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It turns out that he is the first person to hold the title of Habib, the 28th descendant of Prophet Muhammad, not just any name.

It turns out that he is the first person to hold the title of Habib, the 28th descendant of Prophet Muhammad, not just any name.

Dream - Some Muslims may already be familiar with the term habib. This term comes from the Arabic language which means beloved or loved. Arabs usually write it as 'habeeb' which means a respected figure. Meanwhile, the term habaib is the plural form of the word habib. In Indonesia itself, many people are called habib. There is even an association whose members are habaib. So who is the first person to bear the title habib?

"Descendants of Prophet Muhammad SAW"

In essence, the term "habib" is used to refer to individuals who are believed to still have a genealogical connection to Prophet Muhammad SAW. The term "habib" for the Hadrami community in Yemen, scattered throughout the world, is a title for the Sayyid Ba 'Alawi or the descendants of Prophet Muhammad SAW through the lineage of Sayyidina Alwi bin Ubaidillah.

Turns Out This is the First Person to Hold the Title of Habib, the 28th Descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, Not Just a Random Call

Husein Muhammad Alkaff in the book "Thoughts and Teachings of the Sayyid Ba 'Alawi from Time to Time" explains how the descendants of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can be called habib and sayyid.

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"The Person who Holds the Title of Habib for the First Time"

While the first person to hold the title of habib was Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Alattas who lived during 992-1072 Hijri or 1572-1652 AD. Habib Umar was born in Lisk Village, near Inat City, Hadhramaut, Yemen.

Author Ratib Al-Athas

Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Alattas is a scholar who composed Ratib Al-Athas, which is famous among the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. He was the first to be given the title Al-Atthas, which means a person who is pure.

Author Ratib Al-Athas

The previous descendants were not called Habib.

Before Habib Umar, the descendants of Sayyid Alwi bin Ubaidillah were not called habib. Instead, they were called sayyid, imam, and syaikh. For example, Imam Sayyid Ahmad bin Isa Al-Muhajir who lived during the period of 273-345 Hijriyah or 873-956 AD. Then there is Imam Sayyid Muhammad bin Ali Al-Faqih Al-Muqaddam, Syeikh Abdurrahman Assegaf bin Muhammad Mawladawilah, and other descendants before Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Alattas.

"Criteria for Calling Habib"

Based on the information from Habib Zain bin Smith, the title "habib" was originally given only to the knowledgeable and highly dedicated Sayyid Ba'Alawi individuals in the community. Meanwhile, those who are considered ordinary are called Sayyid. In some regions, they are often referred to as Iyek, Ayip, or Wan.


"Form of Love and Respect"

The first person to receive the title of habib (Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Alattas) has a high dedication and integrity, so people around him call him habib or honorable and beloved person. Not only that, Habib Umar also has a high level of knowledge along with his extraordinary deeds.

Kapasitas untuk Sebutan Habib

Capacity for the title of Habib

Furthermore, the people around also attach the title of "habib" to the Sayyid Ba'Alawi who have the same capacity as Habib Umar. For example, Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Al-Haddad and other great scholars who are descendants of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"Shifting Meaning"

However, now the title of "Habib" is not only given to Sayyid Ba 'Alawi who has integrity and sufficient scholarly capacity. Lately, especially in Jakarta and its surrounding areas, the title of "Habib" is also given to all Sayyid Ba 'Alawi, including those who are not scholars. In some Ba 'Alawi families, the word "Habib" is also used to refer to grandfathers. Meanwhile, the term for grandmothers is Hubaabah or Hababah.


Sayyid Non Ba 'Alawi

Besides the descendants of Sayyid Alwi bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad Al-Muhajir, other sayyids are scattered in various parts of the world, such as Imam Ahmad Al-Muhajir who has 29 siblings and has descendants in Iraq and Iran. Not to mention the descendants from his father and grandfathers. Besides Imam Husein bin Ali bin Abi Thalib, Imam Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Thalib also has many descendants. Such as the Sayyid Thaba'thaba'I, Al-Idris, and others. As descendants of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, of course, the sayyids have the nobility of lineage that is connected to him SAW.

"All Have Noble Lineage"

"Thus, both the Ba 'Alawi and non-Ba 'Alawi sayyids, all have noble lineage because their bloodline is connected to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This nobility applies as long as these sayyids or habibs continue to propagate the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW with steadfastness and high dedication in society to promote a peaceful Islam."



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Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-Attas Translation: Genealogy of Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-Attas

Habib Umar Al-Attas is the 28th descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW from the lineage of Sayyidina Husein bin Ali bin Abi Thalib. He passed away at the age of 80 and was buried in the city of Huraidhah, Hadhramaut, Yemen.

"Full Name"

Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman bin Agil bin Salim bin Ubaidillah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman as-Seggaf bin Muhammad Mauladdawilah bin Ali bin Alawi al Ghoyur bin Al-Faqih Al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Imam Muhammad Shahib Mirbath bin Ali bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Ubaidullah bin Imam Ahmad Al-Muhajir bin Isa bin Muhammad an Naqib bin Imam Ali al Uraidhi bin Ja'far as Shadiq bin Imam Muhammad al Baqir bin Imam Ali Zainal Abidin bin Sayyidina Husein bin Sayyitina Fatimah az-Zahra radhiyallahu 'anha binti Nabi Muhammad SAW. Translation: Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman bin Agil bin Salim bin Ubaidillah bin Abdurrahman bin Abdullah bin Abdurrahman as-Seggaf bin Muhammad Mauladdawilah bin Ali bin Alawi al Ghoyur bin Al-Faqih Al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Imam Muhammad Shahib Mirbath bin Ali bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Ubaidullah bin Imam Ahmad Al-Muhajir bin Isa bin Muhammad an Naqib bin Imam Ali al Uraidhi bin Ja'far as Shadiq bin Imam Muhammad al Baqir bin Imam Ali Zainal Abidin bin Sayyidina Husein bin Sayyitina Fatimah az-Zahra, may Allah be pleased with her, daughter of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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