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Heboh Penemuan Piramida di Dasar Laut Jepang, Dibangun Manusia atau Alami?

"Excitement Over the Discovery of a Pyramid at the Bottom of the Japanese Sea, Built by Humans or Natural?"

"Under the sea surface around Yonaguni Island in Japan, there are remnants of an ancient city that is about 10,000 years old, towering high and believed to have been built by a lost civilization. Several experts believe that this impressive formation consists of stacked pyramid-shaped monuments, accompanied by structures resembling the remnants of castles, temples, arches, and stadiums. All these structures seem to be connected by roads that stretch across the seabed."

The Sensation of the Discovery of a Pyramid at the Bottom of the Sea in Japan, Built by Humans or Natural?

Marine biologist Masaaki Kimura explained to National Geographic in 2007 that the largest structure underwater around Yonaguni Island resembles a complex monolithic stepped pyramid, rising from a depth of 25 meters (82 feet).

"But, not everyone believes in this concept of Japanese Atlantis. Robert Schoch, a professor from Boston University who has investigated the site firsthand, expresses his belief that the Yonaguni Monument (as it is known today) is entirely not a product of human creation."

The Sensation of the Discovery of a Pyramid at the Bottom of the Sea in Japan, Built by Humans or Natural?
Sudah lewat lebih dari 16 tahun sejak kedua pria itu memberikan wawancara kepada majalah tersebut, dan sudah 37 tahun sejak penemuan monumen tersebut. Meskipun begitu, kebenaran mengenai asal muasalnya masih menyimpan misteri yang belum terpecahkan.

"More than 16 years have passed since the two men gave an interview to the magazine, and it has been 37 years since the discovery of the monument. Nevertheless, the truth about its origins still holds a mystery that remains unsolved."

to English is

"In 1986, a local diver first discovered this structure, noticing a "pyramid" with an almost perfect straight staircase. Since then, various theories about its origins have emerged. Some, including Kimura, believe that this towering structure may have once been part of the famous Pacific continent and sank due to a great disaster."

The Sensation of the Discovery of a Pyramid at the Bottom of the Sea in Japan, Built by Humans or Natural?

There are two main reasons that support such a claim. In his first claim, he states that he has recognized the indications of carvings on the stone and successfully found rocks that have been transformed in such a way that they resemble the shapes of animals.

"Second, it shows that the region in the Pacific Ring is known for its intense seismic activity. Kimura noted that a tsunami, with waves reaching heights of about 40 meters (131 feet), struck Yonaguni Island and its surrounding areas in 1771."

The Sensation of the Discovery of a Pyramid at the Bottom of the Sea in Japan, Built by Humans or Natural?
Bencana itu mengakibatkan sekitar 12.000 orang tewas atau hilang, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh surat kabar Jepang Yomiuri Shimbun.<br><br>Penelitian yang dilakukan di Universitas Tokyo juga menunjukkan bahwa wilayah tersebut secara historis terkena dampak tsunami setiap 150 hingga 400 tahun sekali. Artinya, kejadian serupa dapat saja menjadi penyebab tenggelamnya Monumen Yonaguni.

The disaster resulted in around 12,000 people dead or missing, as reported by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun. Research conducted at the University of Tokyo also shows that the area has historically been affected by tsunamis every 150 to 400 years. This means that similar events could very well be the cause of the submersion of the Yonaguni Monument.

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