet Solomon's Treasure, which is Actually Kept by Israel, There are Clues Inside

"The Discovery of Pottery Fragments"

"Previously it was known that in 2012, archaeologists from Israel discovered relics from King Solomon. The relics were in the form of jars found in the Ophel area, Jerusalem."

In the broken jug, there is writing that can serve as historical evidence from that time. However, it was not until the year 2023 that the meaning of the writing was revealed by archaeologist Daniel Vainstub from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In the last 10 years, there have been more than 10 researchers who proposed the meaning of the words on the jug. Nevertheless, those proposals did not lead to an agreement. According to Live Science, from a study published in the Jerusalem Journal of Archeology, Dr. Daniel stated that the words engraved on the jug mean 'Ladanium 5'.

"'Ladanium 5' refers to the aromatic organic plant resin used as incense, namely Labdanum or Cistum ladanifer."

Unveiling the Mystery of Prophet Solomon's Treasure, which is Actually Kept by Israel, There are Clues Inside
Menggunakan Aksara Arab Selatan Kuno

Using Ancient South Arabian Script

The inscription on the jug is known to be written in the ancient South Arabian script in the Sabaean language. This is the language used during the time of the Bible in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically the Kingdom of Sheba, which is now Yemen.

The text also believed to be the oldest writing in Ancient South Arabian script discovered by archaeologists in Israel. In addition, six large-sized jugs were also found in 2012. It is suspected that these jug fragments date back to the 10th century BCE. Researchers believe that these jugs have a connection between King Salman and the Kingdom of Sheba. The Kingdom of Sheba played an important role in cultivating plants for perfume and incense production.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Kingdom of Sulaiman Controls Trade Route"

As explained in the interpretation of Al-Azhar by Hamka, Prophet Sulaiman was the absolute ruler over the leadership of the Children of Israel. His vast authority extended to the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Even his ships sailed as far as the Indian Ocean.

Kerajaan Sulaiman Mengontrol Rute Perdagangan

In addition, the kingdom of Solomon also controlled the trade routes that crossed the Negev Desert towards the Mediterranean port. This is where the goods were exported. Through the discovered jars, it has provided valuable information about the history of the past. Not only about the existence of the Sabaeans in Israel, but also about the existence of a geopolitical relationship system at that time.

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