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Viral Kamar Kos bak Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Akhir, Salfok dengan Koleksi Botol Berisi Air Kencing

Viral Kos Room like Final Trash Dumping Site, Focused on Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

Dream - Boarding house business does promise a very tempting income. Imagine if every room, which is in the dozens or tens, is fully occupied. It is certain that money will flow every month until it is able to surpass the salary of office workers.

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

However, behind the large income, there is a time bomb that can shake the boarding house owner at any time. Like the experience of a boarding house owner in Yogyakarta whose house condition photos were uploaded on TikTok @kampuskos. The boarding house owner in Yogyakarta was truly shocked after seeing the condition of the rented room.

According to the information, the boarding room was just left by the tenant whose rental period has expired. However, when opening the door of the boarding room, the owner was shocked because the condition is similar to the Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA).

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine
Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

This is the condition of a boarding room when the door is opened. Very dirty and disgusting because it is full of garbage. This garbage pile fills every floor of the room, leaving no space without garbage.

"Doesn't stop vomiting from the smell. #hoardingdisorder is truly real \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd2e," complained the owner of the boarding house. He was confused about where to start cleaning up the room, which resembled a garbage dump."

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Mattress 'Disappeared' Covered by Garbage Heap"

The room is full of trash. The mattress that is laid on the floor is not visible because it is covered in trash. I don't know how many years it has been since the bedsheet has never been changed until its white color turns black.

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine
Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

The owner of the house said that the tenant has a very disgusting and strange hobby.

"Hobi Nyeleneh" translates to "Weird Hobby" in English.

He said, the boarding house tenant likes to collect plastic bottles to be used as containers for his urine. He displayed several bottles containing the disgusting urine of the boarding house tenants.

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

"Not Appetite and Vomiting"

Assisted by one of his staff, the owner was forced to clean the dirty boarding room. After cleaning the boarding room, he admitted that he had no appetite due to remembering the condition and smell. It was seen that his staff was busy picking up the piled-up trash on the floor of the boarding room.

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine
Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine

The room owner of the boarding house did not expect that he could collect trash in 30 large plastic bags. "A total of 30 plastic bags of trash, where the plastic bags are really big, as big as my expectations for him to take responsibility \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udd2e," he said.

"To dispose of the disgusting plastic bag containing trash, the owner of the boarding room even rented a pickup truck. He admitted that he was no longer able to repeatedly dispose of the trash using a motorcycle."

Viral Dirty and Disgusting Room Feels Like a Dumping Ground, Owner Frustrated with Collection of Bottles Filled with Urine
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