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140 Kata Mutiara Dzikir Qolbu yang Sejukkan Hati dan Perkuat Iman

"140 Inspirational Words of Dhikr for a Calm Heart and Strengthened Faith"

The words of wisdom from the dhikr of the heart can cultivate the strength of faith when facing all problems.

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

"Dream - In daily life, we often face various problems and trials that make our hearts restless. As Muslims, one way to calm the heart is through dzikir qolbu or Islamic words of wisdom that strengthen faith and soothe the heart."

There are many pearls of wisdom from the dzikir qolbu that can serve as a source of inspiration and strength in daily life. By reflecting on and practicing the pearls of wisdom from dzikir qolbu, it is hoped that one can calm the heart and foster inner strength in facing all challenges. May by understanding and embodying these pearls of wisdom from dzikir qolbu, we can attain tranquility and strength in living our daily lives in accordance with Islamic teachings.

The translation of "Kata Mutiara Dzikir Qolbu yang Menyejukkan" to English is "Words of Wisdom of Dhikr that Cool the Heart."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "1. Dhikr of the heart is an expression that can calm the heart and soul. 2. The best dhikr is the dhikr with a heart that is humble and full of sincerity. 3. A calm heart is the result of dhikr performed with full patience and surrender to Allah. 4. Recite dhikr earnestly, for with dhikr the heart will feel peaceful and serene."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "5. "Dhikr is a weapon for the believers, always remembering Allah in every step." 6. "Never be tired of dhikr, because every word spoken brings blessings." 7. "Dhikr is a strength for the heart and a comfort for the soul, when the world feels heavy and full of trials." 8. "When the heart feels restless, do dhikr. Because with dhikr, the heart will feel relief." 9. "Dhikr is a fortress against the temptations of Satan, helping us to stay away from evil and encouraging us towards goodness.""

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "10. "When difficulties come, remember Allah with full conviction. Because Allah surely hears and provides a way out" 11. "Remembrance is a remedy for a wounded heart and a tortured soul" 12. "Remembrance brings light to a dark heart, eliminates darkness, and guides to the truth" 13. "With remembrance, the heart will always be connected to Allah, realizing His greatness and feeling His love""

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "14. "Never doubt the power of dhikr, for every sentence of dhikr contains unexpected miracles" 15. "Dhikr of the heart is the path to achieving inner peace and true happiness" 16. "When the heart feels empty, fill it with dhikr. For only by remembering Allah will the heart feel strong and spirited""

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "17. "Dhikr is a means to draw closer to Allah, to gain His pleasure, and to attain eternal happiness" 18. "Never miss dhikr, because every time you remember Allah, your heart will always feel accompanied and protected by Him" 19. "Dhikr is the main weapon in facing all trials, worries, and fears" 20. "Remembering Allah can be done anytime and anywhere by reciting dhikr to Him.""

The translation of "Kata Mutiara Dzikir Qolbu yang Islami" to English is "Islamic Heart Remembrance Pearls of Wisdom".

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "1. The dhikr of the heart is a remedy to cleanse the heart from feelings of busyness. 2. With the dhikr of the heart, the heart will become calm and serene. 3. "There is nothing more suitable for the heart than the remembrance of Allah." (Al-Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd: 28) 4. The dhikr of the heart is a solace for the restless soul."


5. "Remember, only by remembering Allah does the heart become at peace." (Al-Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd: 28) 6. Through the remembrance of the heart, the heart will be free from negative feelings. 7. "Remembrance is the coolness of the heart, the tranquility of the soul, and the calmness of the mind." (HR. Muslim) 8. Always being grateful to Allah is the most essential form of the remembrance of the heart. 9. "Say to the believers: put your trust in Allah and rely on Him." (Al-Qur'an, Al-Ahzab: 70-71)

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "10. The remembrance of the heart is a way to feel the presence of Allah in every moment of life. 11. "Indeed, the remembrance of Allah is a comfort for the heart." (Al-Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd: 28) 12. With the remembrance of the heart, the heart will be guided on the right path. 13. "And let not your heart be deceived by the life of this world." (Al-Qur'an, Fatir: 5) 14. The remembrance of the heart is a way to improve the relationship between humans and Allah. 15. "Indeed, in remembering Allah, the heart finds peace." (Al-Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd: 28)"

Sure! Here’s the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "16. In the heart's dhikr, the heart will find true peace. 17. "With the dhikr of Allah, the heart attains tranquility." (HR. Tirmidhi) 18. Heart's dhikr can help become a more patient and trusting person. 19. "Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient." (Al-Qur'an, Al-Baqarah: 153) 20. The heart's dhikr is a way to remember that this life is temporary and the hereafter is the main goal."

Pearls of Wisdom on the Life of the Heart's Remembrance

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "1. The pearls of wisdom from dzikir qolbu teach us to always remember Allah in every step of life. 2. With dzikir qolbu, our hearts will always be calm and peaceful because they are always connected to Allah. 3. In dzikir qolbu, we reflect on the greatness, power, and love of Allah towards us."

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "4. With dzikir qolbu, we learn to be grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given us. 5. The wisdom of dzikir qolbu teaches us to always be humble and not arrogant. 6. Dzikir qolbu reminds us not to be too fixated on the world and material things, but to focus more on the happiness of the hereafter. 7. The wisdom of dzikir qolbu encourages us to forgive the mistakes of others and to keep our hearts free from anger and resentment."

Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "8. With dzikir qolbu, we learn to forgive ourselves for the mistakes and sins we have committed. 9. The pearls of wisdom from dzikir qolbu teach us to always be patient in facing the trials of life. 10. Dzikir qolbu strengthens our spiritual connection with Allah and keeps our hearts clean from negative things. 11. The pearls of wisdom from dzikir qolbu remind us to be diligent in worship and to increase our good deeds."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "12. With dzikir qolbu, we learn to always be grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given us. 13. The wisdom of dzikir qolbu encourages us to become good individuals and beneficial to others. 14. Dzikir qolbu strengthens our belief that Allah is always close to us and ready to help in every problem. 15. The wisdom of dzikir qolbu reminds us not to be too influenced by the temptations and trials of the world."

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

"16. The remembrance of the heart teaches us to always seek protection and guidance from Allah. 17. The wise words of the remembrance of the heart teach us to always pray and ask for help from Allah."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "18. The remembrance of the heart helps us to purify our hearts and keep them free from envy, jealousy, and spite. 19. The wise words of the remembrance of the heart teach us to always place our full trust in Allah. 20. The remembrance of the heart strengthens our bond of love with Allah and makes us yearn more for His presence."

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

The translation of "Kata Mutiara Dzikir Qolbu Penenang Jiwa" to English is "Pearls of Wisdom: Dhikr, Heart, Soul Soothing."

1. "Dzikir qolbu is an act of worship that can calm the heart and soul." 2. "In dzikir qolbu, we remember and remember Allah." 3. "Through dzikir qolbu, we can draw closer to Him." 4. "Every dzikir qolbu that we perform will strengthen our faith." 5. "Dzikir qolbu can be a remedy for a restless and anxious heart."

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: ```html 6. "When the heart is troubled, the dhikr of the heart can help release that burden." 7. "The dhikr of the heart teaches us to always be grateful to Allah." 8. "A heart filled with the dhikr of the heart will always feel peace." 9. "With the dhikr of the heart, we can cleanse the heart of envy and resentment." 10. "The dhikr of the heart is a form of love and respect for Allah." 11. "In the dhikr of the heart, we acknowledge the greatness and power of Allah." ```

12. "The remembrance of the heart teaches us to avoid behaviors that are displeasing to Allah." 13. "With the remembrance of the heart, the heart will always be protected from the temptations of Satan." 14. "Through the remembrance of the heart, we learn to remain calm in facing life's trials." 15. "The remembrance of the heart will help us to always remember Him in every step." 16. "A heart that is accustomed to the remembrance of the heart will become more patient and sincere in facing trials."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "17. "The remembrance of the heart is a means to renew the strength of faith every day." 18. "In the remembrance of the heart, we learn not to be too attached to the world and all its perfection." 19. "The remembrance of the heart helps us to remain calm and full of faith amidst the busyness of the world." 20. "With the remembrance of the heart, the heart will always feel full of love and the mercy of Allah."

Pearls of Wisdom of Dhikr of the Heart that Strengthen Faith

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "1. The remembrance of the heart is a way to draw closer to Allah.2. With the remembrance of the heart, our hearts will always be filled with blessings and tranquility.3. The wise words of the remembrance of the heart remind us to always remember Allah in every step.4. In the remembrance of the heart, we learn to contemplate the greatness and power of Allah."

"5. The remembrance of the heart is a form of gratitude to Allah for all the blessings given. 6. The wisdom of the remembrance of the heart teaches us to always eliminate fear and anxiety by remembering Allah. 7. With the remembrance of the heart, our hearts will be free from restlessness and darkness. 8. The remembrance of the heart is the key to maintaining happiness and tranquility in life. 9. The wisdom of the remembrance of the heart teaches us to always be patient and to trust in Allah."

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "10. In the heart's dhikr, we are guided to always seek forgiveness and mercy from Allah. 11. The heart's dhikr leads us to goodness and blessings in every action. 12. The wise words of the heart's dhikr teach us to always be grateful and to seek help from Allah. 13. With the heart's dhikr, our hearts will always be filled with love and compassion for others. 14. The heart's dhikr helps us to always guard our hearts and distance ourselves from the diseases of the heart."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "15. The words of wisdom from dzikir qolbu teach us to always be fair and honest in all matters. 16. In dzikir qolbu, we learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness from fellow humans. 17. Dzikir qolbu leads us to a life filled with tranquility and blessings."

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "18. The pearls of wisdom from the heart's remembrance teach us to always be grateful for Allah's gifts and blessings. 19. With the heart's remembrance, our hearts will be protected from negative influences and distance ourselves from the temptations of Satan. 20. The heart's remembrance is a form of worship that brings us closer to Allah and brings happiness in this world and the hereafter."

Pearls of Wisdom: Dhikr of the Heart Full of Meaning

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "1. The remembrance of the heart is a journey towards tranquility. 2. "When the heart is grateful, the heart will be at peace." 3. Protecting the heart from anger is a form of the remembrance of the heart. 4. "Patience is the result of sincere remembrance of the heart." 5. A heart filled with remembrance will always feel filled with His love."

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "6. "When the heart longs for Him, dhikr will be the remedy." 7. Dhikr of the heart is the key to finding peace amidst the busyness of the world. 8. "A heart that remembers is a heart that is always in a state of purity." 9. Dhikr of the heart is a complement to worship. 10. "In the dhikr of the heart, the heart will feel close to Him." 11. A heart that frequently remembers will be kept away from the darkness of the heart. 12. "Dhikr of the heart is light in the darkness." "

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "13. Remembering Allah in the heart is one form of heart dhikr. 14. "A heart that remembers will feel an unparalleled strength." 15. When the heart feels constricted, dhikr is the remedy. 16. "In heart dhikr, the heart will find true peace.""

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "17. A heart filled with remembrance will be free from restlessness. 18. "The remembrance of the heart is a comfort in tense situations." 19. The remembrance of the heart is a form of gratitude for the blessings given by Allah. 20. "A heart that remembers is a heart that is always in a state of gratitude.""

140 Pearls of Wisdom from Heartful Dhikr that Soothe the Heart and Strengthen Faith

Pearls of Wisdom for the Heart's Remembrance to Always Be Grateful

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "1. The wisdom of heart dhikr teaches us to be grateful.
2. With heart dhikr, we can feel peace in our hearts.
3. Heart dhikr reminds us to always be patient in facing life's trials.
4. The wisdom of heart dhikr teaches us not to easily give up."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "5. Through the heart's remembrance (dzikir qolbu), we can strengthen our hearts and faith. 6. The heart's remembrance helps us to always remember Allah. 7. With the heart's remembrance, our hearts will become calmer and more peaceful. 8. The wise words of heart's remembrance teach us to control our emotions. 9. The heart's remembrance helps us to continually improve ourselves. 10. Through the heart's remembrance, we can protect our hearts from negative things. 11. The heart's remembrance helps us to remain grateful in every situation."

Here is the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "12. The pearls of wisdom from the heart's remembrance remind us to reflect and introspect. 13. With the heart's remembrance, we can feel the presence of Allah in every second of life. 14. The heart's remembrance helps us to draw closer to Him. 15. The pearls of wisdom from the heart's remembrance teach courage in facing trials. 16. The heart's remembrance helps us to guard our hearts from bad assumptions."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "17. Through the dzikir of the heart, we can feel the love and affection from Allah. 18. The dzikir of the heart helps us to avoid being trapped in greed and worldly matters. 19. The pearls of wisdom from the dzikir of the heart teach the values of patience and sincerity. 20. The dzikir of the heart helps us to remain strong in faith and conviction."

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