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Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami<br>

"Tanah Abang is bustling again! Not because of buyers, this time it's because of a viral video of a legitimate wife confronting her husband's affair partner."

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

Dream - The case of infidelity in a household seems to have no end. Especially with the presence of social media, news of infidelity can easily spread because it is uploaded and read by many people.

Like recently there have been many cases of a wife confronting her husband's affair at Tanah Abang Market. Sadly, the incident happened while the wife was pregnant.

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

"Labrak Pelakor" in English is "Crash the Homewrecker".

In the video uploaded by TikTok account @uniiqilla91, it shows a commotion at Tanah Abang Market. A pregnant woman can be heard screaming and approaching another woman who is at one of the stalls.

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

"Store Employee"

Apparently, the legitimate wife wearing a checkered shirt is currently confronting her husband's affair, who works as an employee in one of the stores. The situation becomes even more uncontrollable when the legitimate wife's friend also gets emotionally ignited.

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

"fighting over men. Men who cheat are thrown into the sea.""
write the caption in the video.


"Hidden Homewrecker"

A number of traders also tried to intervene to prevent a fight between the legitimate wife's friend and husband. The man in black clothes was seen being taken away and calmed down by the traders. In another video, it shows a quarrel between the legitimate wife and the other woman. Despite being surrounded by many people, the other woman wearing a pink dress and hijab refused to leave the store.

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

"While the legitimate wife wearing a black hijab continued to berate the homewrecker. Occasionally, she would caress her stomach while being comforted by the onlookers. 'The girl inside the store, where is the legitimate wife who is pregnant... the legitimate wife in checkered clothes,' the video caption reads. However, the whereabouts of the woman's husband are still unknown. This has piqued the curiosity of netizens about the continuation of the video."

Tanah Abang Rame Lagi! Bukan karena Pembeli, Kali Ini Gegara Viral Video Istri Sah Labrak Selingkuhan Suami

"Netizen Comment"

However, there are many netizens who are annoyed and support the legitimate wife to leave her husband and get a divorce. "I'm embarrassed as a woman 😂 Mba..., there are still plenty of men out there. It's better to let go and not make a fuss. Let that man be alone 😂," wrote @Sagitarius Girl. "Looking for a quiet place in Tanah Abang, turns out it's crowded 😳," wrote @zheengga. "Handsome and wealthy men can be fought over 😂," wrote @Sisca.

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