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Show Obedience and Strength of Faith, Here are Tips for Consistency in Worship and Important Prayers Known by Muslims.

Show Obedience and Strength of Faith, Here are Tips for Consistency in Worship and Important Prayers Known by Muslims.

"Dream - Islam commands its followers to always be istiqomah or consistent, one of which is in worshiping Allah SWT. The istiqomah of a Muslim reflects the strength of faith and obedience to the teachings of Islam. However, istiqomah itself is not an easy task. Moreover, humans often experience feelings of laziness or can easily be distracted by other things. Therefore, this attitude of istiqomah needs to be cultivated in daily life."

"Dream friends can also implement the tips for istiqomah to train themselves to consistently perform worship. When our worship is consistent, insya Allah, the mercy of Allah SWT will be present."

Show Obedience and Strength of Faith, Here are Tips for Consistency in Worship and Important Prayers to Know for Muslims
Show Obedience and Strength of Faith, Here are Tips for Consistency in Worship and Important Prayers to Know for Muslims

"Here are tips for consistency in worship and prayers as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The translation of "Apa Itu Istiqomah?" to English is "What is Istiqomah?"

"Istiqomah is a term in Islam that refers to consistency and loyalty in carrying out a good deed or action."

The translation of

"Istiqomah is mandatory because it shows a person's strength of faith and obedience to the teachings of Islam. Examples of istiqomah behavior include regularly and consistently performing acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, and charity. A person who is istiqomah will also remain steadfast in practicing their religion without being easily swayed by temptations and trials. One of the evidences of the obligation of istiqomah is in the Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 102, which means:"

"O you who have believed, fear Allah with true fear of Him; and do not die except as Muslims." This verse shows the importance of consistency in faith as a sign of strong belief. The virtues of istiqamah include receiving mercy and blessings from Allah, as well as being among those whom He loves."

The benefits of istiqomah include maintaining the purity of the heart and soul, strengthening faith, and setting a good example for others. Therefore, istiqomah is required in Islam as proof of obedience and compliance with religious teachings.

The translation of

The translation of "Cara agar Istiqomah dalam Beribadah" to English is "How to be Consistent in Worship".

"In worship, Muslims must strive to be steadfast. Here are some ways to remain steadfast that Dream friends can do:"

"1. Strengthening Intention and Determination to be Consistent in Worship"

Al-Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 102 states: \

"2. Maintaining the Quality of Worship with Consistency"

Rasulullah saw said: \

"3. Finding Like-Minded Friends Who Can Support Each Other to Be Steadfast in Worship"

Al-Quran Surah At-Taubah verse 119 states: \

Having like-minded friends who support each other will make it easier for us to remain steadfast in worship. By strengthening our intentions, maintaining the quality of our worship, and seeking fellow believers, we can more easily be steadfast in worship according to the teachings of the Quran and hadith.

The translation of "Tips Tetap Istiqomah dalam Beribadah" to English is "Tips for Staying Consistent in Worship."

Tips to remain steadfast in worship are the key to carrying out the commands of Allah SWT with a strong heart.

The translation of

One important tip is to study the Quran regularly. Studying the Quran is not just about reading, but also understanding its meaning and applying it in daily life. Here are some tips for being consistent in worshiping Allah SWT that you can implement, Dream friends:

The translation of "Pertama" to English is "First".

"Staying steadfast in the five daily prayers is the main key to worship. Prayer is an obligation that must be performed on time and with full concentration, thus helping to maintain spiritual balance in life."


The translation of "Kedua" to English is "Second."

"Giving alms regularly is also an important tip. Being generous and helping others is part of worship that can enhance gratitude and sincerity."


The translation of "Ketiga" to English is "Third".

"Dhikr is a way to always remember Allah in every step of life. By reciting the phrases of dhikr, it can help to keep the heart calm and maintain a strong relationship with the Creator."


The translation of "Keempat" to English is "Fourth".

"Getting closer to righteous and knowledgeable people is a very helpful tip for strengthening faith and increasing religious knowledge. By learning from them, we can improve the quality of worship and faith."


The translation of "Kelima" to English is "Fifth".

"Regularly evaluate yourself to improve shortcomings in worship. A good self-understanding will help to find new and better ways to worship."


"Lastly, remaining steadfast in worship and implementing all the tips that have been mentioned is the initial step to maintaining a strong heart that is accepted by Allah SWT."

The translation of

The translation of "Doa agar Istiqomah Beribadah" to English is "Prayer for Consistency in Worship".

The following are some prayers for steadfastness in worship that friends of Dream can practice:

Prayer for Steadfastness in Worship and Carrying Out His Commands


The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: Meaning: "O Allah, guide us on the path of obedience to You, perfect our shortcomings, accept our worship. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing. May Allah bestow His blessings and peace upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his family, and his companions."

Prayer for Steadfastness on the Path of Allah SWT

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Allahumma innii as alukalhuda was sadad. Meaning: 'O Allah, I ask You for guidance and steadfastness.'"

Prayer for Consistency in Religion


"O Allah, whatever good you have loved, make us love it, and make it easy for us, and whatever you have disliked, make us dislike it, and keep it away from us, and do not let Islam leave us after you have guided us. It means: 'O Allah, I ask for your goodness and blessings. O Allah, you have commanded us to pray and have promised to answer our prayers. You are the One who never breaks promises and never fails to fulfill them.'"

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Prayer of Istikharah for Guidance in Finding a Partner and How Allah SWT Answers His Servant's Doubts

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