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Hadis Larangan Marah beserta Dampak Buruknya Menurut Ajaran Islam

Hadith on the Prohibition of Anger and Its Negative Effects According to Islamic Teachings

"Dream - The hadith prohibiting anger is important for every Muslim to know. Anger is an emotion that can sometimes be difficult to control. Each person has different abilities to manage their anger. This ability is highly dependent on the environmental situation and the psychological condition of an individual."

The Hadith on Prohibition of Anger and Its Negative Impacts According to Islamic Teachings

"Actually, anger can also be beneficial when expressed in a healthy way and in a controlled manner. However, episodes of uncontrolled anger, such as frequent anger, holding onto anger for too long, or expressing it explosively, can have negative impacts. This not only affects relationships and personal life but can also harm overall health."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "In this is why controlling anger is something that is recommended in Islam. The health world also assesses that the condition of anger can negatively affect the body's condition. There are many arguments in hadith regarding the prohibition of anger, considering that the Prophet Muhammad was well aware of the negative impacts of this emotion. Here is a collection of hadiths prohibiting anger as a reminder for us to control our anger!"

The translation of "Kumpulan Hadis Larangan Marah" to English is "Collection of Hadiths on the Prohibition of Anger".

Here's the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "First Hadith In the book Al Mu’jamul Ausath number 2374, the Prophet Muhammad SAW conveyed a hadith prohibiting anger as a reminder for us about the virtue of avoiding anger. Here is the text of the hadith: لاَ تَغْضَبْ وَ لَكَ الْجَنَّةُ Laa taghdob wa lakal jannah It means: “Do not be angry, for you will have Paradise (you will enter Paradise).” (HR. Thabrani)"


Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Hadith Second
And Ibn Umar said, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Whoever suppresses his anger, Allah will cover his faults.' (HR. Ibn Abid Dunya)"

The text "" does not require translation as it is a domain name and remains the same in English. If you have any other text that needs translation, please provide it!

Hadith Three
And Abu Darda said, 'O Messenger of Allah, guide me to an action that will admit me to Paradise.' The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied, 'Do not get angry.' (Narrated by Ibn Abid Dunya and Thabarani).

The text "" does not require translation as it is a web domain and remains the same in English. If you need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!

Hadith Fourth narrated by Abu Hurairah that a man said, 'O Messenger of Allah, command me to do an action that is easy and little.' The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied, 'Control your anger.' He repeated his request, and the Messenger continued to respond, 'Control your anger.' (HR. Bukhari)

The text "" does not require translation as it is a domain name. It remains the same in English. If you need any specific context or additional information translated, please provide that, and I'll be happy to help!


The translation of "Doa Mengendalikan Amarah" to English is "Prayer to Control Anger."

"Sometimes we find it difficult to control our anger. Therefore, it is better to ask Allah SWT to help us in managing our explosive anger. Here is the prayer for controlling anger taught by the Prophet Muhammad that you can practice:"

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "**O Allah, forgive my sins, calm the rage of my heart, and protect me from the influence of Satan.**"

The text "" does not require translation as it is a domain name and remains the same in English. If you need further assistance or context, feel free to ask!

The translation of

The translation of "Dampak Buruk Marah Menurut Ajaran Islam" to English is "The Bad Impact of Anger According to Islamic Teachings."

"Uncontrolled anger can have negative impacts that should be avoided. Here are 5 negative impacts of anger according to the perspective of Islam:"

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "1. Destroying Relationships
Uncontrolled anger can damage relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. When these negative emotions dominate, hurtful words or actions are often expressed, which can hurt the feelings of others.
2. Leading to Sin
Islam teaches that anger can trigger sinful behavior, such as speaking harshly or hurting others. This is because in a state of anger, one often loses self-control and violates ethical and religious boundaries."

Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "3. Inviting Satan
According to Islamic teachings, anger is a state that is favored by Satan. In a state of anger, Satan finds it easier to incite humans to commit bad deeds that can damage faith and morals.
4. Eliminating Rewards
In Islam, uncontrolled anger can eliminate the rewards that have been earned. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) reminded his followers to control their anger because it can erase the good deeds that have been performed."

The translation of "5. Merugikan Diri Sendiri" to English is "5. Harming Oneself".

"Uncontrolled anger also has a negative impact on physical and mental health. The stress caused by anger can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and sleep disorders. Islam teaches the importance of controlling emotions and striving to remain calm in the face of situations that trigger anger. This not only maintains relationships with others but also preserves inner peace and a clean heart."

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