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"Scientists Say Most Humans Can Understand the Feelings of Chickens"

Most humans have an innate ability to understand chicken emotions, according to a new study. About 7 out of 10 people can tell whether the animal is happy or not based on the sounds they make, according to a group of Australian researchers. They published their findings in the Royal Society of Open Science.

"Before this research, scientists already knew that humans could interpret animal sounds. However, little was known about humans' ability to decipher whether these sounds were made in a "context that provides rewards or does not provide rewards." To investigate this, 194 participants were asked to listen to eight calls when the chickens anticipated rewards and eight calls when they did not. They were then asked whether they thought the chickens were expressing excitement or dissatisfaction."

69% Participants Answered Correctly

Overall, 69% of the participants answered correctly, indicating that humans know, just from the "crowing" of a chicken, whether they are happy or not. The participants were better at distinguishing enthusiastic calls, with 71% classified correctly, while 67% guessed negative calls.

"Studi kami memperkuat bukti bahwa manusia merasakan emosi di berbagai jenis, dan bahwa isyarat akustik spesifik mungkin mewujudkan sistem sinyal homolog di antara vertebrata," "Yang penting, manusia dapat mengidentifikasi panggilan terkait imbalan, dan kemampuan ini dapat meningkatkan pengelolaan ayam peternakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "such is the sound of the study."


This finding also provides confidence that those who currently care for farmed chickens can identify their emotional state even if they have no previous experience.

Scientists Say Most Humans Can Understand Chicken Emotions

"Ability to decipher emotional states in an alarm call helps the recipient determine the severity of the threat and is particularly advantageous in dangerous situations. Similarly, situations in which the recipient or sender would benefit from accurate perception of emotional states within a species, including territorial disputes, predator avoidance, social interaction, and newborn survival," the authors wrote.

"In future research, vocalization related to rewards and non-rewards can be considered as 'markers' of reliable internal conditions, enabling the development of automated assessment of good or bad well-being conditions in poultry management systems."

The study noted that it is unclear whether our familiarity with the animal affects the human ability to recognize such calls.

Scientists Say Most Humans Can Understand Chicken Emotions

Previous research has found that the ability to correctly distinguish calls is enhanced based on participants' experience with the intended species.

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