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Cerita Ketulusan Hati Ibu Donorkan Ginjal untuk Anaknya, Menyentuh Hati<br>

"The Story of a Mother's Sincere Heart Donating a Kidney for Her Child, Touching the Heart"

"Dream - Kasih sayang seorang ibu sepanjang masa. Kalimat itu ternyata bukan hanya sekedar peribahasa. Sebab setiap ibu pasti menyayangi buah hatinya bahkan saat sang anak telah berkeluarga. Meskipun sang anak telah dewasa, ibu pasti akan tetap melakukan yang terbaik untuk anaknya. Salah satu bukti kasih sayang ibu kepada anaknya diceritakan oleh dokter koas berikut satu ini." Translated to English while preserving the HTML tags: "Dream - A mother's love lasts forever. That sentence turns out to be more than just a proverb. Because every mother surely loves her child even when the child has a family of their own. Even though the child has grown up, a mother will always do her best for her child. One example of a mother's love for her child is told by the following intern doctor."

The Story of a Mother's Sincere Heart Donating a Kidney for Her Child, Touching Hearts

A woman named Apriliana shared her encounter with a mother who selflessly donated her kidney for her child. Apriliana recounted the story on her TikTok account @aprilianapd.

"In her post, Apriliana recounts that the incident occurred while she was still in her clinical rotation at one of the hospitals. She encountered a 20-year-old kidney failure patient who wanted to have a check-up accompanied by his mother."

The Story of a Mother's Sincere Heart Donating a Kidney for Her Child, Touching Hearts

The mother admitted that she was taking her child for a check-up to be able to undergo dialysis three times a week as a requirement for a kidney transplant. “Yes, ma'am, I want to request that my child can have dialysis 3 times a week as a requirement before the kidney transplant,” said the mother. The doctor who heard this happy news immediately felt delighted. Because not all patients are fortunate enough to receive a kidney donor.

The translation of "Ibu Donorkan Ginjal ke Anaknya" to English is "Mother Donates Kidney to Her Child".

"However, Apriliana's joy was short-lived. She became touched and amazed when she learned that her mother would be the one to donate a kidney for the sick patient."


“Ya Allah, how can I think, is that how a mother is? Is it that sincere? Is it that much of a sacrifice?”
The translation of "ungkap Apriliana." to English is "reveal Apriliana."

The text "" does not require translation as it is a website name. It remains the same in English. If you need it within HTML tags, it would look like this: ```html ```

The translation of "Sang Anak Berpisah dengan Istrinya" to English is "The Son Parted with His Wife."

"Apparently the patient has kidney failure and has to undergo dialysis after being married for less than a year. However, due to his condition, he had to separate from his wife and is now being cared for by his mother."

The Story of a Mother's Sincere Heart Donating a Kidney for Her Child, Touching Hearts

The cause of the patient suffering from kidney failure is due to an unhealthy lifestyle and rarely drinking plain water while working as a driver. To make her child live a better life, the mother is willing to donate her kidney.

The video shared by the doctor on her TikTok went viral. Many netizens commented on the video. “A mother really seems like she’s not human but an angel,” wrote the account @hi_ika31. “A mother’s love is timeless and limitless,” wrote the account @5358syr. “If I were in that position, I would also be like the mother because my child is everything,” wrote the account @yolandast4. Report: Yulia Putri

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