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"Delivery car for 3rd grade elementary school children is prohibited from parking near the school within the housing complex. The father immediately bought a house in front of it."

Dream - The life of the rich is always fascinating to follow. Especially when they use their financial power. As told by the girl in the viral video shared by the Instagram account @folkshitt below. So, this is the true story of a third-grade girl who caused a sensation. She comes from a super wealthy family. Meanwhile, the girl said her mother works as a canteen guard at the elite school where the child attends.

"Unique Cafeteria System"

The cafeteria system in that school allows children to take food and drinks first. After that, parents pay for it a week later. Now, there is a girl, let's call her Celine. This Celine is a beautiful and cute girl. She is still in 3rd grade of elementary school.


"What is surprising about Celine is that she spends Rp300 thousand on snacks every day. 'Rp300 thousand just for Celine's snacks? A 3rd grade elementary school student?' said the girl in astonishment."

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya
Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya

In short, for the past two days, Celine has spent Rp600 thousand of her pocket money at the school canteen. Of course, the canteen attendant is panicking about how to collect the money from Celine's mother. Because Celine's pocket money has already reached Rp600 thousand.

"Moreover, at that time the canteen attendant mother had not come to school. Meanwhile, the canteen was being managed by its employees. On the third day, the canteen attendant mother came to school and saw for herself that Celine actually treated her friends."

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya

Mother Cafeteria Guard Directly Shocked

Imagine! One class was treated to food and drinks from the cafeteria by Celine. The cafeteria attendant's mother was certainly shocked. She immediately contacted Celine's mother and reported that her daughter treated the students in her class. The cafeteria attendant openly said that she dared not give treats to Celine's friends.

"But the cafeteria supervisor was left dumbfounded by Celine's mother's response, which sounded relaxed. 'Oh my goodness, Ma'am. It's okay, just give it to her. I did teach her to share.' So, please give it to her (the snack)," said the girl.

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya

Because she was worried that her daughter would not be given pocket money the next day, Celine's mother immediately transferred Rp1 million to the cafeteria caretaker. Two days later, Celine's mother called the cafeteria caretaker and said, "Is the money enough? Is anything missing?" So, every three days, Celine's mother transfers Rp1 million to the cafeteria caretaker.

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya

Akal Cerdik Teman-Teman Translation: Clever Friends

"Apparently, Celine's friends like to take advantage of the little girl's kindness by asking her to buy snacks at the canteen. The canteen attendant's mother is worried that her friends might be tricking her by using Celine's name. But Celine's friends are not out of tricks. They come to the canteen with Celine to prove that they are allowed to ask for snacks."

"Just let her be. She's my best friend. It's okay, she already said she wants to get (snacks)," she said jealously because she wants to be Celine's bestie too."

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya
Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya

The translation of the given text to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The peak of Celine's excitement was when the school wanted to renovate the front gate, which was moved to the side. However, as a consequence, the children who wanted to enter or leave became too hot, so a kind of tunnel was made."

Actually, there is a small gate that does not make you feel hot and it is close to the school building. So as soon as you get out of the car, you can directly enter the school through that small gate. But only residents of the complex where the elite school stands are allowed to park their cars in front of this gate.

A few days later, Celine's father came and bought one of the houses in the residential complex. His purpose was for his driver to be able to park the car comfortably in that house. At the same time, he would pick up Celine right in front of the small gate.

Mobil Pengantar Bocah Kelas 3 SD Dilarang Parkir Dekat Sekolah dalam Kompleks Perumahan, Bapaknya Langsung Beli Rumah di Depannya
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