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Penyakit yang Sebabkan Rizal Ramli Meninggal Dunia<br>

The illness that caused Rizal Ramli to pass away.

The Disease That Caused Rizal Ramli's Death

"Dream - Former Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Rizal Ramli passed away on Tuesday, January 2, 2023. Rizal Ramli died at the age of 69 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital."

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun. Bapak Rizal Ramli has passed away on January 2, 2024, at 19:30 WIB at RSCM,"
According to the spokesperson for the National Winning Team of Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, Tofa Lemon, in his statement on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, as quoted from

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The Disease That Caused Rizal Ramli's Death

"Rizal Ramli passed away, leaving behind three children, three sons-in-law, and two grandchildren. Tofa mentioned that the family of Rizal Ramli requested that the public forgive him if Rizal Ramli had any mistakes during his lifetime."

"We, the entire family, apologize if there were any mistakes he made during his life,"
The translation of "kata dia." to English is "he said."

The text "" does not require translation as it is a domain name and remains the same in English. If you need it formatted with HTML tags, please provide the specific tags you'd like to use.

The translation of "Mengidap Kanker Pankreas" to English is "Suffering from Pancreatic Cancer".

The economist is reported to have been suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and underwent treatment for 2 months at RSCM before passing away. His assistant, Tri Wibowo, stated that Rizal Ramli was unaware he was suffering from cancer until he eventually experienced symptoms.

The Disease That Caused Rizal Ramli's Death

"Besides having served as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Rizal Ramli also held the position of Head of the Logistics Agency (Bulog). He was also trusted as the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Resources under President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)."

The man who was born in Padang, West Sumatra, is also a former student movement leader, economist, and Indonesian politician. At the international level, the man born on December 10, 1954, was once trusted as a member of the United Nations (UN) economic advisory panel along with several other economists from various countries.

The Disease That Caused Rizal Ramli's Death

"Because he wanted to focus on serving the country and the Indonesian nation, Rizal once declined an international position as Secretary-General (Sekjen) of the Economic & Social Commission of Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) offered by the UN in November 2013."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Here is the Work History of Rizal Ramli during his lifetime:
Kepala Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog)
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian
Menteri Keuangan Indonesia pada Kabinet Persatuan Nasional pada masa pemerintahan
Education History:
S-1 Major in Physics Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Doctorate in Economics, Boston University"

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