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"Scientists Claim to Already Know When Earth's Oxygen Will Run Out, Take Note of the Time!"

Research has the potential to advance the search for planets that can support human life, which is becoming increasingly important considering the possibility of oxygen depletion on Earth in the future. In a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, a team of researchers led by environmental scientist Kazumi Ozaki conducted nearly 400,000 simulations to project the evolution of gases in the atmosphere. They integrated climate, biology, and geology models to gain deep insights into the potential existence of life on other planets.

Scientists Claim to Already Know When Earth's Oxygen Will Run Out, Note the Time!

This study explains that we utilize a combined approach between biogeochemistry and climate modeling to test the potential time range associated with oxygen-rich atmospheric conditions on Earth.

Scientists are investigating changes in the brightness of the sun, fluctuations in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, and changes in the Earth's biosphere as a basis for concluding that the planet can experience excessive methane increases, which will ultimately deplete oxygen.

Scientists Claim to Already Know When Earth's Oxygen Will Run Out, Note the Time!

"Earth Experiences Oxygen Scarcity."

Research shows that the earth has experienced a similar situation in the past. In the Archean period about 4 billion years ago, the Earth's atmosphere had limited free oxygen. Nevertheless, the occurrence of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) around 2.4 billion years ago significantly increased the oxygen levels, especially thanks to the emergence of the first photosynthetic organisms capable of producing oxygen.

Scientists Claim to Already Know When Earth's Oxygen Will Run Out, Note the Time!

At present, around 21% of Earth's atmosphere consists of oxygen, creating an environment that supports life for complex organisms like humans. However, this condition is not permanent.

According to this research, the main reason lies in the process of solar aging. As time goes by, the sun will experience an increase in temperature and release more energy. This is expected to result in a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere because CO2, as a heat absorber, will decompose.

"We have found that deoxygenation in the future is an unavoidable consequence of the increasing flow of solar energy," stated Ozaki."

Scientists Claim to Already Know When Earth's Oxygen Will Run Out, Note the Time!

This discovery raises interesting questions about the exploration of planets that could potentially be a habitat for humans. Researchers recommend an approach to track signs of life other than oxygen to increase the chances of detecting life. This analysis is integrated into a NASA project called NExSS (Nexus for Exoplanet System Science), which aims to investigate the potential for life on planets beyond Earth.

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