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Amalan Doa dan Dzikir Pencegah Penyakit Ain, Kenali Penyebab beserta Ciri-Cirinya

"Practice of Prayers and Remembrance as Prevention for Eye Diseases, Recognize the Causes and Their Characteristics"

Dream - Ain disease is a condition that is considered difficult to treat medically. It can affect anyone, including adults and children. Excessive envy and jealousy can also lead to serious health problems, even causing ain disease.

Practice of Prayer and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Disease, Recognize the Causes and Characteristics
Practice of Prayer and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Disease, Recognize the Causes and Characteristics

If the eye disease lasts for a long period of time, it can potentially cause death. Rasulullah SAW said: "Ain is truly real! If there is something that can precede fate, indeed, it is ain." (HR. Muslim)

"Understanding Eye Diseases"

Before knowing the prayers and remembrance to prevent the evil eye disease, also know its causes and characteristics. When people suddenly get sick without any clear reason, even doctors cannot diagnose their illness. Most likely, the condition is the evil eye disease. From Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha, she said: "The Prophet Shallallahu 'alaihi Wasallam used to ask me to be treated with ruqyah to cure the evil eye." (HR. Muslim no.2195)

From Jabir bin Abdillah radhiallahu'anhu, the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam said:
"The most common cause of death among my people after the decree of Allah is the evil eye.\u201d"

"(HR. Al Bazzar in Kasyful Astar, emphasized by Al-Albani in Shahih Al-Jami' no.1206)"


What Causes Eye Disease?

The disease of 'ain' is caused by feelings of envy and jealousy towards the good fortune of others. If someone feels envious of others and harbors feelings of jealousy, this can trigger the disease of 'ain'. In the Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah, it is explained, "Allah SWT commanded Prophet Muhammad SAW to seek protection from the envious person. In the Quran: '(QS. Al Falaq: 5) ... and from the evil of the envious person.' So, every person who causes the disease of 'ain' is an envious person, but not all envious people cause 'ain'."

"Excessive Admiration for Something"

Excessive admiration for something can also cause envy. Hadith from Abu Umamah bin Sahl, he said: "One day my father, Sahl bin Hunaif, was bathing in Al-Kharrar. He opened the robe he was wearing, and at that time Amir bin Rabi'ah saw him. And Sahl was a fair-skinned and beautiful person. So Amir bin Rabi'ah said, 'I have never seen such beautiful skin as I see today, even surpassing the skin of a young woman.'"

Then Sahl immediately fell ill at that place and his illness worsened. This was reported to the Prophet Muhammad, "Sahl is sick and he cannot accompany you, O Messenger of Allah." So the Prophet Muhammad visited Sahl, and then Sahl told the Prophet Muhammad about what Amir bin Rabi'ah had done. So the Prophet Muhammad said, "Why would someone hurt his brother? Why don't you pray for blessings? Indeed, the evil eye is real, so perform ablution for it!" Amir bin Rabi'ah then performed ablution to pour the water from his ablution on Sahl. Then Sahl recovered and left with the Prophet Muhammad. (Narrated by Malik in Al-Muwatha', authenticated by Al Albani in Silsilah Ash Shahihah)

Characteristics of People Affected by Eye Disease

Feeling dizzy constantly. Pain in the body that moves around. Yellowish face color, sometimes mixed with redness and blackness. Sweating a lot at night. Often feel nauseous and want to vomit. Loss of appetite. Often feel tingling in both hands.

"Next Characteristics"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The heart beats faster. Pain in specific parts of the body such as the lower back and shoulders. The chest feels tighter. Emotions are difficult to control and even become more temperamental. Experiencing health problems without clear causes and difficult to treat medically."


"How to Prevent Eye Diseases"

There are several ways to prevent ourselves from diseases caused by the evil eye or commonly known as "Ain". One way is by practicing prayers and remembrance as a prevention for the evil eye disease. The evil eye disease can also be prevented by maintaining religious practices, staying away from forbidden acts, repenting from all sins, protecting oneself from misguided desires, and practicing prayers and remembrance as a prevention for the evil eye disease. It is advisable to practice prayers and remembrance for the prevention of the evil eye disease every morning and evening, or before entering/leaving the house.

"Prayers and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Diseases"

The translation of the given text to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW taught a prayer to protect oneself from the evil eye. Here is the recitation of the prayer: U‘eedzuka bikalimâtillâhit tâmmati min kulli syaithânin, wa hâmmatin, wa min kulli ‘ainin lâmmah. Allâhumma bârik fîhi, wa lâ tadhurrah." Note: The HTML tags have been preserved in the translation.


"I entrust your protection with the perfect words of Allah from all disturbances of the devil, crawling creatures/insects, and all evil eye influences. My Lord, bestow your blessings upon this child. Do not allow anything to harm him/her."


The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The prayer to prevent the disease of Ain was apparently recited by Prophet Ibrahim AS to treat his sons, Ismail and Ishaq. This is based on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW narrated by Imam Abu Daud and Ibn Hibban. Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Your father (Prophet Ibrahim) used to treat Ismail and Ishaq with this prayer."

Practice of Prayer and Remembrance to Prevent Eye Disease, Recognize the Causes and Characteristics
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