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10 Nabi yang Pernah Tinggal di Palestina ‘Negeri Para Anbiya’, Ini Kisah dan Situs yang Masih Ada Hingga Sekarang

10 Prophets who have lived in Palestine 'The Land of the Prophets', This is the Story and Sites that Still Exist Until Now

Dream - Palestine was once known as the Land of Sham, which was a trading destination for the Quraysh people. In addition, Palestine is also known as the Land of the Prophets because in its history, it is the only region that has been visited by the prophets and messengers of Allah SWT.

10 Nabi yang Pernah Tinggal di Palestina ‘Negeri Para Anbiya’, Ini Kisahnya dan Situs yang Masih Ada Hingga Sekarang

Palestine is a land blessed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as stated in His book. That is why Palestine is known as the land of the prophets. Despite its journey, Palestine has become a disputed territory claimed by Israel, which is a country based on Jewish people. Perhaps this is where its blessings lie, as both a blessing and a test for the Palestinian people that has lasted for decades. However, the reward in the hereafter will surely be immense from Allah SWT.

10 Nabi yang Pernah Tinggal di Palestina ‘Negeri Para Anbiya’, Ini Kisahnya dan Situs yang Masih Ada Hingga Sekarang

Then who are the prophets who have ever lived or stayed in Palestine? Listen to the story of the prophets who have lived in Palestine as Dream summarized from various sources!

1. Prophet Ibrahim AS

"Nabi Ibrahim received the title of father from the prophets. Miracles and tests accompanied Nabi Ibrahim throughout his life. The hardships of Nabi Ibrahim's life actually brought him closer to the Creator. The celebration of Eid al-Adha in Islam is a form of respect for the Prophet. Nabi Ibrahim also spent a lot of time in Palestine with his family. That is why the tomb of Nabi Ibrahim is located in the Al-Khalil Mosque, Hebron, the West Bank, next to the tomb of his wife, Sarah. Not far to the west of Hebron, there is the "Oak of Ibrahim" tree, which is a legendary site where Nabi Ibrahim set up his tent during his time in Palestine. This tree is estimated to be 5,000 years old."

2. Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The final prophet of the end times also once visited Baitul Maqdis or Masjidil Aqsha during the Isra' Mi'raj journey. The Masjidil Aqsha visited by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is located in the Jerusalem City area. This mosque is the third holy building in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Masjidil Aqsha is a historical site that serves as evidence of the spiritual journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW. He led the prayers of the prophets in that mosque. This is why Baitul Maqdis holds significant and valuable historical meaning for Muslims worldwide. "

3. Prophet Solomon AS

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Son of Prophet David (AS) was indeed born in Jerusalem. Allah blessed Prophet Solomon with many miracles, including the ability to communicate with animals and jinn. Prophet Solomon ruled over Palestine for 30 years. With his miracles, Prophet Solomon commanded the jinn to repair the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. If you enter the complex of Al-Aqsa Mosque, you will come across the tomb of Prophet Solomon, which is said to be the place where he passed away while holding his staff."


4. Prophet Joseph AS

Nabi Yusuf AS turned out to be a prophet who was born in Jerusalem. He is the beloved son of Prophet Ya'qub AS. In Palestine, the Site of Jubb Yussef can be found in Galilee, which is believed to be the well where Prophet Yusuf was thrown into by his brothers. Prophet Yusuf is estimated to be the last prophet buried in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, the West Bank.

4. Nabi Yusuf AS

5. Prophet Ya'kub AS

Nabi Ya'kub AS is the son of Nabi Ishaq AS who was born in Palestine. Nabi Ya'kub spread the religion of monotheism to his followers, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. When he grew up, Nabi Ya'kub traveled to northern Iraq, then returned to Palestine, until finally settling in Egypt until his death. However, he was buried in Hebron, Palestine, together with the grave of his father. His grave is located inside the Mosque of Ibrahimi along with the graves of Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ishaq, and his son, Nabi Yusuf.


6. Prophet Lut (AS)

Prophet Luth (AS) is the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Prophet Luth was assigned the task of preaching to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is believed that these people used to live in a place called the Dead Sea, a salt lake located between the West Bank and Jordan. The tomb of Prophet Luth is located in the city of Palestine, in the southern part of Hebron, West Bank.

7. Prophet Isaac AS

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Nabi Ishaq is the second son of Prophet Ibrahim AS. He was born in Palestine and continued his father's mission to spread the message of monotheism to the people of the earth. His tomb is located in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Hebron Hills and is considered the most religious site in Islam."

8. Prophet Moses AS

Nabi Musa AS received Allah's revelation in the form of the book of Taurat for his people, the Children of Israel. Khalifah Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi once dreamt that Nabi Musa was buried in the south of Jericho, West Bank, Palestine. Subsequently, a mosque was built at that location to honor Nabi Musa. The mosque's location is part of one of the largest religious architectural complexes in Palestine.


9. Prophet Isa AS

Most scholars mention that Prophet Isa AS was born in Bethlehem (West Bank) and spent his life in Palestine spreading the religion of Allah SWT. Many miracles were given to Prophet Isa, one of which was the ability to bring the dead back to life. Scientists predict that the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank was built on the site of Prophet Isa's birth. A stone block inside the church marks the point of the palm tree, where his mother (Siti Maryam) groaned in pain while giving birth to Prophet Isa. Meanwhile, the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is said to be the site where Prophet Isa ascended to heaven.

10. Nabi Daud AS

10. Prophet David AS

Nabi Daud once lived in Palestine and became a leader there for 40 years, namely 7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem. He is known for his wisdom, strength, and devotion to Allah SWT. His reign played an important role in the formation of religious architecture in Jerusalem.

10 Nabi yang Pernah Tinggal di Palestina ‘Negeri Para Anbiya’, Ini Kisahnya dan Situs yang Masih Ada Hingga Sekarang

That is the story of the prophets who once lived in Palestine. Thus it is clear that the land of Palestine is a blessed land by Allah and holds important and valuable history for the Muslim community.

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