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Rawatib Prayer is the Complement of Obligatory Prayer, Here are the Hadiths, Ways, and Specialties

Rawatib Prayer is the Complement of Obligatory Prayer, Here are the Hadiths, Ways, and Specialties

Additional practices as a means of getting closer to Allah.

Sholat Rawatib is the Perfector of Obligatory Prayers, Here are the Hadith, Ways, and Specialties

Dream - Sholat Rawatib is a recommended sunnah prayer that is encouraged to be performed regularly at specific times that accompany the obligatory prayers. Rawatib prayer is a non-obligatory prayer (fardhu).

Rawatib prayers are highly recommended voluntary prayers as an additional practice that can perfect the obligatory prayers and also serve as a means to get closer to Allah SWT.

Sholat Rawatib is the Perfector of Obligatory Prayers, Here are the Hadith, Ways, and Specialties

"Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH"
From Abdullah bin Umar RA, he said: "I memorized something from the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, namely the sunnah prayer of ten units: two units before the zuhur prayer, two units after it, two units after the maghrib prayer at his house, two units after the isya' prayer at his house, and two units before the subuh prayer."

"(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)"


"Execution Time"

The execution time of rawatib prayers is as explained by Ibn Qudamah as follows: "Every sunnah rawatib prayer before the obligatory prayer, its time starts from the beginning of the obligatory prayer until the obligatory prayer is performed, and the time for rawatib prayers after the obligatory prayer starts from the completion of the obligatory prayer until the end of the obligatory prayer time."


Rawatib Prayers Divided into 2

Sholat rawatib is a prayer that has a legal status below the obligatory prayers in Islam. The legal status of sholat rawatib is divided into two, namely:

Sholat Rawatib Terbagi Jadi 2

Sunnah Prayers with Emphasis

he translation of the given text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Sholat rawatib muakkad is a highly recommended sunnah prayer because it was always performed by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Sholat Rawatib muakkad consists of several sunnah prayers as follows:

  • 2 rakaat before Subuh prayer.
  • 2 rakaat before Zuhur prayer.
  • 2 rakaat after Dzuhur prayer.
  • 2 rakaat after Maghrib prayer.
  • 2 rakaat after Isya prayer.

Textual Evidence

"From Abdullah bin Umar, he said: 'I remember from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), two units of prayer before Dhuhr, two units of prayer after Dhuhr, two units of prayer after Maghrib, two units of prayer after Isha, and two units of prayer before Fajr.' (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)"

Textual Evidence

"From Aisyah RA, she said: The Prophet Muhammad SAW said,"
"Whoever does not perform the twelve (12) voluntary prayers of sunnah rawatib, Allah will build a house for them in heaven, namely: four units before zuhr, two units after zuhr, two units after maghrib, two units after isha, and two units before fajr."

"(HR. Tirmidzi and Nasai)"


"Sholat Rawatib Ghoiru Muakkad"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Sholat rawatib ghoiru muakkad is a recommended voluntary prayer, as Prophet Muhammad SAW did not always perform it. Nevertheless, performing sholat rawatib ghoiru muakkad will indeed be rewarded for those who perform it. Sholat sunnah rawatib ghairu Muakkad consists of several prayers as follows: 2 rakaat before Dzuhur prayer, 2 rakaat after Dzuhur prayer, 4 rakaat before Ashar prayer, 2 rakaat before Maghrib prayer, and 2 rakaat before Isya prayer."

"How to Perform Rawatib Prayers"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The way to perform rawatib prayers, both qobliyah and ba'diyah, is to perform two rak'ahs, just like the obligatory prayers. The movements and recitations are the same, only the intention differs. There are certain conditions that must be observed in performing rawatib prayers, as follows: It is not preceded by the call to prayer (adhan) and the call to commence prayer (iqamah). It is performed individually (munfarid). The recitation is not raised aloud. If there are more than two rak'ahs, then each two rak'ahs are performed with one salutation (salam)."


It is better for the place to perform the sunnah prayers to be moved slightly from the place to perform the obligatory prayers. It is preferred to recite Surah Al-Kafirun in the first rakaah and Surah Al-Ikhlas in the second rakaah. The intention should be made according to the prayer time. The intention for sunnah prayers can be made silently in the heart, but it is permissible to be spoken or recited.

Example of Intention for the Sunnah Prayers

Here is an example of the intention to perform the rawati prayer before dawn and after evening prayer: Intention for the pre-dawn qabliyah prayer: I intend to perform the sunnah prayer before dawn, 2 rak'ahs, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala. Intention for the post-evening ba'diyah prayer: I intend to perform the sunnah prayer after the evening prayer, 2 rak'ahs, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.


"The Excellence of Rawatib Sunnah Prayers"

Whoever consistently performs the sunnah rawatib prayers, Allah will build a house for them in paradise.

From Ummu Habibah RA, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: I heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW saying:
"“A Muslim who performs non-obligatory Sunnah prayers, because of Allah (a total of) twelve units of prayer every day, Allah will build for him a house (palace) in heaven.” Ummu Habibah ra then said, “After I heard this hadith, I never left those prayers.”"



Should be done regularly

As the hadith states, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "The act of worship most beloved to Allah is the one that is done consistently, even if it is little." This means that if we consistently perform the sunnah rawatib prayers, we will receive extraordinary rewards, including being prepared a house in paradise and getting closer to Allah by performing the worship that He loves the most.

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