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Doa Sapu Jagat yang Sangat Disukai Nabi Muhammad SAW, Selalu Diamalkan dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

The Sapu Jagat Prayer that is Highly Favored by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Always Practiced in Daily Life.

The prayer of sweeping the universe is recited to ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT in order to be granted goodness in this world and the hereafter.

"Dream - The prayer of 'sapu jagat' is one of the special prayers that is often practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Although its recitation is short, the efficacy of this prayer is beyond doubt. The 'sapu jagat' prayer is recited to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT so that goodness is always granted in this world and the hereafter. In addition, this prayer can also be offered to request health and smooth sustenance. During his lifetime, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not miss the opportunity to recite the 'sapu jagat' prayer."

"By practicing this prayer, God willing, there will be a sense of happiness that Dream friends can obtain. Below is the reading of the sweeping prayer that is greatly liked by the Prophet Muhammad saw as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The Prayer of Sapu Jagat that is Highly Favored by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Always Practiced in Daily Life
Doa Sapu Jagat Sering Dibaca Rasulullah

The Prayer of Sapu Jagat is Often Recited by the Prophet.

The prayer of sweeping the universe, also known as munajat, is a prayer that is often recited by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This prayer is taught to Muslims as one of the highly effective practices in drawing closer to Allah SWT. The sweeping prayer is a prayer for protection to Allah SWT to safeguard the entire universe and all its contents from all kinds of disasters and evils. The practice of the sweeping prayer is to recite the prayer every day, both after the five daily prayers and at other times deemed appropriate.

"This prayer can also be practiced by reciting the sweeping prayer before sleeping or when facing certain situations that require protection and strength. By incorporating the sweeping prayer into daily life, it is hoped that Muslims can obtain protection and blessings from Allah SWT, as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad SAW."

The translation of "Doa Sapu Jagat Arab dan Latinnya" to English is "The Universal Prayer in Arabic and its Latin version."

"Rasulullah saw really liked the sweeping prayer. Therefore, he always practiced it in his daily life during his lifetime."

The translation of

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Here is the prayer of Sapu Jagat that is greatly loved by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
Tahiyatun lillahi wa's-salawatu wa't-taiyibat, assalamu 'alayka ayyuha'n-nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, assalamu 'alayna wa 'ala ibadillahi's-salihin, asyhadu an la ilaha illallah wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah."

The hadith that shows the love of the Prophet Muhammad SAW for this prayer is that he preferred prayers that are short yet rich in meaning. This is found in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah. The comprehensive prayer is a prayer for salvation and protection from various evils, as well as a prayer to bring mercy and safety. With this prayer, the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught his followers to always purify, praise, and remember Allah SWT in every aspect of life.

Waktu yang Paling Tepat Membaca Doa Sapu Jagat

"The Most Appropriate Time to Read the Sapu Jagat Prayer"

The most appropriate time to recite the prayer of cleansing the universe is in the morning and evening, as that is generally when the transition from dark to light and from light to dark occurs.

"Additionally, it is also recommended to recite the sweeping prayer when entering or leaving a place or room, such as when entering and exiting a house, office, or mosque. The sweeping prayer has specific times that are recommended for practice, including at sunrise, sunset, when it rains, and when the wind blows. Performing the sweeping prayer at these times is believed to have its own virtues and blessings."

"Additionally, it is also recommended to recite the sweeping prayer every time after performing prayers or other acts of worship, as well as before sleeping at night. This aims to ensure that the prayer can guide and protect us from all temptations and dangers present in this world. By paying attention to the recommended times and the times of acceptance, it is hoped that our practice of the sweeping prayer will receive the pleasure and blessings from Allah SWT."

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The Virtue of Witir before Sleep, the Advice of the Prophet Muhammad that Should Not Be Abandoned

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