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Sholat Tarawih atau Mencari Nafkah, Manakah yang Lebih Utama? Begini Penjelasannya

"Tarawih Prayer or Seeking Livelihood, Which One is More Virtuous? Here's the Explanation"

Dream - Tarawih prayer is a voluntary prayer that is only performed during the month of Ramadan. This prayer is performed at night after the Isha prayer. Usually, tarawih prayer is performed in congregation at the mosque or can also be performed individually. However, it cannot be denied that not every Muslim is able to perform tarawih prayer. There are those who have to work at night, so they have to miss the tarawih prayer.

Although, there are people who say it's a pity to miss the tarawih prayer. Especially since this prayer is only performed once a year.

Tarawih Prayer or Seeking a Living, Which is More Important? Here's the Explanation
Tarawih Prayer or Seeking a Living, Which is More Important? Here's the Explanation

Then, between performing tarawih prayers and seeking sustenance, which one is more preferable? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Law of Tarawih Prayer"

Quoted from, tarawih prayer is a special prayer at night during the month of Ramadan. The time for performing it is after the isha prayer and before the witir prayer.

Hukum Sholat Tarawih

The ruling of performing tarawih prayers is recommended for both men and women. This is explained in the following hadith: \

"From Abi Hurairah ra Rasulullah loved to enliven the month of Ramadan with gentle recommendations. He said: 'Whoever performs worship (tarawih prayer) in the month of Ramadan purely out of faith and seeking the pleasure of Allah, then his past sins will be forgiven.' (HR. Muslim)"

Hukum Mencari Nafkah dalam Islam

"Law of Seeking Livelihood in Islam"

The goal of seeking a livelihood is to fulfill the family's living needs. Whether it's clothing, food, or shelter. In Islamic teachings, it is the husband's duty to seek a livelihood.

However, under certain conditions, there is no prohibition for women to help support the family's economy. For example, when the husband is sick and unable to earn a living. Quoted from, providing for the family's livelihood is an obligation for the backbone of the family. Of course, the livelihood obtained must come from a halal source.

Rasulullah saw said: "The sustenance given by a head of household to his family is considered as charity. Indeed, a person will be rewarded even for a morsel of rice that he puts into the mouth of his family." (HR. Muttafaq alaih) Furthermore, it is also explained in another hadith: "Whoever has good prayer, many family members, little wealth, and does not backbite against Muslims, in the hereafter, he will be with me in paradise like these two (while indicating two fingers)." (HR. Abu Ya'la from the companion Abu Said Al-Khudri)

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Rasulullah (peace be upon him) also mentioned in a narration that Allah SWT loves hardworking individuals who seek livelihood for their families. Allah SWT loves the backbone of a family who chooses to work hard instead of begging to fulfill their family's needs."

"If You Have to Seek a Living, What About the Tarawih Prayer?"

"Islam itself is not a religion that complicates its followers. Especially in terms of worship such as performing tarawih prayers during the month of Ramadan."

When someone has to earn a living at night and leaves the tarawih prayer, Islam does not have a problem with that. Quoted from Instagram, when someone has to earn a living or work at night, their tarawih prayer can be replaced with other righteous deeds. Such as reciting the Quran, doing dhikr, and other worship. In this matter, Allah SWT does not force His servants, except according to their ability.

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