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Kisah Menakjubkan 3 Wanita dalam Surat At Tahrim, Ada yang Disiksa Tapi Tetap Teguh Imannya

"Amazing Story of 3 Women in Surah At-Tahrim, Some Were Tortured but Remained Firm in Their Faith"

Kisah Menakjubkan 3 Wanita dalam Surat At Tahrim, Ada yang Disiksa Tapi Tetap Teguh Imannya

Dream - Many stories that become lessons for Muslims in the Al-Quran. One of them is Surah At-Tahrim which was revealed as a reminder for Prophet Muhammad SAW and his wives.

The translation of the given text is as follows, while preserving the HTML tags: "Surat at-Tahrim is found at the end of the twenty-eighth juz in the Quran. This Surah was revealed by Allah SWT as a reminder for Prophet Muhammad SAW and his wives, Aisha and Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with them), who at one point felt jealous towards Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her). These two wives worked together to 'demand' attention from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim."

Teguran kepada Nabi SAW

"Reprimand to the Prophet PBUH"

The Surah At-Tahrim begins with a reprimand from Allah SWT to the Prophet SAW for forbidding what Allah has made lawful for Muslims, which is drinking honey at Zainab's house.

"Reprimand to the Prophet's Wife"

Not only to the Prophet SAW, Allah also reproached Aisyah and Hafshah for their improper behavior. Allah warned them to protect their relatives from the fire of hell. Then Allah taught them how to repent sincerely. This letter ends with three stories of women that can serve as lessons for Muslim women.

1. The Story of Two Women Who Entered Hell

The first story tells about two women who were close to righteous people but ended up in hell. Those two women were the wives of Prophet Nuh and Prophet Luth. Instead of helping the messengers of Allah in their preaching, these two women betrayed the messengers of Allah.


The wife of Prophet Nuh, Walighah, called Prophet Nuh crazy for building a huge ship when the earth was dry. However, the construction of this ship was a command from Allah SWT because there would be a great flood that would drown the world. Meanwhile, the wife of Prophet Luth, Walihah, betrayed him by informing the people of Prophet Luth about the presence of handsome male guests. However, those guests were actually angels of Allah SWT whose presence should not be revealed.

"The Threat of Allah SWT"

"Allah SWT threatened the wives of Prophet Nuh and the wife of Prophet Lut with Surah At-Tahrim verse 10: \u201cAllah sets forth an example for those who disbelieve, the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were under the care of two of Our righteous servants, but they both betrayed their husbands. However, their husbands could not protect them at all from the punishment of Allah. And it was said (to the wives), \u201cEnter the Fire with those who enter.\u201d"

"Not a Guarantee of Heaven"

Walighah and Walihah are the wives of noble people, but Allah has thrown them into the fire of hell for their betrayal. This proves that family ties cannot determine one's fate on the Day of Judgment. Only good deeds and the mercy of Allah will help humans in the afterlife. The guarantee of heaven is only through piety and steadfastness in faith.


2. The Story of the Wife of Pharaoh who Remained Steadfast in her Faith.

The opposite of the previous story, the story in Surah At-Tahrim verse 11 discusses the wife of Pharaoh who was promised paradise by Allah SWT. Despite her unparalleled evilness on this earth, Pharaoh had a wife who was blessed by Allah. Asiyah bintin Muzahim believed in Allah after witnessing the miracle of Prophet Musa parting the Red Sea. Because of her faith, she was tortured by Pharaoh in a cruel manner, even being left to dry under the scorching sun. However, her faith remained steadfast and her tongue always moist with the words of Allah. This is why she received the guarantee of paradise from Allah SWT.

"Allah SWT said:"
"And Allah sets forth an example for those who believe, the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, 'My Lord, build for me a house with You in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds, and save me from the unjust people.'"

(Quran Surah At-Tahrim verse 11)


3. The Story of Maryam, the Most Exalted Woman in Heaven

The story of a woman in Surah At-Tahrim is about a single woman who gave birth to a Prophet, namely Maryam. Allah SWT entrusted the holy baby in Maryam's womb. She faced ridicule, insults, and suffered during her escape. Her patience in enduring the insults while carrying the holy baby made Maryam bint Imran one of the great women.


The story of Maryam is widely mentioned in the Quran. One of them is Surah At-Tahrim verse 12. وَمَرْيَمَ ابْنَتَ عِمْرَانَ الَّتِي أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا فَنَفَخْنَا فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِنَا وَصَدَّقَتْ بِكَلِمَاتِ رَبِّهَا وَكُتُبِهِ وَكَانَتْ مِنَ الْقَانِتِينَ Meaning: "And (mention) Maryam, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our spirit and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient."

The story of Maryam can be a lesson for women who have not yet found a life partner. The most important thing is to preserve honor and faith in Allah SWT. The nobility of Maryam is compared with the nobility of Aisyah, Khadijah, and Fatimah. According to a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad, the mother of Prophet Isa is mentioned as the foremost woman among the inhabitants of paradise.

Kisah Menakjubkan 3 Wanita dalam Surat At Tahrim, Ada yang Disiksa Tapi Tetap Teguh Imannya
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