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It turns out this is the secret of prayers that have not been answered, also learn the practice to make Allah quickly fulfill them.

It turns out this is the secret of prayers that have not been answered, also learn the practice to make Allah quickly fulfill them.

It turns out this is the secret of unanswered prayers, also find out the practice for Allah to quickly fulfill them

Dream - Allah SWT commands His servants to ask for anything from Him with the guarantee that every prayer will be answered. Sometimes, there are prayers that Allah SWT has not immediately granted. The question is, where do these unanswered prayers go?

People who pray, even though in the eyes of some people it may not be considered fulfilled yet, actually the prayer may have already been answered. Or maybe it has not been fulfilled yet because there are things that prevent the prayer from being fulfilled.

It turns out this is the secret of unanswered prayers, also find out the practice for Allah to quickly fulfill them

"Reprimand for Us"

Prayers that have not been answered can serve as a reminder for us to improve our attitudes and behaviors in life. The secret of unanswered prayers can be caused by consuming forbidden wealth, hurting someone's feelings, rarely sending blessings to the Prophet, or still indulging in sinful acts in daily life.


"Self Evaluation is Needed"

"If there are any prayers that you have offered but have not been answered, try to evaluate yourself. There may be things that need to be improved in our lives. Because when the conditions and requirements are fulfilled, Allah will definitely grant our prayers. Or it could be that the content of the prayers contains sins, so Allah does not grant them."

From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, he narrated from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he said:
"A Muslim who prays with a prayer that does not contain sin or the severing of ties of kinship, Allah will grant him one of three things: (1) what he asked for will be given by Allah, (2) it will be saved for him in the hereafter, (3) Allah will avert a calamity that is in accordance with his prayer.""



The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The grace of God is abundant, so it is advisable for us to increase our prayers to Him. God has promised to grant the prayers of His believing servants. As long as our prayers do not contain any evil or sin, Allah SWT will definitely grant them. However, if our prayers have not been answered yet, the following possibilities may occur:"

This is the translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags:

This is the translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "These are 3 Secrets of Prayers that Have Not Been Answered Yet."

1. Not Rejecting, But Allah Postpones Granting Prayers

The secret of unanswered prayers is that one of the reasons is that Allah is delaying the prayer. Allah knows better what is a priority for His servants. It is possible that Allah is prioritizing the urgent requests of other servants. For example, someone who is organizing a wedding ceremony prays for no rain so that the event goes smoothly and many guests come. But sometimes, on the day of the event, it rains heavily. Does it mean our prayer is rejected? No! Instead, Allah delays our prayer and gives priority to the urgent prayer of another servant. The bottom line is that Allah knows best!

2. The Prayer is Saved by Angels for the Afterlife.

Do not assume that the prayers we offer disappear just like that. Instead, these prayers are kept by angels and can be taken on the day of reckoning. The prayers we offer are stored by angelic archivists and will be weighed on the day of judgment. These prayers, whether good or bad, will be counted and will increase the weight of our good deeds.


3. Prayer Converted into Salvation from Threatening Dangers

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The secret of unanswered prayers may be because Allah converts our prayers into salvation and security in times of danger. Let's try to remember, dear Dream friends, how often we have been saved from a problem or a fatal accident. Allah SWT is the savior behind all of this. So, if there are prayers that have not been answered, continue to have good thoughts towards Allah and be grateful for the pleasant things you experience."

Amalan Supaya Doa Segera Terkabul

Practice for Immediate Prayer Response

"If you feel that your prayers have not been answered yet, it is good to practice the following deeds:"

1. Memperbanyak Dzikir

1. Multiplying Dhikr

"Remembering Allah can increase rewards and bring us closer to Him. Remembrance of Allah also brings peace to the heart because He is the ultimate goal. If you feel that your prayers are not being answered, it is good to increase remembrance, especially after the obligatory prayers."

2. Increase Charity

Besides remembrance, giving alms can also be a practice for our prayers to be answered by Allah SWT. Giving alms can also increase sustenance and make Allah love us even more. "Indeed, those who give alms, both men and women, and lend to Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward." (Surah Al-Hadid: 18)



3. Make the Most of the Auspicious Time to Pray

3. Take Advantage of the Auspicious Time to Pray

Pray at the auspicious times, such as after performing the obligatory prayers, during the last third of the night, between the call to prayer and the call to commence prayer, during rainfall, and while fasting. By praying at these auspicious times, may Allah swiftly grant our prayers.

4. Diligent in performing Tahajud prayer

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The practice that accelerates the acceptance of prayers is by regularly performing the tahajud prayer. This particular voluntary prayer is highly recommended due to its extraordinary virtues. It includes the acceptance of prayers and all human needs."

4. Rajin Sholat Tahajud
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