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The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Explosion 10 Thousand Times More Powerful than the Atomic Bomb of Hiroshima, This is the Sound of the Eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883 that Can Make You Deaf"

Ledakannya 10 Ribu Kali Lebih Dahsyat dari Bom Atom Hiroshima, Begini Suara Letusan Gunung Krakatau Tahun 1883 yang Bisa Bikin Tuli

Dream - Did you know that Mount Krakatau once exploded, causing the world to go dark for some time? This Krakatau eruption phenomenon occurred in 1883 and was called a small apocalypse or a destroyer of history.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The mountain located in the waters of the Sunda Strait, east of Sumatra Island and west of Java Island, erupted on August 27, 1883, at 11:02 AM. It was so powerful that the explosion of Krakatoa was said to be 10 thousand times more terrifying than the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Although the recording equipment at that time was not as advanced as it is now, the sound of the Krakatoa eruption was successfully recorded. The sound of the explosion also circulated on social media, one of which was in a Tiktok post by the account @arsip.ind."

"The sound recording was taken from an Australian's recording device from a distance of 160 km,"

write the description of the uploaded video.

Ledakannya 10 Ribu Kali Lebih Dahsyat dari Bom Atom Hiroshima, Begini Suara Letusan Gunung Krakatau Tahun 1883 yang Bisa Bikin Tuli

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The terrifying sound of the explosion of Mount Krakatau can be heard as far as Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean. The sound of the explosion spreads up to 4,900 Km."

Permanent Deafness Due to Explosive Sound

"The sound produced is 172 decibels (dB). The original sound around the mountain is estimated to be 310 dB," wrote the description of the video. As a result, more than 30 thousand people died. According to reports, residents who heard the explosion experienced hearing impairment up to permanent deafness."

Membuat Mangkok Besar

Creating a Large Bowl

The eruption of Mount Krakatau itself began to be visible since August 26, 1883, and its peak collapsed a caldera with a diameter of approximately 6 kilometers.

The volcanic eruption of Mount Krakatau also annihilated most of the surrounding islands.

Ledakannya 10 Ribu Kali Lebih Dahsyat dari Bom Atom Hiroshima, Begini Suara Letusan Gunung Krakatau Tahun 1883 yang Bisa Bikin Tuli

"Destroying the World's Weather"

Besides that, the eruption of Mount Krakatau also damaged the world's weather. Krakatau injected a large amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas into the stratosphere.

Ledakannya 10 Ribu Kali Lebih Dahsyat dari Bom Atom Hiroshima, Begini Suara Letusan Gunung Krakatau Tahun 1883 yang Bisa Bikin Tuli

Formed a pyroclastic flow consisting of volcanic materials such as liquid substances, gas, ash, pumice, as well as lava blocks that move at high speed and destroy everything in its path.

The extreme temperatures of the rocks and gases reach extreme temperatures, from 200°C to 700°C, hot enough to ignite fire and even melt ice. The material is then blown by high-level winds to various parts of the planet. This event results in a global increase in the concentration of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in high-level cirrus clouds. The increase in cloud reflectivity (albedo) causes more sunlight to be reflected than usual.

"Dark Earth"

"So the earth dissolved into darkness. The sunlight sets for two and a half days."

The translation of the text "Suhu Bumi Turun" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags would be: "Earth's Temperature Drops".

Not finished there, in the year after the eruption of Krakatau, the average summer temperature in the northern hemisphere dropped by 04 \u00b0C. Extreme rainfall also occurred in Southern California during the period of water, from July 1883 to June 1884. Los Angeles recorded 97,000 millimeters (3,818 in) and San Diego 66,000 millimeters (2,597 in), believed to be the result of the eruption of Krakatau. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

@arsip.ind Rekaman suara ini diambil dari alat perekam milik orang Australia dari jarak 160 km. Suara yang dihasilkan adalah 172 desibel (dB). Suara asli di sekitaran gunung diperkirakan 310 dB, yang kurang lebih letusannya 10 ribu kali lebih dahsyat dari bom atom yang dijatuhkan di Hiroshima, Jepang, pada tahun 1945. *footage dalam reel diambil dari film 'Krakatoa: The Last Days' (2006) #letusangunungkrakatau #krakatau1883 #krakatau #letusangunung #mengerikan #sejarah #sejarahindonesia #indonesia #arsip ♬ suara asli - ARSIP INDONESIA
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