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Dosa dan Hukumannya Tidak Main-Main, Ternyata Ada Zina yang Paling Berat, Apakah Itu?

Sin and Its Punishment is Not a Joke, Apparently There is a Heaviest Adultery, What is it?

The punishment for perpetrators of adultery will be given by Allah SWT in both the world and the hereafter.

The following is an explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources.

The Severity and Punishment of Zina, What Is It?

"The Law of Zina and its Types"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The law of adultery in Islam is forbidden and considered a major sin."

There are three types of adultery in Islam: zina al-laman (adultery committed by two individuals who are not married), zina muhsan (adultery committed by a married individual), and zina ghairu muhsan (adultery committed by an unmarried individual). Adultery is considered a grave sin in Islam as it violates the laws of Allah and disrupts the social order. Zina al-laman is considered a lesser sin compared to zina muhsan, as zina muhsan breaks the sacred promise of marriage.

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Sin of adultery committed by an unmarried person is also significant because it violates an individual's honor. As Muslims, it is important to understand the laws, types, and sins of adultery in order to avoid behavior that goes against religious teachings. Islam teaches obedience to the laws of Allah, including the prohibition of adultery, to maintain the purity of the soul and the honor of individuals.

"Punishment for the Perpetrator of Adultery"

Islamic law imposes severe sanctions for perpetrators of adultery, ranging from stoning punishment (stoned to death) to whipping punishment in accordance with Islamic law.

Hukuman bagi Pelaku Zina

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Qur'an and hadith regulate the law of adultery very clearly and firmly, where the act of adultery is condemned and punished firmly. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the Criminal Code regulates the punishment for adulterers by implementing legal reforms that are more in line with the values of justice and humanity, where adulterers can be sentenced to a maximum of 15 years in prison. Thus, Islamic law is very strict in regulating adultery with harsh penalties, in accordance with the provisions of the Qur'an and hadith, which are then regulated in the Criminal Code in Indonesia."

Dosa Zina di Dunia dan Akhirat

Sin of Adultery in the World and Hereafter

Zina in Islam is a major sin that has very negative consequences in both the world and the hereafter.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: The law of adultery in Islam is very strict, because adultery is a serious violation of religious and moral norms. The punishment can be in the form of whipping or stoning according to the rules applied in countries that implement Sharia law. In addition to earthly punishment, the consequences of adultery will also be felt in the afterlife, such as the severe torment in hell.

Zina also has a very negative impact in the world, such as the breakdown of household harmony, the erosion of trust between husband and wife, and the potential to produce illegitimate children who are abandoned. Therefore, as Muslims, it is important to know and avoid all forms of adultery in order to avoid major sins and the threat of punishment in this world and the hereafter.

"The Most Serious Adultery"

Adultery is a strongly prohibited act. However, it turns out there is the most severe adultery.

In the book Al-Kabair by Imam Syamsuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Ahmad Utsman adz-Dzahabi, it is explained that the most severe form of adultery is adultery with one's mother, sister, stepmother, and any woman who is a mahram (a close relative with whom marriage is prohibited) of the person involved. In one narration, it is stated: "Whoever commits adultery with their mahram, then kill them." (al-Hakim in the book al-Hudud)

Then in another hadith it is explained: "Indeed, a man's uncle (from his mother's side) was sent by the Prophet saw to a man who was getting married to his father's wife to kill him, and (seize) then divide his wealth into five parts (like ghanimah). (HR. Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidzi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad)"

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