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Discovery of Yeti Hair, the Snow Creature in the Himalayas Turns Out to Come from Horses

Discovery of Yeti Hair, the Snow Creature in the Himalayas Turns Out to Come from Horses

The search for the Yeti ended last month with only a single strand of horse hair, as revealed in a BBC Radio 4 program covering the expedition in the Himalayas. Andrew Benfield, a writer and meditation teacher, has spent years searching for the Yeti with his skeptical friend, a political analyst named Richard Horsey. The pair traveled through India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan, listening to stories about the legendary creature, and ultimately created the series "Yeti," a BBC Radio 4 series.

The series ended with a cliffhanger in June — a mysterious hair strand provided by an unnamed source awaits DNA analysis.

The Discovery of Yeti Hair, the Snow Creature in the Himalayas Turns Out to Come from a Horse

The translated text is: "The bonus episode aired on October 20 now reveals that the hair comes from a horse."

Benfield told Live Science that the results "don't feel good" after three years of searching. "A horse is just as boring as we are," Benfield said. However, DNA analysis does not invalidate the series or the stories of the people they spoke to, according to the couple.

The story of ape-like creatures roaming the Himalayas has existed for centuries. Western interest in the Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman, surged in the early 1950s after British mountaineer Eric Shipton returned from Everest with a photo of giant footprints. Subsequent investigations led by Westerners failed to find scientific evidence of the creature's existence. After working in international development, Benfield disliked that local stories about the Yeti were dismissed simply because white explorers did not find it.

"He also felt confident after watching the interview with Sir David Attenborough recorded in 2013. Attenborough did not participate in this new radio series."

"There may be something in the mystery of the Horrifying Snowman." said Attenborough."

Dia juga merasa yakin setelah melihat wawancara Sir David Attenborough yang direkam pada tahun 2013. Attenborough tidak ikut seri radio baru ini.

"In 2019, Benfield set out to hear firsthand stories about the Yeti and invited Horsey, who has a PhD in cognitive psychology, to join him."

The translation of "kata Benfield." to English is "Benfield's word."

The translation of "Dapat Rambut Yeti?" to English is "Can you get Yeti hair?"

The BBC got involved in 2022, just before the duo headed to Bhutan and Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, a national park covering 286 square miles (740 square kilometers) that was established, in part, to protect the "Migoi," or Yeti, according to the Daily Bhutan. Here, Horsey finally got the story that shook his skepticism, and Benfield obtained hair that is rumored to be from the Yeti.


The translation of "Ukuran Rambut" to English is "Hair Size".

The hair is about 6 inches (15 cm) long. Benfield cut it into two pieces and sent one of them to Charlotte Lindqvist, an evolutionary biologist at the University at Buffalo, New York. Lindqvist and her team found that the DNA matched that of the Altai horse, a mountain breed from Asia.


The translation of "Studi Tahun 2017" to English is "Study Year 2017".

"Lindqvist was also part of a 2017 study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B that analyzed nine alleged Yeti samples and found that eight came from bears and one came from a dog. He previously stated that he had no doubt that the creature was merely a myth."


Benfield received the DNA results but has not yet released the other half of the hair, which he says is currently in his kitchen cabinet. He also spoke about the vast, untouched, and unexplored nature of the Himalayas, and mentioned that the Yeti stories come from people who know the region.

“Of course you respect the knowledge of the local community when you are there because they keep you alive,” said Benfield.

"Who am I to ask these people? They are out there every day."

“Of course you respect the knowledge of the local community when you are there because they keep you alive,” said Benfield.

The translation of "Bukti DNA" to English is "DNA Evidence".

"Horsey did not expect they would return with DNA evidence, but told Live Science that the Yeti is more important to the local community than he ever imagined. 'We realize for most people, it doesn't matter whether the creature exists physically,' said Horsey. 'That's the role it plays in their world.'"

The author Tshering Tashi details the beliefs of the Bhutanese people regarding the Yeti in a 2020 article for Kuensel Online, the web edition of Bhutan's national newspaper. In it, he states that the Bhutanese people believe that the Yeti exists, but are "not in a hurry" to provide evidence.

Source: Live Science

“Although there must be biological creatures behind that mythology, we believe that their form and appearance will not be as romanticized by Westerners,”

The translation of "tulis Tashi." to English is "write Tashi."

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