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"Sad Story of a Husband Vomiting Blood and Nails Suspected to be a Victim of Black Magic Sent by Wife's Affair"

"Cases of Misinterpreted Medical Disorders"

Dream - Several cases of medical disorders can initially be misinterpreted as mystical disorders, and the case narrated by Dr. Stephanie is one example. Stephanie is a forensic specialist who often shares scary stories about her patients. One of her cases is the story of a married couple who have been married for 10 years and have two children aged 8 and 5 years old.


Actually, there is nothing wrong with their household situation. The needs of the wife as a wife and mother have been well fulfilled. However, she starts to feel bored with her daily routine as a housewife. She feels that her job as a housewife taking care of the children, the house, and her husband has become monotonous.

Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...

"To overcome her boredom, the wife tries to find entertainment on social media. While browsing social media, she sees her friends' posts that appear happy. She starts comparing her life to her friends' seemingly perfect lives in photos and videos."

Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...

One of her friends even has a husband who openly shows his affection on social media, posting romantic photos and videos with loving comments. This makes the wife feel increasingly unhappy in her marriage after 10 years together with her husband and children. Initially, her husband treated her well, especially when they were still dating. But as time went on, she began to feel that her husband was less attentive. The wife wants more attention, like what she sees from her friend's husband on social media. She wants to feel appreciated and treated like a queen.

"Cheating with an Old Friend"

The wife coincidentally reconnected with an old friend from junior high school through social media, and they met in the alumni group. Initially, their communication was only limited to exchanging comments. However, as time went by...

Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...

The wife finally had an affair with her junior high school friend, who is a widower and seemingly does not care that the wife still has a lawful husband and two young children. Although this behavior makes her feel happy, her lawful husband eventually found out about his wife's affair.

"Perilaku Istri Berubah" translates to "Wife's Behavior Changes" in English.

Initially, the husband felt suspicious seeing his wife's suspicious behavior. The wife often smiled to herself when looking at her cellphone and always tried to hide it.

"Confrontation and Threats"

Without the knowledge of his wife, the husband secretly checked his wife's phone and found intimate messages from her lover. The husband's heart was shattered when he confirmed the affair with his wife. The wife admitted her infidelity without guilt and even threatened to run away with her lover. However, the husband tried to maintain their family for the sake of their children.


One day, the husband was suddenly taken to the hospital by some of his colleagues. The doctor who asked was surprised when he was told that the husband suddenly vomited during lunch. And in his vomit, a nail was found and there was also blood.

Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...
Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...

The doctor who examined the patient immediately conducted an X-ray examination and was shocked to see many images of foreign objects resembling nails in the patient's stomach. Some nails were seen in the large intestine, some were still in the stomach, and there were even some still in the patient's small intestine.

"Yakin Jadi Korban Santet Kiriman Selingkuhan Menantu" translates to "Sure to Become a Victim of Black Magic Sent by the Son-in-Law's Affair"

Fortunately, the nail removal operation went smoothly, and the doctor successfully removed 13 nails measuring 3 cm from inside her husband's stomach. However, when she received an explanation about her child's condition, the mother felt angry. She believed that her child had become a victim of black magic sent by her son-in-law's affair. The mother told a story that her daughter-in-law had an affair and wanted to marry the man. However, her child refused to divorce because they still had 2 young children.

Not a Curse, But... The doctor patiently explained that during the examination, there were strong indications that the patient intentionally swallowed those nails. When the operation was performed and the patient's digestive tract was examined, the doctor found many wounds, ranging from the throat to the large intestine. Furthermore, when the patient was still conscious, he revealed that he had a major problem in his household that he had kept to himself all this time. The stress he experienced drove him to have a desire to end his own life. In a state of chaos in his mind, he decided to eat nails as an act of desperation.

Namanya Pica

His name is Pica.

What the husband experienced is called pica, which is a eating disorder. The sufferer has a strong urge to eat unusual objects, such as pieces of roof tiles, nails, shards of glass, and sometimes even soil.

Cerita Sedih Suami Jadi Korban Santet Usai Muntah Darah dan Paku Diduga Kiriman Selingkuhan Istri, Saat Diperiksa Secara Medis...

The cause of this disorder varies, ranging from iron deficiency to psychological problems. In the case of the husband, the cause is stress that arises due to issues within his household.

"End of a Heartbreaking Household Story"

The husband cried when his mother visited him and confessed that he had failed as the head of the household. However, his mother comforted him by assuring him that if it was necessary to divorce his wife, no one would blame him. Meanwhile, the father finally found his son-in-law's lover's house and ended his life with a machete. After completing his revenge, the husband's father surrendered himself to the police.

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