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"Be wary of the punishment for underestimating the obligatory prayers, be prepared to be consumed by the ferocity of the Saqar Hell!"

Dream - Daily busyness is often used as an excuse for a Muslim to neglect the obligatory prayers. Whereas the five daily prayers are a duty and there are consequences if a Muslim fails to fulfill them.

Beware of the Punishment for Underestimating the Obligatory Prayer, Get Ready to be Devoured by the Cruelty of Hellfire Saqar!
Beware of the Punishment for Underestimating the Obligatory Prayer, Get Ready to be Devoured by the Cruelty of Hellfire Saqar!

Praying is the pillar of religion, just as a building will collapse if it has no pillar. Similarly, in practicing religion, if prayer is not performed, the religion one possesses will not be complete.

Imam Hasan Bashri once said,
"O mankind! What other worship do you still value in your religion, if you consider prayer as insignificant."

"(Mausu’ah Ibnu Abi Ad-Dunya)" translates to "(Encyclopedia of Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya)" in English.

Beware of the Punishment for Underestimating the Obligatory Prayer, Get Ready to be Devoured by the Cruelty of Hellfire Saqar!

Praying is not just an obligation for Muslims, but also a necessity. Therefore, prayer must be fulfilled because humans need it. This is the true meaning of prayer. Because in truth, it is humans who need it, they need to rely on Allah SWT through the means of prayer.

"Due to Underestimating the Obligatory Prayer"

The act of underestimating prayer has a negative impact on a Muslim. An example of behavior that underestimates prayer is neglecting prayer and delaying prayer even though the time has come. However, delaying prayer means delaying goodness and blessings that will come to him. The essence of prayer is the culmination of all goodness. Someone who improves their prayer is indirectly improving their life.

Calon Penghuni Neraka Saqar

"Calon Penghuni Neraka Saqar" translates to "Potential Inhabitants of Hell Saqar" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The threat to those who underestimate this prayer should be a concern for every Muslim. The threat from Allah is very serious, including for those who underestimate the five daily prayers. One of the threats of underestimating the obligatory prayer is being thrown into the Saqar hellfire."

What is Saqar Hell?

Hell Saqar is a hell prepared for those who do not perform prayers, do not feed the poor, and those who speak falsehood. Not only for those who do not perform prayers, Saqar is also intended for those who are lazy, underestimate, and delay the obligatory prayers.

Apa Itu Neraka Saqar?

"Allah SWT said:"
What brought you into Saqar (hell)? They answered: "We used to not be among those who performed prayers."

"(Quran Surat Al-Mudatsir Ayat 42-43)" translates to "(Quran Surah Al-Muddathir Verse 42-43)"


"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:"
Translation: The separation between a person and polytheism and disbelief is leaving the prayer.

"(HR. Muslim)" translates to "(Narrated by Muslim)" in English.


"In Misguidance"

People who abandon or neglect their prayers will be in a state of misguidance. The Hellfire Saqar will devour the blood, flesh, and bones of its inhabitants, as described in the Quran, Surah Al-Mudatsir verses 27 to 30: "Do you know what Saqar is? It does not leave anything (of the human body) and does not spare (it from punishment). It burns the skin of humans. Above it are nineteen (guardian angels)."


"First Time Calculating Prayer"

Rasulullah SAW said: "The first deed that will be taken into account from a servant on the Day of Judgment is their prayer. If their prayer is good, then they are fortunate and saved. If their prayer is flawed, then they will suffer loss and destruction. If there are any obligatory prayers that are lacking, then Allah will say: 'Look, does My servant have any voluntary prayers?' Then, what is lacking from the obligatory prayer will be completed. And this applies to all other deeds." (HR. At-Tirmidzi)

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