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Alasan Mengejutkan di Balik Anjuran Tersenyum dalam Islam, Ternyata Begini Penjelasan Hadits Nabi SAW

Shocking Reasons Behind the Recommendation to Smile in Islam, Apparently This is the Explanation of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW

Alasan Mengejutkan Anjuran Selalu Tersenyum dalam Islam, Ternyata Begini Penjelasan Hadits Nabi SAW

Dream - Islamic teachings encourage its followers to always smile. Even smiling at someone is considered as an act of worship and is rewarded just like giving charity.

Donation is not only limited to material and wealth, a smile is also considered as a simple form of donation. Although simple, it is often difficult to do. It does not require a large capital to smile, just change the expression of the face and lips slightly to create a beautiful, sweet, and captivating smile.

However, the recommended smile is a smile accompanied by sincerity and genuineness. Sincerity because it is done with the hope of obtaining the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. A smile that comes from the deepest depths of the heart, with the aim of bringing happiness, respecting, and appreciating others. A smile is also capable of providing entertainment, breaking the cold atmosphere, relieving tension, calming anxiety, reducing anger, and strengthening the bond of brotherhood.

Manfaat Tersenyum

"Benefits of Smiling"

"Although it may seem simple and easy to do, a smile has extraordinary benefits in our lives. It not only provides benefits to others, but also to those who give it."

1. Appearance

From the aspect of appearance, a smile has the ability to make someone look more attractive, charming, young, as well as a sign of success, gaining respect, and showing happiness.

1. Segi Penampilan


2. Psychological Perspective

2. Psychological Perspective

"While from a psychological perspective, smiles are able to reduce stress levels, change mood, assist in positive thinking, make someone more relaxed, and bring about optimism."

3. Health Context

Then in the context of health, it is proven that smiling can improve the immune system, lower blood pressure, act as an anti-aging remedy, and have other health benefits. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a real example of this. He was always healthy, and one of the keys to his health was a sincere smile when he was with his family and companions.


4. Maintaining Good Relationships

From a social perspective, a smile is able to maintain good relationships, demonstrate friendliness and politeness, as well as serve as a connector of relationships in a warm and familial atmosphere. The smile that we give is capable of bringing happiness to others and opening the door to interaction with us. A smile also has its own magic, which is able to melt the hearts of those who are tough and full of anger.

"Encouragement to Smile from the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that Need to be Known"

1. From Abu Dzar (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"The smile on your face in front of your brother (fellow Muslim) is considered charity for you." (HR. Tirmidzi and Ibnu Hibban)


2. From Jarir bin Abdillah radhiyallahu'anhu, he said:
"Since I embraced Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has never refused me to sit with him. And whenever he saw me, he would smile at me."

"(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)"


3. From Abdullah bin Al Harits bin Jaz`i radhiyallahu'anhu, he said:
"I have never seen anyone with the most smiles other than the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him."

"(HR. Tirmidzi)" translates to "(Narrated by Tirmidhi)" in English.


4. Jabir bin Samurah RA said:

He narrated about the habit of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), "He usually did not stand up from the place of prayer where he performed the Fajr prayer until after sunrise. When the sun had risen, then he would stand up. Meanwhile, the companions were talking and discussing events from the pre-Islamic era, and they were laughing, while he only smiled." (Narrated by Muslim)


5. From Abu Dzarr RA, he said, Rasulullah SAW said:

"Your smile to your brother is charity, you commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil is also charity, you showing the way to a lost person is also charity, you guiding a person with impaired vision is also charity, removing obstacles, thorns, and bones from the path is charity, and pouring water from your bucket into your brother's bucket is also charity." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

6. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"Do not ever underestimate a good deed, even if you encounter your fellow Muslim with a cheerful face."

"(HR. Muslim)" translates to "(Narrated by Muslim)" in English.

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