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Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat<br>

Viral Woman Makes Content When Will She Get Married to a Partner Who Has Been Dating Her for 13 Years, Netizens: Very Strong

Dream - Before getting married, usually someone will first go through a friendship or even become a lover to get to know each other better. The process of getting to know each other varies, some within months, years, even decades. Like the recent viral video of a couple revealing their 13-year relationship but still not married. The video was uploaded by the TikTok account @caramelspreso.

Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat

A woman recorded a video with her lover using a song that is currently trending. The lyrics of the song seem to be asking the man when he will marry her.

In the video, it was also mentioned that they have been dating for 13 years. This has made many people, especially their friends, ask them when they will get married.

Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat

In response to the many questions, apparently the couple has a reason for not deciding to get married as soon as possible. They explained that there are still things that need to be resolved and achieved before getting married.

Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat

"Masih banyak hal yang harus kita selesaikan dan dicapai. Nikah itu kan enggak asal butuh persiapan mental, finansial, dan lain sebagainya, enggak mau asal nikah tapi enggak tahu kedepannya seperti apa,"
reveal the woman.


Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat

"Before dating, the couple had known each other for a long time. In fact, they were friends before becoming lovers."

This has made their relationship last for more than 13 years. Surely the decision of the couple to not get married despite having been in a relationship for a long time has surprised many people.

Viral Wanita Bikin Konten Kapan Nikah ke Pasangan yang Sudah 13 Tahun Memacarinya, Netizen: Kuat Amat

Video  itu pun viral di media sosial. Banyak netizens who were surprised by the couple's story and gave their responses in the comment section. "It's been 13 years and they haven't gotten married yet, it's necessary to question whether the guy is serious or not," wrote the account @friendtf. "Just go with it, sis, as long as it's still your goal. It doesn't matter how long, as long as you're happy, you'll eventually get married," wrote the account @lranggrnii. "Wow, they've been dating for so long. I would get bored after just one year without any certainty and look for someone else hehe," wrote the account @de5emberr. Report: Yulia Putri

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