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7 Perkara yang Halangi Pintu Rezeki, Hati-Hati dengan Praktik Jual Beli dan Muamalah Ribawi

7 Things that Block the Door of Sustenance, Be Careful with Selling and Buying Practices and Ribawi Transactions.

Dream - Allah's sustenance is distributed to every creature without exception. Humans, whether they believe in Him or not, still receive their share of sustenance. However, it is not uncommon for someone to complain that they are not as fortunate as others when it comes to sustenance. Yet, if one were to reflect more deeply, Allah's sustenance is vast and not only limited to financial matters. However, it cannot be denied that every need in today's era does require money. This is why people consider sustenance as things related to money.

7 Perkara yang Halangi Pintu Rezeki, Hati-Hati dengan Praktik Jual Beli dan Muamalah Ribawi

Apparently there are several things that hinder someone's fortune. The factors that hinder fortune are caused by one's own bad behavior. Therefore, it is advisable for us to avoid the following bad things so that fortune flows smoothly.

"Things that Hinder the Door of Blessings, Muslims Must Know!"

1. Lying and Cheating in Buying and Selling

Lying is an act that is not good because it can harm oneself and others. In Islam, liking to lie is called a barrier to sustenance. In fact, lying can remove the blessings of sustenance obtained. Not only that, lying and cheating in buying and selling are signs of disbelief and hypocrisy. The prohibition of lying in Islam is clearly mentioned in the Quran and hadith. In fact, Islam analogizes lying and cheating in buying and selling, such as hiding the defects of merchandise from buyers, as forbidden.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:"
"\u201cTwo people who engage in buying and selling both have the right of khiyar (the option to proceed or cancel the transaction) as long as they have not separated from their assembly\u2013in one narration, until they have separated. If both of them are honest and disclose the defects of their merchandise, then their transaction will be blessed by Allah. However, if they lie and hide the defects, then Allah will remove the blessings from both of them.\u201d"

"(HR. Bukhari)"

2. Suka Berzina

2. Like Fornication

Committing adultery not only has a negative impact on health, but also on worldly and afterlife. One of its consequences is causing the perpetrator to be poor from generation to generation, restless, troubled heart, and limited sustenance.

"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT says:" in English.
And do not approach adultery; it is truly a shameful act and an evil path.

"(Quran Surat Al-Isrā`: 32)" translates to "(Quran Surah Al-Isra`: 32)" in English.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" "Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"
"Kalian should stay away from the act of adultery, because it will result in four things that are destructive, namely, diminishing credibility and happiness of the face, blocking the door of sustenance (leading to poverty), inviting the curse of Allah, and causing eternal damnation in hell."

"(Mu’jam Al-Ausat, Thabrani, No. 7092)" translates to "(Mu'jam Al-Ausat, Thabrani, No. 7092)" in English.


3. Ribawi Transactions

Interest is something that is forbidden in Islam because its practice leads to loss. Business and usury transactions are also forbidden by law. This is why usury transactions become a barrier to blessings because Allah hates such practices.

3. Ribawi Transactions

"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT says:" in English.
يٍَ اًًًََّّ الًًًَّْ اًًًََّّ اًًًََّّ اًًًَّْ لَّ اًًًََّّ اًًًََّّ اًًًََّّ خًًًََّّ مًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًًََّ¡

"(Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 130)"


"The threat from Allah SWT is immense for those involved in usury who refuse to repent. Allah analogizes this threat as an ultimatum for war. 'So announce war from Allah and His Messenger.' (QS. Al-Baqarah: 279)"

7 Perkara yang Halangi Pintu Rezeki, Hati-Hati dengan Praktik Jual Beli dan Muamalah Ribawi

The translation of the text "Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:"

"Apabila perbuatan zina dan riba telah merajalela di suatu kaum (daerah) maka sungguh mereka telah menantang azab Allah atas diri mereka."

4. False Oath

The matter that hinders further sustenance is false oaths. False oaths are oaths uttered by someone consciously and intentionally. These oaths are usually done by traders or businessmen to make their trade profitable. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has warned his people about the bad consequences of false oaths in both this world and the hereafter.

"Rasulullah SAW said:"

"Three people who will not be spoken to by Allah on the Day of Judgment, not seen and not purified by Him, and they will receive severe punishment," the Prophet repeated his statement three times. Then Abu Dzar said, "Indeed, they are people who are futile and at a loss. Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet answered, "The person who extends his garment below his ankles, the person who boasts about the good deeds he has done, and the person who sells his merchandise with false oaths." (Narrated by Muslim No. 106)

7 Perkara yang Halangi Pintu Rezeki, Hati-Hati dengan Praktik Jual Beli dan Muamalah Ribawi

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "False oaths can also bring about negative consequences and eliminate blessings, as stated in the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "Oaths make merchandise prosper and remove blessings." (HR. Abu Dawud)"

5. Hoarding Goods and Monopoly of Buying and Selling

The matter that hinders sustenance is also caused by the behavior of hiding goods with the intention of monopolizing buying and selling. This is done in order to gain maximum profit. The practice of monopolizing buying and selling is condemned by Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. "Whoever hoards food (goods) from the Muslim community, then Allah will punish them with leprosy and bankruptcy." (HR. Ibn Majah)

6. Ingratitude for Blessings

"Disbelief in blessings is called as something that hinders the door of sustenance. Disbelief in blessings means not being grateful for blessings and even mocking the sustenance given by Allah SWT, even if it is small. As Muslims, we are encouraged to be grateful for blessings, so Allah will increase our blessings. Yazid has told us that Rubai' bin Aslam has informed us from Muhammad bin Ziyad from Abu Hurairah RA who said, the Messenger of Allah SAW said: The person who does not show gratitude for a little will not be grateful for much. (HR. Muslim)"

7. Busy Working and Forgetting Allah

The matter that hinders sustenance is also caused by someone being busy working to accumulate wealth to the point of forgetting their obligations to Allah SWT. Even if they obtain wealth from their hard work, Allah does not bless their efforts. This is because being too busy with the world makes their heart hard and forgets the power that exists outside of themselves, which is Allah SWT.

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