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The Great Secret behind Israel's Insistence on Dominating the Old City of Jerusalem

The Great Secret behind Israel's Insistence on Dominating the Old City of Jerusalem

Dream - Jerusalem is an ancient city that has been a center of dispute for thousands of years. Its presence holds great significance for three major religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The question is, why is Israel so insistent on controlling Jerusalem? It turns out, there is a big secret that is Israel's mission, which is to welcome the arrival of the "Messiah".

Rahasia Besar di Balik Alasan Israel Ngotot Kuasai Kota Tua Yerussalem

For the Jewish people, 'Messiah' is interpreted as their nation's savior. The establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine is considered a prerequisite for the arrival of the "False Messiah". Israel serves as a means to gather the Jewish diaspora and to rebuild the "Solomon's Temple".

In the book "The Diary of Dajjal" written by Noriagaa and Archenarh, two young Americans of Arab descent, the history of the Jewish people deviating from the teachings of the Torah is told. The Torah is the revelation given by God to Prophet Moses as a guide for the Children of Israel. They abandoned the Torah and followed the Talmud, which was written by humans (seventy Rabbis under the influence of the Babylonian regime at that time). The Talmud is now the source of law and belief for the Jewish people, with a main focus on Jerusalem and the "Solomon's Temple". The arrival of the "false Messiah" will be accompanied by the rebuilding of the "Solomon's Temple".

Misunderstanding about 'Sulaiman's Temple'

The definition of 'Kuil Sulaiman' is actually a mistake. It has no connection with the evil plans of that secret group with Prophet Sulaiman AS. At one point, Prophet Ya'kub built a mosque, and the structure was later developed by Prophet Sulaiman when he led his kingdom. This building is later known as Masjid Al-Aqsha. Prophet Sulaiman (known as Salomo in Jewish terms) established Masjid Al-Aqsha in the name of Allah in 950 BC.


Buried Under the Throne of Prophet Solomon

It is narrated that the Jews have deviated from the truth conveyed by the Prophets. They chose to follow the teachings of Satan since the reign of Prophet Solomon. During that period, Satan and his followers taught them magic before and during the reign of Prophet Solomon.


"After knowing this, Prophet Sulaiman gathered all the instructions and books of magic, and established the death penalty for anyone who studied and taught them. All the instructions and books of magic were then buried by Prophet Sulaiman beneath his throne. This is the great goal of Israel in wanting to rebuild "Temple of Sulaiman"."

Rahasia Besar di Balik Alasan Israel Ngotot Kuasai Kota Tua Yerussalem

Efforts to Obtain Hidden Treasures

Now the secret Zionist group of Israel has been excavating beneath the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque to retrieve the "hidden treasure". They are committed to achieving their goals without any hindrance. It is not an exaggeration to consider that Palestine may never know peace, considering that Palestine is regarded as the center of a global conspiracy. Slowly but surely, this conspiracy is being designed by Zionist Israel to welcome the arrival of Dajjal.

Rahasia Besar di Balik Alasan Israel Ngotot Kuasai Kota Tua Yerussalem

Many of us are not aware of the existence of Masjid Al-Aqsa, and this does not happen without reason. The building often referred to as Masjid Al-Aqsa is the Dome of the Rock, or Masjid Qubbah as-Sakhrah, which is also known as the Dome of the Rock!

Dome of Rock

In Arabic, Dome of the Rock is known as Masjid Qubbah as-Sakhrah. In Hebrew, it is called Kipat Hasela, while in Turkish, it is referred to as Kubbetas Sahra. This place of worship is located in Temple Mount, Jerusalem, and is considered a holy site for Muslims. The construction of Dome of the Rock took place between 685 and 691 AD, initiated by Umayyad Caliph, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan. The project was led by two engineers, Yazin Ibn Salam from Jerusalem and Raja Ibn Haywah from Baysan. Abdul Malik hoped that this building would become a "home for Muslims, protecting them from heat and cold," and serve as a place of pilgrimage.

is not .

There is a report stating that Khalifah Umar bin Khattab once established prayer in this place and placed a stone. However, whenever the name Masjid Al-Aqsa appears in the news, both in Muslim and Western media, what is often shown is the Dome of the Rock or Kubah as-Shakhrah. This is a deliberate effort to manipulate the world's population into believing that the Dome of the Rock is Masjid Al-Aqsa. Thus, when the actual Masjid Al-Aqsa is destroyed, only a few people realize it.

"Unveiling the Secrets of Zionist Israel in Al-Aqsa Mosque"

Now, let's open our eyes. The Zionist Israel group is planning a dark agenda. They are secretly excavating under the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The destruction of this holy place is considered a significant sign for the arrival of Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi in the end times. However, what is the real purpose of the digging under the Al-Aqsa Mosque? Are they still searching for the "hidden treasure" mentioned?



Treasure Hidden Has Been Found

Treasure Hidden Has Been Found

Actually, that is not the purpose of excavation. Because the treasure has been found centuries ago, and we also know who found it. The treasure in question far exceeds anyone's imagination. What the Templar Knights found was a forbidden magic book.

Through this treasure, they learn the secret art that later forms the foundation of the Illuminati group. By performing worship rituals to the devil, they use this art to dominate and control the world. Willingly, they sell their souls to the devil, and through a series of occult worship rituals. This knowledge is never written, but conveyed through symbols, rituals, and architectural designs. So, if this treasure has been discovered, why are there still excavations beneath the current Masjid Al-Aqsa building?

Destruction of Masjid Al-Aqsha

Al-Aqsa, known as Temple Mount in Hebrew (Har haBayit) or al-Haram al-Quds ash-Sharif in Arabic, is a holy site in the Old City of Jerusalem. Here stand two historic buildings, namely the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. For centuries, Temple Mount in Jerusalem has been a battleground between major monotheistic religions, leading to bloodshed and loss of life. The ongoing excavations aim to destroy this mosque in preparation for the arrival of the "false Messiah" or Dajjal, their leader.

"Interpretation of Sulaiman Temple Location"

The arrival of this king must be welcomed with the resurrection of the Temple of Solomon. To achieve this goal, the Al-Aqsa Mosque must be destroyed. Israel has carried out this destruction with a terrible method. There are many interpretations regarding the meaning of the Temple of Solomon for the Jewish people. Some mention that the Temple of Solomon is located to the south of the Dome of the Rock.

Rahasia Besar di Balik Alasan Israel Ngotot Kuasai Kota Tua Yerussalem

Other versions state that the Jewish people believe that the foundation of Solomon's Temple is located in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. While another version asserts that it is not Al-Aqsa that captivates the Jewish nation, but rather the symbol of Solomon's Temple itself.

"Tembok Ratapan" translates to "Wailing Wall" in English.

In early February 2007, the Israeli government began excavations outside the Temple Mount complex, near the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as on the western wall. The western wall is considered by Jews as the remaining ruins of the standing Solomon's Temple, and they refer to it as the Wailing Wall, one of the holiest places for the Jewish people.


The excavation aims to build a permanent barrier wall towards one of the gates of Temple Mount. This action has sparked anger among the Muslim community in the Palestinian and Israeli regions, with Muslim leaders mentioning the existence of more covert excavations being carried out. It has been revealed that tunnels were made from various directions, including towards the sacred area of Masjid Al-Aqsa. Muslims are concerned that this step could destroy Al-Aqsa and trigger a major religious conflict in the world.

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