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"Unveiled: Israel's Fear in Facing the Epic Battle of the End Times, Millions of Gharqad Trees Planted"

"The horror of the fate of the Jewish people towards the end of the world"

Dream - The concerns of Zionist Israel about the end times apparently have a strong foundation. This arises in conjunction with their knowledge of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad about the fate of the Jewish people before the Day of Judgment. To protect the Jewish people, Israel actively plants the Gharqad Tree as their hiding place in the situation of the end times war. In the Quran, the Children of Israel (Jews) are indeed described as a rebellious people, unwilling to face challenges, stubborn, and often hide the truth and commit acts of disobedience against the Prophets.

That is why, during the time of Prophet Moses, Allah had forbidden them from possessing the holy land of Palestine (Canaan), as revealed in Surah Al-Maidah Verse 26.

Terbongkar Ketakutan Israel Hadapi Pertempuran Dahsyat Akhir Zaman, Jutaan Pohon Gharqad Ditanam

"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT said:"
"(If so), then indeed the land is forbidden for them for forty years, (during that time) they will wander in confusion on the earth (the wilderness of Tiih). So do not grieve (think about the fate) of those wicked people."

"(Quran Surat Al-Maidah Ayat 26)" translates to "(Quran Chapter Al-Maidah Verse 26)" in English.


"Tree of Gharqad that is Enforced"

From Abu Hurairah RA, the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "The Day of Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them to the point that every Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and trees will say: 'O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Except for the Gharqad tree, for it is a Jewish tree." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

"The Great Battle of the End Times"

"In the approaching days of the Day of Judgment, a fierce battle will occur between the Muslim community and the Jews (followers of Dajjal). During that time, technology will cease to function, as the power supply will be lost."

Terbongkar Ketakutan Israel Hadapi Pertempuran Dahsyat Akhir Zaman, Jutaan Pohon Gharqad Ditanam

In this battle, the Jews will flee in fear, trying to find hiding places behind rocks and large trees. All rocks and trees will provide clues about the hiding places of the Jews.

"Tree Gharqad for Shelter"

However, there is one tree called Gharqad, which will remain silent when the Jews hide behind its leaves. This is why the Muslim community will not be aware of their presence.

Two authors of the book "The Road to Martyrs Square: A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber" Anne Marie Oliver and Paul F Steinberg recount their experiences during research in Palestine and Israel to trace the existence of the Gharqad tree. Both of them conducted interviews with several Hamas leaders and traveled to Israel to investigate the Gharqad tree and the Jewish belief in it. Anne Marie Oliver and Paul F Steinberg convey that according to the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, one day the Muslim community will engage in battle with the Jewish community. In this end-time conflict, all parties will provide information about the hiding places of the Jews, and even the stones will speak, except for the Gharqad tree.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The tree belongs to Jewish people."

The Gharqad tree is known as the "Jewish tree". Anne Marie Oliver and Paul F Steinberg then traveled to Israel. When asked about the Gharqad tree, the Jewish people smiled while looking serious, as if a great secret had been revealed. Anne Marie Oliver and Paul F Steinberg obtained various versions of the Gharqad tree from the information they obtained from the Jewish people in Israel. Some mentioned that the Gharqad tree can be found at the Jaffa gate, while others believed that the Gharqad tree is just a bush, and there are even those who consider the Gharqad tree to be a mere metaphorical symbol.

Planting Millions of Gharqad Trees

Finally, the founder of Hamas took them behind the house and showed them an example of the Gharqad tree. It turns out that the dense and thorny tree has now been planted around Israeli settlements. Israel has planted millions of Gharqad trees worldwide, including in their own territory. This is done because of the fear of the Jewish people towards the saying of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, which mentions the tree as their hiding place during the end times war.


Chairman of the JNF Directorate, Danny Atar, announced the majority decision to change the policy of using pine trees to local Gharqad wood. This tree is believed to help Jews hide from the threat of Muslims in the end times. Since its establishment in 1901, JNF has planted over 250 million trees in the land of Israel and is also responsible for managing the state forests on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture.

In the year 2030, 5 Million Gharqad Trees Planted.

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Dana JNF mostly comes from affiliated organizations abroad, with JNF-USA being the largest contributor. Atar stated that they have long discussed this issue with JNF-USA Chairman Ronald Lauder, as well as other international affiliate leaders, and everyone has agreed to the plan. "More than 5 million Gharqad trees will be planted by 2030. Each Gharqad tree is estimated to be able to hide dozens of Jewish people," said JNF Directorate Chairman Danny Atar."


Characteristics of the Gharqad Tree

Characteristics of the Gharqad Tree

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Tree Gharqad, known as the "Jewish Tree," has characteristics of hard and thorny texture. The height of this tree ranges from 1 to 2 meters, with its trunk containing toxic substances. Its leaves have a shape resembling a small spoon, like most other plants."

Terbongkar Ketakutan Israel Hadapi Pertempuran Dahsyat Akhir Zaman, Jutaan Pohon Gharqad Ditanam

Currently, Gharqad has a lush green color and is able to maintain its freshness despite going through various seasons. The lifespan of the Gharqad tree is also considered very long, even believed to continue growing until the end of time. Therefore, Israel is currently actively involved in planting this tree.

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