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"Parental Law to Instruct Their Child to Divorce Their Spouse, This is the View of Scholars"

Dream - Household relationships are sometimes not always lived by husband and wife. There are external factors that sometimes become obstacles. The interference of parents and in-laws who actually have good intentions can be one of the difficult challenges to face. Many son-in-laws have to endure marriages with a bad relationship with their in-laws. In a bad stage, it is possible for the in-laws to tell their son to divorce his wife. The involvement of parents who are already quite distant makes our husband and wife wonder about Islam's view on parents who tell their child to divorce their wife. Is that command obligatory to be obeyed by the child?

The Law of Parents Ordering Their Child to Divorce His Wife, This is the Explanation According to Islam

Ustadz Amru Hamdany, a preacher who once studied at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, explains about the phenomenon in the household. Instead of getting lost in emotions, let's first take a look at his explanation below.

What is Thalaq?

What is Thalaq?

In Islam, divorce is called thalaq or talak, which means releasing the bond of marriage from the husband's side. Releasing the marriage status can be done through the words of thalak, such as "I have divorced you" or "I have divorced you."

Divorce because of parental orders

Then what if divorce is done under the order of parents? In the Book of Al-Adaab al-Kubro, Imam Safarini Al-Hanbali quotes the words of Imam Ibnu Muflih explaining that the order of parents to their child to divorce his wife is not obligatory to be obeyed.

Talak karena Perintah Orang Tua

"Not Disobedient"

Tidak menaati perintah orang tua untuk menceraikan istri tidak bisa  dianggap sebagai kedurhakaan. Sebuah riwayat menceritakan, suatu ketika ada seseorang yang datang kepada Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal mengadu bahwa bapaknya memerintahkan untuk mentalak atau menceraikan istrinya. Kemudian Imam Ahmad menjawab, "Jangan mentalaknya." Orang yang datang tersebut menukil kisah dari sahabat Umar bin Khattab yang memerintahkan anaknya, Ibnu Umar mentalak istrinya. Lalu Imam Ahmad menjawab, "Sampai bapakmu seperti Umar."

Father who is steadfast in truth

Ustadz Amru Hamdany explained about the story in the narration. According to him, some scholars argue that a father's command to divorce his wife must be obeyed by the child, provided that the father has the qualities of 'adalah', namely being steadfast in righteousness.


Just as Umar bin Khattab commanded his son, Ibn Umar, to divorce his wife. According to the opinion that says it is obligatory, the obligation to obey parents who order their child to divorce their wife only applies if the one giving the order is the father, not the mother. Because in the above hadith narration, it was the father of Ibn Umar, Umar bin Khattab, who gave the command.

The Law of Parents Ordering Their Child to Divorce His Wife, This is the Explanation According to Islam

Imam As-Safarini Al-Hanbali quotes the words of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Al-Hanbali about a person who is commanded by their mother to divorce their wife. He said, "It is not permissible for him to divorce his wife. He is still obligated to be dutiful and obedient to his mother, but divorcing his wife is not included in his obligatory duties towards her."

Although so, a child is still obliged to be obedient and maintain a good relationship with their parents. It is advisable to communicate well about any issues that arise, in order to avoid unwanted things.

The Law of Parents Ordering Their Child to Divorce His Wife, This is the Explanation According to Islam
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