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"Prayer When Cycling and Tips to Avoid Getting Tired While Pedaling"

Cycling is one of the sports that is quite popular.

Prayer When Cycling and Tips to Avoid Getting Tired While Pedaling

Dream - Cycling has become an interesting choice of sport for some people. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when many people suddenly started hunting for bicycles for exercise. Not only does it improve physical fitness, but cycling also allows us to enjoy the scenery along the road.  

Sports should already be a routine for everyone to maintain fitness and keep their bodies healthy. Everyone's interest in sports is certainly different. However, whatever type of sport is pursued, its impact is certainly good for maintaining body stamina. The current condition has indeed entered the endemic stage. However, don't let your cycling routine be interrupted. Although not as crowded as during the pandemic, the cycling trend must be acknowledged as still being widely practiced in our society until now.

However, cycling activities are not without risks. There are various challenges that may arise during the journey. Injury or even accidents while cycling are very possible. To avoid various potential dangers, those who enjoy cycling should remain vigilant and cautious. This effort is accompanied by reading prayers for protection to Allah while cycling. This cycling prayer aims to seek safety for cyclists.

"Prayer for Cycling"

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prayer for cycling is basically the same as the words we recite when riding a vehicle. The prayer contains a request for protection during the journey from the Almighty. Here is the prayer for cycling that you can recite to seek His protection: Subhanalladzii sakkhara lanaa hadza wama kunna lahu muqriniin wa-inna ilaa rabbina lamunqalibuun. Meaning: "Glory be to the Lord who has subjected all of this to us, whereas we were unable to control it before, and indeed, we will return to our Lord."

"Prayer for Traveling by Bicycle"

The following text is a prayer for traveling far and can also be practiced as a prayer for cycling: ألهَمَِّهَهّهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّهاهانَّها&#

"Tips Cycling to Avoid Getting Tired"

After practicing and understanding the prayer during the journey using a bicycle, the next step is to perform your routine exercise properly and correctly. Good and safe cycling tips from various groups can be applied by you. By following these suggestions, we hope that the risk of fatigue or injury from cycling can be avoided. Here are some tips to reduce fatigue while cycling:

1. Warm-up and Cool-down

"Warming up before cycling helps prepare muscles and joints for physical activity. Light stretching and breathing exercises can help improve blood circulation. Cooling down after cycling helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid and restore the heart rate to normal. Perform stretching to relax tense muscles."

"Set Breathing Rhythm"

Focus on regular and deep breathing. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth regularly.

2. Speed and Acceleration Settings

Adjust your pace and acceleration to your physical condition. Avoid starting too fast or exerting excessive effort that can cause early fatigue.

2. Pengaturan Laju dan Percepatan
3. Use Teeth Wisely

3. Use Teeth Wisely

Choose the right gear for the terrain and speed conditions. Using gears that are too big can cause fatigue faster.


4. Nutrient and Fluid Intake

4. Nutrient and Fluid Consumption

Make sure your body is well hydrated and consume a balanced diet before cycling. During the journey, bring drinking water and light snacks that can provide energy.

5. Rest and Recovery

Rest regularly, especially if you feel tired. Short breaks can help restore energy and reduce the risk of injury.

5. Rest and Recovery
6. Exercise and Physical Conditioning

6. Exercise and Physical Conditioning

Do regular exercises to improve fitness and physical endurance. The stronger and more resilient your body is, the slower you will feel tired when cycling.

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