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Munculnya <i>Ruwaibidhah</i> di Akhir Zaman, Tanda Kecil Hari Kiamat yang Tak Disadari

The appearance of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, a Small Sign of the Day of Judgment that Goes Unnoticed.

Most people know the presence of Dajjal or Imam Mahdi as a sign of the approaching doomsday.

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

Dream - The Quran and the hadith of the Prophet have mentioned many small signs of the Day of Judgment, one of which is the emergence of Ruwaibidhah. The Day of Judgment is one of the pillars of faith that must be believed by Muslims. A person who claims to be a Muslim is not complete if they do not believe in these five pillars of faith.

The term Ruwaibidhah may still sound unfamiliar to us. The signs of the Day of Judgment that we often hear are usually related to the emergence of Dajjal, Ya'juj Ma'juj, the descent of Prophet Isa, and the appearance of Dabbah. These signs are included in the major signs of the Day of Judgment. While the minor signs of the Day of Judgment are rarely realized because they take the form of social phenomena that have recently emerged. This is certainly different from signs of the Day of Judgment such as the sun rising from the west, which is already known by many Muslim men and women.

It should be noted that the signs of the small and large Day of Judgment are the beliefs of Muslims and are understood as news from Allah that has been conveyed through the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Those signs were also announced by the Prophet in every sermon and are recorded in the famous hadiths of the narrators.

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

"Signs of the Small Day of Judgment"

The small signs of the Day of Judgment need to be understood as steps to maintain faith in Allah 'aza wa jalla. The small signs of the Day of Judgment include several things, such as: the disappearance of knowledge and the emergence of ignorance. The appearance of trials or tribulations. The increase in violence and bloodshed. Earthquakes occurring frequently. The prevalence of promiscuity and sexual crimes. Moral and ethical degradation in society.


Translation: "Photo:"

The Knowledge of the Companions in the Time of the Prophet

"Keilmuwan Sahabat di Masa Rasulullah" in English is "The Knowledge of the Companions during the Time of the Prophet Muhammad."

"During the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the companions were very afraid to issue fatwas or discuss matters related to religion. However, the companions were the closest generation to the Prophet Muhammad and were certainly filled with a vast amount of knowledge."

The Phenomenon Worried by Prophet Muhammad PBUH

While people nowadays are very quick to issue fatwas, wanting to appear on the stage of lecturing even though their knowledge is still shallow or inadequate. They only rely on titles and fame, someone can easily wear religious accessories and dare to speak about what is halal and haram. It is not uncommon for someone with religious attributes to actually harm humanity. This is the phenomenon of the community in the end times that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was worried about.

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

The explanation is called Ruwaibidhah, which is the condition of human beings being blinded by deception so that those who are righteous and have noble character are actually marginalized.

From Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, he said, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"\u201cThere will come to mankind years full of deception. At that time, the liar will be called true and the truthful will be called liar. The traitor will be entrusted and the trustworthy will be called traitor. And the only ones who will have the opportunity to speak are the Ruwaibidhah group.\u201d"

"(Book of Slander by the Companions authored by Abu Ahmad Muhammad bin Hasan)"


A person with a Dwarfed Soul

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Rasulullah SAW explained that Ruwaibidhah is a person with a small and lowly soul, contemptible, and does not understand how to manage a large group of people. Another understanding states that Ruwaibidhah is a person who is corrupt, meaning they do not comprehend the issues but still speak about the general public. In short, Ruwaibidhah is a foolish person who lacks sufficient knowledge but interferes in the affairs of many people."


The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Prophet Muhammad PBUH has warned about the emergence of Ruwaibidhah 14 centuries ago. From Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah PBUH said: "There will come years full of lies that afflict people, liars will be trusted, honest people will be accused of lying, trust will be given to traitors, honest people will be betrayed, and Ruwaibidhah will also speak." Then he was asked, "Who are the Ruwaibidhah?" He PBUH answered: "Foolish people who deal with public affairs." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)"

Translation: "Photo:"

"Origin of the Word"

The original text contains Unicode characters that cannot be properly displayed here. However, the translation of the text is as follows: "The origin of the word Ruwaibidhah is 'Rabidhah', which means a group of weak people who remain silent and are unable to do noble things, sit without seeking it, and are worthless. In the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentioned that Rabidhah refers to foolish people who interfere in the affairs of the wider community."

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

In the book "Ruwaibidhah in the Perspective of the Quran and its Relation to the Buzer Phenomenon" by Roki Hadi, it is explained that the law of Ruwaibidhah is a major sin according to some scholars. The basic reason is that this phenomenon causes division among the people and invites falsehood towards Allah and the Prophet.


"Proof about Ruwaibidhah"

"And do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Indeed, hearing, sight, and heart, all will be held accountable for it."

Ignorant People Talk About Religion

The phenomenon of the emergence of Ruwaibidhah is included in the slander of the end times. Ignorant and ignorant people in religious matters boldly issue fatwas in the midst of society. If this happens, surely great destruction that cannot be imagined will befall humanity.

Ignorant People Talk About Religion

Famous words from Sayyidina Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq radhiyallahu 'anhu:
أَيُّ أَرْضٍ تُقِلُّنِي، وَأَيُّ سَمَاءٍ تُظِلُّنِي، إِنْ قُلْتُ فِي آيَةٍ مِنْ كِتَابِ اللَّهِ بِرَأْيِي، أَوْ بِمَا لَا أَعْلَمُ

"Which land shall I step on, and which sky shall shelter me, if I speak about the verses of Allah's book with my own opinion, or with what I do not have knowledge of?"


"Be cautious when expressing opinions about knowledge"

Imam Atha' bin Abi Rabah (may Allah have mercy on him) was once asked about a certain issue. He answered, "I have never heard of that issue from my teachers." Then he was asked again, "Don't you want to express your personal opinion?" Imam Atha' replied, "Truly, I feel ashamed before Allah if people on this earth follow my opinion in matters of religion."

"Humility of Imam Malik"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Imam Malik rahimahullah also experienced a similar situation. He was asked about a fiqh issue. The questioner urged him to answer. "Please help me, O Imam, I have traveled far to ask you about this matter. What should I say if I return to my country and people ask me about this issue?" The Imam answered, "If you return to your country, inform the people there that I told you 'I do not understand the matter well'."

In a narration, Imam Malik once received 100 questions and he only answered a small portion of them. Then someone said to him, "You did not answer all of them, even though they were easy and simple questions?" He answered with verse 5 of Surah Al-Muzammil: "There is no knowledge of religion that is easy. Have you not heard the saying of Allah, 'Indeed, We will cast upon you a heavy word (QS. Al-Muzzammil: 5).' "

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

According to Ustadz Ahmad Syahrin in a study, all religious knowledge is heavy, especially those that will be asked on the Day of Judgment.


"The Current Phenomenon that is Very Different"

While the current condition is very different. People's desire to discuss religion is very strong. No need for knowledge, let alone piety. Only the capital of Google reviews or social media, people now often discuss religion by saying: "In my opinion, according to my opinion. If I see it, it is forbidden, if I see it, it is allowed."

The Emergence of Ruwaibidhah in the End Times, Small Signs of the Unnoticed Judgment Day

"In this era, it is advisable for us to be careful in guarding our speech. If we want to talk about something, we should first learn and understand the issue with a reliable source. By doing so, people like Ruwaibidhah can be balanced with those who are truly knowledgeable."

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