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Prayer for Praying for Oneself and Ways to Become a Better Person

Prayer for Praying for Oneself and Ways to Become a Better Person

"Hopefully the goodness that comes is not just for oneself, but also for the surrounding environment."

Sure! Here’s the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "Dream - Prayers to pray for oneself are also very important to practice in daily life. Dream friends certainly hope to become better individuals, right? Well, besides striving to be a better person than before, such as developing one's potential and so on. Equally important is to accompany it with prayer. By doing so, hopefully, the goodness will not only benefit oneself but also the environment around us."

"Here is a prayer to pray for oneself and ways to become a better person as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Prayer for Praying for Oneself and How to Become a Better Person

"Prayer for Self-Improvement"

As Muslims, we should seek everything from Allah SWT alone.

Because Allah SWT is the Almighty and All-Knowing about everything we desire. In fact, Allah SWT knows what is best for His servants. Dream friends should also not forget to pray for themselves. This is very important because surely you also hope to become a better individual personally. In addition to striving according to your abilities, prayer is equally important.

Well, here is a prayer reading to pray for oneself that you can practice in your daily life: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذُنُبِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاهْدِنِي وَارْزُقْنِي Allahumma-ghfirli dhunubi warhamni wahdini warzuqni. It means: "O Allah, forgive my sins, love me, guide me, and provide sustenance for me." By practicing this collection of prayers, it is hoped that it can strengthen our relationship with Allah SWT and help us to live a life full of goodness and blessings.

"How to Become a Better Person"

"To become a better person, there are several ways that can be done. Among them are as follows."

Cara Menjadi Orang yang Lebih Baik

To become a better person, the first step is to introspect oneself. Recognize strengths and weaknesses in order to improve oneself. The second step is to set clear and realistic goals. By having goals, we can focus and be motivated to improve our quality. The third step is to learn from experiences and mistakes. This will help us grow and develop as individuals.

The fourth step is to maintain balance in life. Strive to balance between work, family, and time for yourself. The fifth step is to practice empathy and become more caring towards others. Finally, stay humble and open to learning from others.

Improving self-quality and doing good to others is very important in our lives. By improving ourselves, we can become better individuals and inspire others to do the same. In addition, doing good to others can create a positive and supportive environment. It can also enhance social relationships and strengthen connections between individuals.

"Thus, becoming a better person is not only beneficial for oneself, but also for the surrounding environment."

Prayer for Praying for Oneself and How to Become a Better Person
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