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The translation of the given text is: "This Ancient Ritual Stone is Believed to be Able to Reveal Outer Space Secrets."

Ancient mysterious object could be the key to uncovering supernova events from thousands of years ago that are no longer visible. The discovery is in the form of a carved stone disc found in Italy. Researchers believe that this artifact represents a depiction of a night sky map. This finding was reviewed in a study published in the journal Astronomische Nachrichten, as reported by Newsweek on Thursday (4/1).

This Ancient Ritual Stone is Believed to be Able to Reveal the Secrets of Outer Space

In the study, the experts identified several carvings on the disc that, in their view, resemble the positions of certain star groups that can be seen in the night sky.

Interestingly, according to researchers, the "ritual" stone is potentially one of the oldest star maps, although further research is needed to better understand the nature of the object.

This Ancient Ritual Stone is Believed to be Able to Reveal the Secrets of Outer Space


The stone that has a size proportional to the car tire was found in the ancient hill fortress area in Rupinpiccolo, in northeastern Italy. This type of historical settlement is generally surrounded by large stone walls and is currently referred to as castellieri.


The castle in Rupinpiccolo is believed to have functioned as a fortress between 1800/1650 BC and 400 BC. Although the exact age of the stone cannot be determined with certainty, it is likely that the stone disk originates from a specific period, indicating an age of at least 2,400 years. The stone disk shows clear traces of being carved by human hands and does not appear randomly scattered, as conveyed by researchers.

Although scattered irregularly, all of them have a uniform orientation, indicating that all the signs were carved by the same individual, most likely using an imperfect chisel. In total, researchers have identified 29 signs, with 24 signs on one side of the stone and five on the other side. Interestingly, scientists can use software to map these signs to specific star groups.

This Ancient Ritual Stone is Believed to be Able to Reveal the Secrets of Outer Space

Researchers concluded that it is highly likely that the signs were not arranged by coincidence, considering the accuracy of the positions of the signs in accordance with the distribution of the existing stars.

However, there is one sign that is somewhat difficult to identify by scientists because it is located slightly north of Orion and cannot be found in the current night sky.

This Ancient Ritual Stone is Believed to be Able to Reveal the Secrets of Outer Space
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