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Dream - Finding a job in today's era is indeed not easy. The tight competition, increasingly high qualifications, and limited job opportunities often make many people feel hopeless. However, in facing this difficult situation, we must not give up. Islam teaches that effort and prayer must go hand in hand. Striving to the best of our ability, honing our skills, and continuing to try are important steps that must be taken. However, on the other hand, we must also constantly accompany these efforts with prayers to Allah SWT, asking for ease and solutions to our difficulties.


Prayer for Quick Job Acceptance and Important Practices to Perform

"Because in the end, everything is in His grasp, and only with His help can all our efforts bear fruit. Below is a prayer reading to be accepted for work as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The translation of

The translation of "Doa agar Mendapatkan Pekerjaan" to English is "Prayer to Obtain a Job".

Here is the translation: "Here are some prayers to facilitate finding a job:"

"1. Prayer for Easing the Process of Finding a Job"

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: ```html Allahumma irdhanii bimaa radhita lii, wa 'aafinii fiimaa abqaita hatta laa uhibbu ta'jiila maa akhkharta, walaa ta'khira maa 'ajjalta. Meaning: "O Allah, make me content with the condition that You are pleased with for me, and grant me health as long as You allow me to live until I do not hasten to obtain what You have delayed, and do not want to delay what You have hastened." ```

"2. Prayer When Doing a Job Interview"

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Rabbishrahli shadrii wa yassirlii amrii wahlul 'uqdatan min lisaanii yafqahu qaulii. Artinya: "O my Lord, expand my chest, make my task easy for me, and loosen the knot from my tongue so that they may understand my speech.""

"3. Prayer for Success in Work"

The text translates to: "Allah, I ask You for the best of requests, the best of supplications, the best of success, the best of deeds, the best of rewards, the best of life, and the best of death. Make me steadfast and make my scales heavy, and elevate my faith and raise my ranks, and accept my prayers and forgive my sins, and I ask You for the highest ranks in Paradise."

Meaning: \

The translation of "Amalan agar Segera Mendapat Pekerjaan" to English is "Practices to Quickly Obtain a Job".

These practices are not only a form of spiritual effort, but also a way to draw closer to Allah SWT, asking for ease in all matters. Here are some practices that can be done:

Amalan agar Segera Mendapat Pekerjaan

"1. Increase Istighfar"

"Istighfar or seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT is a highly recommended practice. In the Al-Qur'an, Allah SWT promises that those who consistently seek forgiveness will be provided with sustenance from unexpected sources. Increasing istighfar helps to cleanse the heart from sins and brings us closer to His mercy."

"2. Dhuha Prayer"

"Sholat Dhuha is a sunnah prayer performed in the morning after sunrise. This prayer has the virtue of opening the doors of sustenance and bringing blessings in life. As a form of effort, Sholat Dhuha can be made a routine practice to ask for smoothness in obtaining employment."

The translation of "3. Sholat Tahajud" to English is "3. Night Prayer".

"Sholat Tahajud is a sunnah prayer that is performed in the last third of the night. This time is a very blessed moment for praying and asking for Allah SWT's help. By performing the Tahajud prayer, we ask Allah to grant us the best work and to ease all our affairs."

Prayer for Quick Job Acceptance and Important Practices to Perform

"3. Pray with the Good Names of Allah (Asmaul Husna)"

"Praying using Asmaul Husna, especially the names of Allah related to sustenance and ease, is one way to make our prayers more effective. For example, praying by mentioning the name "Ar-Razzaq" (The Most Generous Provider) and "Al-Fattah" (The Opener)."

The translation of "4. Bersedekah" to English is "4. Charity".

"Charity is a practice that can open the doors of sustenance. In the hadith, it is mentioned that charity can erase sins and protect oneself from calamities. By giving charity, we also contribute to helping others in need, and Allah will reward it in unexpected ways."

"5. Reading Surah Al-Waqi'ah"

"Surah Al-Waqi'ah is known as the surah that brings sustenance. Many scholars recommend reading this surah regularly, especially at night or in the morning, as an effort to facilitate sustenance and to be granted good employment."

Prayer for Quick Job Acceptance and Important Practices to Perform

"6. Be Grateful and Trust in God"

"Always be grateful for the blessings that have been given and have faith in Allah SWT after making an effort is the key to a peaceful heart. When someone is grateful, Allah SWT will increase those blessings. With faith, we surrender the results of every effort to Allah, believing that what He gives is the best."

Prayer for Quick Job Acceptance and Important Practices to Perform

"By practicing various forms of worship regularly and sincerely, insya Allah, the doors of sustenance and job opportunities will open wider. In addition, do not forget to keep striving, continue learning, and endeavor in seeking employment."

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