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KPK Forcefully Retrieves Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Handcuffed.

KPK Forcefully Retrieves Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Handcuffed.

KPK Forcibly Arrests Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Hands Handcuffed

Dream - KPK forcibly picks up former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, on Thursday, October 12, 2023. According to, Syahrul, wearing a hat and mask, arrived at the KPK Building with handcuffs. Syahrul was immediately escorted to the upper floor of the KPK Building.

Kasus Korupsi

"Corruption Case"

KPK appoints Syahrul Yasin Limpo as a suspect in a corruption case of abuse of power, including participation in procurement of goods and services, accompanied by acceptance of gratification within the Ministry of Agriculture's environment.

"Syahrul Yasin Limpo is charged as a suspect along with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Sekjen Kementan) Kasdi Subagyono (KS) and the Director of Agricultural Tools and Machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta (MH). 'By appointing and deciding the suspects as follows, one SYL Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia,' said Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Johanis Tanak."

KPK Forcibly Arrests Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Hands Handcuffed

Syahrul Yasin Limpo is scheduled to be examined as a witness on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. However, he did not come with the reason of visiting his sick parents in his hometown, South Sulawesi. "I respect the KPK, but please allow me to meet my mother in the village first," said Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Here are the facts about Syahrul Yasin Limpo being a corruption suspect in the Ministry of Agriculture.

1. Order Subordinates to Collect Money from Ministry of Agriculture Officials

Johanis Tanak explained that when Syahrul Yasin Limpo held the position of Minister of Agriculture, he promoted both of his subordinates. Then, Syahrul Yasin Limpo made a policy that resulted in extortion within the position.


"SYL then made a personal policy regarding the collection and deposit of funds, including from internal Kementan ASN, to meet personal needs including immediate family,"
"Johanis said, quoted from"

"" (no translation needed)

Johanis mentioned that Syahrul Yasin Limpo assigned Kasdi and Hatta to withdraw a certain amount of money from level I and level II units in the form of cash delivery, bank account transfer, and providing goods or services. "SYL instructed by assigning KS and MH to withdraw a certain amount of money from level I and level II units in the form of cash delivery, bank account transfer, and providing goods or services," said Johanis Tanak.

2. Corrupt Money Used to Pay Credit Installments and Alphard

2. Corrupt Money Used to Pay Credit Installments and Alphard

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Source of funds comes from the realization of the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture that has been marked up, including requests for money from vendors who have projects in the Ministry of Agriculture."

"On the instructions of SYL, Johanis Tanak, KS, and MH ordered their subordinates to collect a certain amount of money within the scope of echelon I, including the Directors General, Heads of Agencies, and Secretaries at each echelon I, with a predetermined amount set by SYL ranging from US$4,000 to US$10,000. "The use of money by SYL, which was also known by KS and MH, included payment of credit card installments and installments for the purchase of SYL's Alphard car," he added."


3. Total Corruption Rp13.9 Billion

Johanis mentioned, until now, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has found a total of Rp13.9 billion in corrupt money enjoyed by Syahrul Yasin Limpo together with KS and MH.

"Thus far, the money enjoyed by SYL together with KS and MH amounts to approximately Rp13.9 billion, and a more thorough investigation is still being conducted by the investigative team,"

tutur Johanis Tanak.

4. Sue the KPK

Not accepting being designated as a suspect, Syahrul Yasin Limpo filed a pretrial lawsuit to the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel). This lawsuit is directed towards the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). SYL filed this pretrial lawsuit to examine the legitimacy of his status as a suspect in the anti-corruption institution.

KPK Forcibly Arrests Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Hands Handcuffed

"114/Pid.Pra/2023/PN JKT.SEL: Whether the determination of the suspect is valid or not. Applicant: Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Respondent: Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia," said the spokesperson of South Jakarta District Court, Djumyanto."

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