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Niat Kasih Kejutan Hamil ke Suami, Istri Malah Dimarahi

"Intention to Surprise Husband with Pregnancy, Wife Ends Up Being Scolded"

Dream - Having children is one of the dreams for those who have built a household. Children can be a complement in married life. Marriage feels empty and hollow without the presence of children.

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens
Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

"Unfortunately, not all married couples can easily have children. Sometimes they experience health problems, both affecting the husband and the wife."

Therefore, many married couples try hard to have children. They try various therapies and treatments to conceive. However, it's not the same with the story of a married couple shared on Instagram @abouthetic. When the wife announced that she was pregnant, the husband got angry instead.

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

In the WhatsApp chat screenshot, the wife joyfully informs her husband that she is pregnant.

"She showed the test pack results that showed two lines, which means she is pregnant. 'Darling, thank God I'm positive \ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude07,' said the wife to her husband."

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

"Unexpected Reply"

However, the wife did not expect when she received a response from her husband. Instead of being happy, the husband questioned his wife's pregnancy. "Huh, how is that possible? Didn't you take birth control pills?" asked the husband in astonishment upon hearing the news that his wife, who was on birth control, could get pregnant.

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

The wife explained that she indeed took birth control pills. But since taking birth control pills, she often experienced stomach cramps. Since then, the wife stopped taking birth control pills because she couldn't tolerate the side effects.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Si suami tambah marah dan menganggap istrinya bodoh. Menurutnya, KB bukan hanya pil karena masih ada IUD. "Nah itu namanya bodoh. Kan udah dibilangin pake IUD aja waktu itu. Ngeyel!" kata si suami." "The husband gets angrier and considers his wife stupid. According to him, family planning is not just about pills because there is still the IUD. "Well, that's called stupidity. I already told you to use the IUD back then. Stubborn!" said the husband."

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

Getting such a response, his wife was immediately shocked and uttered istighfar. She did not expect her husband to refuse the blessing of pregnancy from Allah. The wife considered her husband to be among those who are ungrateful.

"Astagfirullah, why do you speak like that? What's wrong with being pregnant? It's not like it's a pregnancy outside of marriage."Instead of being grateful for the blessing given by Allah, you curse, oh Allah."I'm telling you, my friends, their husbands were surprised and happy when they found out about the pregnancy, some even cried. Why are you like that," said the wife."

Sad! Wife Gives Positive Surprise of Pregnancy, But Husband Gets Angry Instead, His Reason Divides Netizens

However, the lengthy explanation from the wife seems to mean nothing to the husband. Instead, he argues that his wife did not discuss her pregnancy issue beforehand.

"Make Dizzy"

The problem is, currently they are going through a difficult time. The husband cannot imagine the expenses that come before and after giving birth. "Try asking your friends, do they have as many installments as we do? Where do we get the money for pregnancy and childbirth expenses? Not to mention after giving birth. Ah, it's frustrating!" replied the husband.


The argument between husband and wife about this pregnancy issue went viral and invited various comments. Netizens were divided between those who supported and criticized the husband's attitude when his wife told him she was pregnant. "Oh, isn't it good that he is like that, it means he knows his priorities and capabilities. Not just having a child without any plan." "Yeah, it's not fair. We struggle so hard to get pregnant, and here he is, given a blessing, acting like that. Hopefully, we all stay away from husbands like that."

"Anak Pembawa Rezeki" translates to "Child Brings Blessings" in English.

"Even though the child is a source of blessings.... Who knows, with the birth of the child, your installments will be paid off...""I'm sorry, but it's true. When deciding to have a child (again), make sure our mental and financial state is sufficient. It's not about the blessings, someone else already takes care of that.""

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