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Doa-Doa Istri untuk Keluarga Tercinta, Insya Allah Segera Dikabulkan Allah SWT

"Prayers of a Wife for Beloved Family, God Willing, Will Soon Be Granted by Allah SWT"

Wife, besides being a partner and mother to children, is also able to be a driver of her husband's success.

Dream - Praying for family is an act of worship that should not be neglected for the well-being of the husband, wife, and children. Especially when the prayer is offered by a wife, it is hoped that it will soon be granted by the Creator. The virtue of a wife's prayer was once mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him: "Indeed, the prayer that is immediately granted by Allah is the prayer of a (wife) to someone else (husband) who is not in the same place (far apart)." (HR. Tirmidhi) From this hadith, the role of a wife in a household is very important.

Wife is not only a partner and mother to children, but also becomes a driving force for her husband's success in seeking sustenance, namely through prayer. Here are the prayers of a wife for the family as summarized from various sources.

Prayers of Wives for Beloved Families, God Willing, Will Be Answered by Allah SWT

"Prayer of the Wife for the Family"

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The prayer of a wife offered for her husband and children is a powerful prayer. Here are the prayers of a wife for the family that can be practiced by Dream's friends."

Prayer for All Goodness

"Allah, extend our lives, grant health to our bodies, illuminate our hearts, strengthen our faith, improve our actions, expand our sustenance, bring us closer to goodness and keep us away from evil, fulfill our needs in this world and the hereafter, for indeed You are capable of all things. It means: O Allah, extend our lives, grant health to our bodies, illuminate our hearts, strengthen our faith, improve our actions, expand our sustenance."

Bring us closer to goodness and keep us away from evil, grant all our needs in religion, world, and hereafter. Indeed, You are Almighty over everything.

Prayers of Wives for Beloved Families, God Willing, Will Be Answered by Allah SWT

"Prayer for Husband to be Blessed with Wealth and Longevity"

"O Allah, increase the wealth of my husband and bless him in what You have given him, prolong his life in obedience to You, improve his deeds, and forgive his sins."

Prayer for Husband to be Given Ease and Forgiven of His Sins.

May Allah increase you in taqwa (piety), forgive your sins, and make things easier for you wherever you may be.

"Prayer for the Safety of Husband at Work"

"Astawdi'ullaha diinaka, wa amaanataka, wa khowaatiima 'amalik. Artinya: I entrust your religion, your trust, and your last deeds to Allah."

Doa Melepas Keperian Suami Bekerja

"Prayer for Children to Establish Prayer"

Rabbij'alni muqimas sholati wa min dzurriyati rabbana wa taqabbal du'a. Artinya: Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah aku dan keturunanku orang-orang yang tetap mendirikan salat, ya Tuhan kami perkenankanlah doaku. Translation: "O my Lord, make me and my descendants steadfast in establishing prayer, O our Lord, accept my supplication."

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