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"The Law of Hitting Cats in Islam and Myths Related to Pregnancy"

Dream - The Islamic teachings followed by many Indonesians regulate every aspect of their lives. The provisions of ethics and laws all derive from the teachings of the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. One thing that may rarely be highlighted, but has ethical and legal consequences, is the act of hitting a cat. There is still a common belief that hitting a cat can bring bad luck. However, many of us usually unintentionally hit a cat that happens to cross the road.

"Dream will explore the law of hitting cats in Islam. Are there any specific rules? How about the myth of killing animals that will have a negative impact on pregnancy? We can find the answers by looking at the teachings of Islam in treating animals, including cats."

The Law of Hitting Cats in Islam and Myths Related to Pregnancy

"Division of Animal Categories According to the Scholars"

Quoting from the Consultation of Sharia page, the scholars divide animals into three groups; namely, animals that are permitted to be killed, animals that are bothersome, and animals that are not bothersome.


1. Animals that are Permitted to be Slaughtered

The translation of the text to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: The animals included in this category are scorpions, snakes, ticks, black dogs, and others. These animals are categorized as dangerous and disturbing. The explanation is the same as the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who said: "Five animals, all of them are evil (disturbing), can be killed even in the holy land; crows, herons, dogs that like to hurt, scorpions, and rats." (HR. Muslim 2924)

2. Troublesome Animals

The next category is nuisance animals. Animals in this category can also be killed even though there is no religious command to kill them. Examples are dangerous wild animals, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, wasps, and flies that are all causing disturbance.


3. Animals that Do Not Disturb

While the third category is animals that do not cause harm, then it is forbidden to kill them. The Prophet Muhammad once told a story that a woman was punished by Allah for torturing a cat. In this case, cats are not included in animals that disturb or harm humans.


"Hadith about Treating Cats"
From Ibn Umar RA, the Prophet SAW said: "There was a woman who was punished because of a cat. She imprisoned a cat until it died, so she entered hell. She did not feed it, nor give it water, and did not release it so it could eat crawling animals on the ground."

"(HR. Bukhari 2365 and Muslim 5989)"


"Law of Hitting Cats in Islam"

Then, what is the law regarding unintentionally hitting a cat? The answer is that the person does not bear any risk. Except if the cat that was hit is someone's pet. The person who hit it must take responsibility and compensate for the owner's loss.


This law is implied in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 5: وَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُنَاحٌ فِيمَا أَخْطَأْتُم بِهِ وَلَٰكِن مَّا تَعَمَّدَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا "There is no sin upon you for unintentional mistakes, but (there is sin for) what your hearts have intended."

The Law of Hitting Cats in Islam and Myths Related to Pregnancy

"Burying a Dead Cat"

The task that needs to be taken into account if someone accidentally hits a cat is to bury it. Burying the cat is done so that its carcass does not disturb others.


"Tidak Berdosa" in English is "Not Guilty".

Dr. Soleh Al-Fauzan was once asked about the legality of hitting a cat. He explained that if someone does it unintentionally, then there is no sin for them. However, someone will be sinful if they intentionally kill a cat or other animals that do not disturb without a valid reason. This is because those animals do not harm humans.


Myths about Killing Animals during Pregnancy

Then many people wonder, supposedly if a husband kills an animal intentionally or unintentionally while his wife is pregnant, it will affect the condition of the fetus. Dr. Soleh explained about this matter. That there is no evidence whatsoever that links the act of killing an animal with the wife's pregnancy.

"In the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW, many of the companions' wives were pregnant during the time of Eid al-Adha. If killing or slaughtering animals had a negative impact on the fetus, surely the Prophet SAW would have reminded his people. He also emphasized that believing something to be the cause of something else, even though there is no scientific or religious basis for it, is considered a minor act of shirk (associating partners with Allah). And Allah knows best."

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