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To Avoid Confusion Again, Here is the Meaning of 44 Terms Frequently Used in the 2024 Election

To Avoid Confusion Again, Here is the Meaning of 44 Terms Frequently Used in the 2024 Election

By knowing the term Pemilu, you can better understand when discussing it.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

Dream - In the moment of the General Election (Pemilu) 2024, there are many terms that are often used. Sahabat Dream may have heard them on television or while chatting.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

Sometimes, there are several terms that you still don't know. So, you are confused on your own. Therefore, it is very important to know the meanings of the frequently used terms in the General Elections.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

So, you can understand better when talking about the democracy party held every five years.

"Nah, here are the important terms in the 2024 Election that you need to know as summarized by Dream through various sources."

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

"Terms in the 2024 Elections"

The following are some important terms for the 2024 Election that friends of Dream should know:

Adminduk: Population Administration. APK: Campaign Tools. Balon: Prospective Candidate who wishes to run. Bawaslu: Election Supervisory Body as the Election organizing institution that oversees the Election. Bilik Suara: Enclosed space for conducting voting/ ballot casting. Coblos: Voting method at the Polling Station by punching the ballot to select the Election participant.

7. Electoral District: The area for voting. 8. Debate: The process of arguing from opposing positions on a motion/issue/theme. 9. DKPP: Election Organizer's Honorary Council. 10. DPK: Special Voter List. 11. DPPh: Migrant Voter List. 12. DPS: Temporary Voter List. 13. Dukcapil: Population and Civil Registry. 14. Golput: White group, which means choosing not to vote.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

15. Jurdil: Honest and fair. 16. Jurkam: Member of the successful team who delivers the campaign in verbal form. 17. Kampanye: Activity to convince voters by offering the vision, mission, program, and/or image of the election participants. 18. Kotak Suara: Place for collecting the ballot papers from the voting. 19. KPPS: Group of Election Organizers. 20. KPPSLN: Group of Overseas Election Organizers.

21. KPU: General Election Commission. 22. Luber: Principles of Elections: direct, general, free, secret. 23. Masa Tenang: A period of time that cannot be used for campaign activities by election participants. 24. Pantarlih: Voter Data Update Committee. 25. Panwaslu: Election Supervisory Committee. 26. Paslon: Candidate pair. Pemilih: Eligible voters whose names are on the voter list. 27. Pemilu: General election.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

28. Perbawaslu: Election Supervisory Board Regulation. 29. Peserta Pemilu: Parties that meet the requirements to compete in the Election. 30. PHP: Dispute of Election Results. 31. Pileg: Legislative Election. 32. Pilkada: Regional Head Election in each province and district/city. 33. Pilpres: Presidential Election. 34. PKPU: KPU Regulation that regulates the implementation of elections. 35. Pluralitas: The highest percentage, less than 50 percent.

36. Money Politics: Giving money or goods with unreasonable value to persuade voting or not voting based on the request of the giver of money/goods. 37. PPK: District Election Committee. 38. PPLN: Overseas Election Committee. 39. PPS: Polling Station Committee. 40. Quick Count: The name of a type of survey conducted after the voting process.

So You Won't Get Confused Again, Here's the Meaning of 44 Terms in the 2024 Election That Are Often Used

41. Real Count: Election Result which is the accumulation of votes from all polling stations, not a sample of polling stations. 42. Ballot Paper: Media for marking votes. 43. Timses: Successful team appointed by election participants to campaign and win the election for the participants who appoint them. 44. TPS: Polling Station.

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The quick count of the 2024 Election will begin 2 hours after the voting process is completed in the western part of Indonesia.

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