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6 Interesting Facts about the Children of Israel and Their Stories that are Frequently Mentioned in the Quran, Dozens of Prophets Were Sent but They Still Refused to Believe.

6 Interesting Facts about the Children of Israel and Their Stories that are Frequently Mentioned in the Quran, Dozens of Prophets Were Sent but They Still Refused to Believe.

Dream - Bani Israil is a community that has a long history related to the Abrahamic religions. The story of Bani Israil is also mentioned many times in the Quran. For Muslims, the term Bani Israil may already be familiar. Or even most of them already know the story.

6 Interesting Facts about the Children of Israel and Their Stories Mentioned in the Quran, Dozens of Prophets Were Sent but Still Refused to Believe
6 Interesting Facts about the Children of Israel and Their Stories Mentioned in the Quran, Dozens of Prophets Were Sent but Still Refused to Believe

"Behind the unique and even annoying story of the Bani Israil, several interesting facts that Muslims need to know are discovered. What are they? Let's find out the complete story below!"

1. Descendants of Prophet Ya'kub

Bani Israil is descended from the Prophet Ya'qub bin Ishaq AS. He had 12 sons, each named Ruben, Simon, Lewi, Yehuda, Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asyer, Isakhar, Zebulon, Benjamin, and Yusuf. From these twelve sons, the Bani Israil community was born, with their history beginning in Egypt. The Bani Israil community lived at least until the time of the tyranny of Pharaoh.


2. Twelve Prophets Sent to Guide the Children of Israel

Bani Israil seems to be a quite special community, both in terms of their goodness and their badness. How come? At least 12 prophets have been sent to guide Bani Israil. However, despite all the messengers sent by Allah, Bani Israil remains a stubborn people, rebellious and unwilling to follow the teachings of monotheism. In addition to Prophet Ya'qub, Prophet Yusuf, and Prophet Musa, there are still many other prophets who were sent to guide Bani Israil. Such as Prophet Harun, Prophet Ilyas, Prophet Ilyasaa, Prophet Yunus, Prophet Daud, Prophet Sulaiman, Prophet Zakaria, Prophet Yahya, and even Prophet Isa.

3. The People Mentioned in the Quran

Interesting facts about Bani Israil next is that this community is the most mentioned community in the Quran. The stories presented in the Quran about Bani Israil are also very diverse. Not only the privileges, but also the shortcomings of Bani Israil are thoroughly discussed in the Quran as a reminder for the Muslim community.

4. Tidak Mau Bertauhid

4. Do Not Want to Believe in One God

"Although 12 prophets have been sent to guide the Children of Israel, this community finds it difficult to follow the teachings of monotheism. Here we know that the Children of Israel are among the ignorant and rebellious."

"God SWT said:"
"And [remember] when We took the covenant from the Children of Israel, 'Do not worship except Allah; and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah.' Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing."

"(QS. Al-Baqarah: 83)" translates to "(Surah Al-Baqarah: 83)" in English.

6 Interesting Facts about the Children of Israel and Their Stories Mentioned in the Quran, Dozens of Prophets Were Sent but Still Refused to Believe

The above verse proves that the Children of Israel were commanded to worship one God but intentionally refused what Allah SWT commanded.

5. The Story Becomes a Lesson for Muslims

There is a reasonable reason why you are mentioned frequently in the Quran. One reasonable opinion is that the story of the Children of Israel can be a lesson for the Muslim community to avoid making mistakes like this community has done.

5. The Story Becomes a Lesson for Muslims

6. Different from Israel

It needs to be understood that the people of Bani Israil are different from the people in the country of Israel. Because many assume that Bani Israil is the same as the country of Israel. Remember, Bani Israil is a term for the descendants of Prophet Ya'kub. Meanwhile, Israel is a country in West Asia whose majority of the population are Jewish.

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