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Foto-Foto Cak Imin Potong Tumpeng di IKN, Tersenyum Lebar Pose 'Saranghae'

Photos of Cak Imin Cutting the Tumpeng in IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose

"Dream - Inconsistent. That is Gibran's point of view on Cak Imin who rejects the development of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN). In the vice-presidential candidate debate at JCC on Friday night, December 22, 2023, Gibran even mentioned Cak Imin cutting the cone of rice at IKN."

Photos of Cak Imin Cutting Tumpeng at IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose

The Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) indeed held an event at the Zero Point of the National Capital (IKN). On April 20, 2022, a man named Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar attended the Nusantara Mengaji event. On the same date, Cak Imin also uploaded photos of the event to Instagram. There are four photos uploaded on the Instagram page @cakiminow. In those photos, Cak Imin and several people are seen posing with the Zero Point of IKN sign in the background. In front of them, several tables covered with green and white cloth are arranged, adorned with tumpeng.

Photos of Cak Imin Cutting Tumpeng at IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose

"In the first slide, Cak Imin, who is wearing a white shirt, is seen standing in the front row. He is in the middle. He is smiling broadly. His left hand is raised in front of his chest, with his thumb and index finger forming the letter C."

"In the second photo, Cak Imin, who is next to a man in military uniform, is seen cutting the yellow rice cone, the top of which is still covered with banana leaves."

Photos of Cak Imin Cutting Tumpeng at IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose
Photos of Cak Imin Cutting Tumpeng at IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose

"In the third photo, the tumpeng in front of Cak Imin has already been cut. A man in a military uniform next to Cak Imin is holding a plate with pieces of tumpeng. Meanwhile, Cak Imin is giving a thumbs up with both of his thumbs while smiling."

In the last portrait, everyone who appeared in the photo was seen raising their right hand in a 'saranghae' pose. Everyone, including Cak Imin, was smiling widely.

Photos of Cak Imin Cutting Tumpeng at IKN, Smiling Widely in a 'Saranghae' Pose

"Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara, Di titik nol IKN kita khatamkan AlQuran dari seluruh Indonesia menyatu memohon kepada Allah kesuksesan membangun Ibu Kota baru IKN Nusantara. @nusantaramengaji untuk keberhasilan pembangunan Nusantara," Translation: "The Capital City of Nusantara, At the zero point of IKN we complete the Quran from all over Indonesia united in asking Allah for the success of building the new Capital City IKN Nusantara. @nusantaramengaji for the success of Nusantara's development,"
"thus Cak Imin provided an explanation of the uploaded photos."

The text "" does not contain any translatable content as it appears to be a domain name. Therefore, the translation remains the same: ""


Wakil Ketua Umum PKB, Jazilul Fawaid, mengaku sebagai koordinator tumpengan yang dimaksud oleh Gibran. Dia mengatakan, tumpengan di IKN itu dilakukan dalam acara Nusantara Mengaji.

"I only recite there. So that the spirits disappear. It doesn't mean I agree. It's just our offering. That's in the forest. We want to see the area there where the community has nothing yet."

The translation of "tambah Jazilul." to English is "add Jazilul."

"In the event, Jazilul added, a Quran recital was held. Therefore, Cak Imin does not mean he agrees with the construction of the IKN. "It does not mean that Mr. Muhaimin agrees to that (build the IKN)," Jazilul emphasized."

He added that the event prayed for the development of the IKN to be a blessing. However, he said, the current development of the IKN has become a polemic, and there are still no foreign investors coming in. "But we pray that if that land is to be developed later, hopefully it will be a blessing, but the fact is that it has become a polemic this time with no investors coming as promised, this is just commitments. Mr. Muhaimin is not rejecting it. But he considers it not a priority," said Jazilul.

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