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New Chapter of Ronald Tannur's Case: Father Apologizes, Dini's Family Offered Settlement Money to Withdraw the Report.

New Chapter of Ronald Tannur's Case: Father Apologizes, Dini's Family Offered Settlement Money to Withdraw the Report.

New Chapter in Ronald Tannur's Case: Father Apologizes, Dini's Family Offered Money for Withdrawing the Report

Dream - Gregorius Ronald Tannur (31), son of Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (DPR RI) member from the National Awakening Party (PKB), Edward Tannur, assaulted his girlfriend, Dini Sera Afrianti (29), resulting in her death. Dini was found dead in her apartment on Puncak Indah Lontar Street, Surabaya, on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

"Appointed Suspect"

Ronald has been designated as a suspect and detained. Surabaya Metropolitan Police held a reconstruction at Blackhole KTV & Club and the basement parking lot of Lenmarc Mall, Surabaya, on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Surabaya Metropolitan Police's Criminal Investigation Unit Chief, Commissioner Teguh Setiawan, said the reconstruction demonstrated the events from when the perpetrator and the victim arrived until they left the scene between October 3-4, 2023.

Dikenakan Pasal Pembunuhan

"Dikenakan Pasal Pembunuhan" translates to "Charged with the Article of Murder" in English.

"Ronald Tannur is charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code which regulates the act of murder with a penalty of 15 years imprisonment."

"From the results of the case, it is concluded that there is a belief by the investigator regarding the occurrence of a criminal act of causing the death of another person and/or assault, so it is agreed that we will apply article 338 of the Penal Code as a subsidiary to article 351 paragraph 3 of the Penal Code."
According to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Surabaya Metropolitan Police, AKBP Hendro Sukmono, on Wednesday, October 11, 2023.



"Edward Tannur Apologizes"

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, PKB Faction, Edward Tannur, made his first public appearance after his son, Gregorius Ronald Tannur, was named a suspect in the murder case of his own girlfriend, Dini Sera Afrianti (29).

Edward expressed his condolences for the death of Dini and regretted his son's actions. He stated that he would follow the case transparently. "In a good, orderly, and transparent manner, I would like to convey to the media friends that I deeply sympathize and regret Ronald's actions because this incident was not expected by all of us," said Edward. Edward also apologized for his son's behavior in assaulting Dini until her death. He admitted that Ronald's behavior was far from the values they had taught as parents.

"And the sincerest apologies and deepest regrets for the passing of our sister Dini Sera Afrianti, as parents, we have never taught our children to engage in inhumane actions," he said. Edward hopes that his child can take responsibility for his own actions considering that he is already an adult. "It is out of character for him to harm others. But Ronald is already an adult, he is 31 years old, so I believe that he should be held accountable for what he has done, both in the eyes of the law, legal process, and in the eyes of God. In the afterlife, it is impossible for him to commit legal mistakes or violations. It is not possible for me to go to prison," he explained.

Korban Ditawari Uang Damai

"Offered Compensation Money"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The victim's sister, Elsa Rahayu (25), revealed that residents of Sukabumi claimed to be her family members working as members of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (DPR-RI) and in the same commission as the perpetrator's father on Tuesday morning."

"This yesterday, our family was visited by someone named Fauzi as an intermediary claiming to be from the perpetrator's side. He said he was from a commission with Ronald's father and told him to come here," said Elsa, quoted from, Thursday, October 12, 2023. She explained that the person claimed to want to convey a number of assistance offers. "So, he was told by Ronald's father, he said, do you have any family in Sukabumi? Please help find the victim's house, and invite him to meet my family," she explained. The perpetrator's family intends to provide assistance to the victim's child who is currently in 6th grade of elementary school."

"He said it was only for Dede, but he didn't want cash, he wanted to do it via transfer because it was a large amount. But, people said that Teteh shouldn't tell the lawyer or anyone else, only us who know about it here," said Elsa. The victim's legal representative, Dimas Yemahura Alfarau, said that Dini's family received an offer of money to reconcile by withdrawing the report to the Surabaya Metropolitan Police. "I am from the legal team of the late Dini's family, and with this video, we as a family clarify many things that have been circulating in the mass media, including bad intentions or allegations of intervention from certain parties, who are trying to influence the family to make peace," he said."

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