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Most importantly, after obligatory prayers, this is the virtue of Tahajud prayer and the best time to perform it.

Most importantly, after obligatory prayers, this is the virtue of Tahajud prayer and the best time to perform it.

Dream - Tahajud prayer is one of the recommended sunnah prayers in Islam. Quoted from, tahajud literally means striving against or leaving sleep. Meanwhile, in fiqh terminology, it refers to the voluntary night prayer performed after sleep. According to the scholars, the recommendation of performing tahajud prayer is highly emphasized because it was consistently practiced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is important for Dream friends to know that the virtues of performing tahajud prayer are very special. One of them is the opportunity to earn abundant rewards.

Well, here is a more complete explanation about tahajud prayer as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The Main Thing after Obligatory Prayer, This is the Excellence of Tahajud Prayer and the Best Time to Perform It
Keutamaan Sholat Tahajud dan Dalilnya

"The Virtue of Tahajud Prayer and Its Evidence"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Tahajud prayer has a very great virtue in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that tahajud prayer is the most important prayer after obligatory prayers."

The reward obtained from performing tahajud prayer is abundant, because it is performed at a time that is greatly loved by Allah, which is one-third of the night. In addition, tahajud prayer also has the benefit of training patience. By waking up at night to perform prayer, a person can train their patience in carrying out worship even in a tired state. The verse of the Qur'an that regulates tahajud prayer is found in Surah Al-Isra verse 79:

"And when your eyes are still closed, Our verses follow them. And remember on the day when We will bring forth from every community a witness against them, then it is the disbelievers who will suffer the punishment." (Quran, Al-Isra: 79) So, performing tahajud prayer not only brings great rewards, but also trains patience, and is a form of love for Allah."

When is the best time to perform Tahajud prayer?

The best time to perform the tahajud prayer is in the last third of the night, before the dawn prayer.

Kapan Waktu Terbaik Mengerjakan Sholat Tahajud?

Therefore, it is important to note that tahajud prayer is best performed between 2-5 am. This is because these are the moments closest to the permission of Allah and His word. During these moments, the gates of heaven are wide open, and prayers are more easily accepted by Allah. When the companions of Dream perform tahajud prayer, remember that its virtue does not only come from their perseverance but also from the permission of Allah, who blesses those who fast with patience and sincerity.

"Thus, Muslims must strive as much as possible to allocate free time to perform Tahajud prayer. By doing so, God willing, they can gain spiritual experiences and communicate intensively with Allah SWT."

Doa setelah Sholat Tahajud dan Keistimewaannya

"Prayer after Tahajud Prayer and Its Specialness"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Prayer of night prayer (tahajud) has its own special privilege. The prayer that is offered is believed to be heard more by Allah SWT because of the silence of the night and the sincerity of His servants who perform worship."

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

Doa tersebut juga menjadi sarana untuk memohon keberkahan, perlindungan, petunjuk, dan kebaikan bagi diri sendiri maupun umat Islam. Inilah bacaan doanya:

اللهم رتنمتنا الاكيمارانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا الحماواتياتا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمانيانا انمان¡

Allâhumma rabbanâ lakal hamdu. Anta qayyimus samâwâti wal ardhi wa man fî hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta mâlikus samâwâti wal ardhi wa man fî hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta nûrus samâwâti wal ardhi wa man fî hinna. Wa lakal hamdu antal haqq. Wa wa‘dukal haqq. Wa liqâ’uka haqq. Wa qauluka haqq. Wal jannatu haqq. Wan nâru haqq. Wan nabiyyûna haqq. Wa Muhammadun shallallâhu alaihi wasallama haqq. Was sâ‘atu haqq. Allâhumma laka aslamtu. Wa bika âmantu. Translation: O Allah, our Lord, all praise is due to You. You are the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is due to You, You are the owner of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is due to You, You are the light of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. All praise is due to You, You are the ultimate truth. Your promise is true. Your meeting is true. Your word is true. Paradise is true. Hellfire is true. Our prophets are true. And Muhammad, peace be upon him, is true. The Hour is true. O Allah, to You I submit. And in You, I believe.

"Wa 'alaika tawakkaltu. Wa ilaika anabtu. Wa bika khâshamtu. Wa ilaika hâkamtu. Fagfirlee mâ qaddamtu, wa mâ akhkhartu, wa mâ asrartu, wa mâ a'lantu, wa mâ anta a'lamu bihi minnee. Antal muqaddimu wa antal mu'akhkhiru. Lâ ilâha illâ anta. Wa lâ haula, wa lâ quwwata illâ billâh. Artinya: "O Allah, our Lord, all praise is due to You. You are the sustainer of the heavens, the earth, and everything within them. All praise is due to You, You are the ruler of the heavens, the earth, and everything within them."

All praise be to You, You are the light of the heavens, the earth, and all creatures within it. All praise be to You, You are the Most Just. Your promise is true. The meeting with You in the future is true. Your word is true. Heaven is real. Hell is also real. The prophets are true. Likewise, Prophet Muhammad ï·º is true. The Day of Judgment is true. O my Lord, I surrender only to You. I believe only in You. I submit to You. I return only to You.

Because of You, I am willing to fight. Only in You is the foundation of my decision. Therefore, forgive my past and future sins, the sins I hide and confess, and other sins that You know better than me. You are the Most Ancient and the Most Recent. There is no God but You. There is no ability and strength except for Allah's help. This prayer is recommended to be recited after performing the tahajud prayer.

The importance of performing the tahajud prayer for a Muslim, especially in drawing closer to Allah SWT, cleansing the soul and heart, as well as increasing faith and piety. Performing the tahajud prayer is also a means to improve oneself and increase good deeds. Therefore, every Muslim is encouraged to perform the tahajud prayer as a form of submission and devotion to their Lord.

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