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Ini Tata Cara Sholat Taubat Nasuha Bagi Pelaku Zina, Keutamaan, Doa dan Dampak Buruk Berzina

"This is the Procedure for the Taubat Nasuha Prayer for Adulterers, the Virtues, Prayers, and the Bad Impacts of Adultery"

"Dream - Humans have certainly committed sins. The way to erase sins, whether intentional or unintentional, is by repenting with sincere repentance (taubatan nasuha). One of the procedures for sincere repentance is to perform the prayer of repentance (sholat taubat). When carrying out the procedure of sincere repentance prayer, it means we regret our sinful actions and sincerely ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT. And we promise not to repeat those sinful actions again."

Sure! Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Major sins in Islam come in various forms, one of which is adultery. Adultery is the sexual relationship between a woman and a man without the bond of marriage. To be forgiven for this major sin, it is required to perform the prayer of sincere repentance."

This is the Procedure for Taubat Nasuha Prayer for Adulterers, Virtues, Prayer, and the Bad Impacts of Fornication

The command to repent has been conveyed by Allah in Surah An-Nur verse 31: "And repent to Allah, O you who have believed, that you might succeed." The procedure for the Nasuha repentance prayer for those who commit adultery is actually the same as the procedure for other repentance prayers. However, it should be emphasized that a person who repents regrets their actions and promises not to commit adultery again in the future. Below is the procedure for the Nasuha repentance prayer for those who commit adultery, according to Islamic teachings.

The translation of "Cara Taubat Nasuha Bagi Pelaku Zina" to English is "How to Perform Genuine Repentance for Those Who Commit Adultery."

"Before knowing the procedure for the taubat nasuha prayer for those who commit adultery, one also needs to do the following things so that their sins are forgiven by Allah SWT. There are six ways to perform taubat nasuha for those who commit adultery, including the following:"


The translation of "1. Menyesali Perbuatannya" to English is "1. Regretting His Actions".

"When performing the procedure of the Tabuat Nasuha prayer, the sinner must sincerely regret their sinful actions. Even the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explained that regret is the essence of repentance. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "Regret is the essence of repentance." (HR. Ahmad 3568, Ibn Majah 4252, and authenticated by Syuaib al-Arnauth)."


"2. Leaving Adultery and Its Triggers"

The way to sincerely repent for those who commit adultery is to leave adultery and all its triggers. This proves that a person truly intends to repent after committing adultery.


The translation of "3. Tidak Mengulangi" to English is "3. Not Repeating".

"After sincerely repenting, of course, the adulterer must promise themselves and to Allah SWT not to repeat the act of adultery again."


"4. Drawing Closer to Allah"

"Repenting from adultery is also done by getting closer to Allah. In addition to performing obligatory prayers, it is good to add other Sunnah worship."

"5. Finding a Good Environment"

"The reading environment has an influence on a person's life. If the environment is positive, it will have a good impact on a person's life. Therefore, associate with righteous people so that you too can become a better person."


The translation of "6. Merahasiakannya" to English is "6. Keeping it secret."

Adultery is a great disgrace, as are other major sins. After repenting, do not let others know what you have done, including your closest ones. It is enough that only you and Allah know about it. Properly performing the procedures for the Nasuha repentance prayer for those who commit adultery is an effort to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT.


The Virtue of Nasuha Repentance Prayer for Those Who Commit Adultery.

"Performing the procedure of the Nasuha repentance prayer for those who commit adultery certainly offers extraordinary benefits. If done sincerely, Allah will forgive their sins. Here are some of the advantages of performing the procedure of the Nasuha repentance prayer for those who commit adultery:"


1. Loved by Allah SWT This is in accordance with Allah's words in Surah Al Baqarah verse 222: “Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves.” 2. His sins are forgiven by Allah This is as per the hadith of the Prophet SAW, that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: “No one who sins, then performs ablution and prays (the prayer of repentance) and asks for forgiveness from Allah, except that he will be forgiven by Him.”

The translation of "3. Dimasukkan ke Surga" to English is "3. Entered into Heaven".

"Those who sincerely repent will be forgiven by Allah and admitted into His paradise. This is like the word of Allah in Surah At Tahrim verse 8: O you who have believed, repent to Allah with sincere repentance. Perhaps your Lord will remove from you your misdeeds and admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow."

"4. Prayed for by the Angels"

"People who repent will be prayed for by the angels. This is in accordance with the word of Allah in the Quran, Surah Al Mu’min, verse 7: “O our Lord, Your mercy and knowledge encompass all things, so forgive those who repent and follow Your path (religion) and protect them from the blazing fire of hell.”"


How to Perform the Nasuha Repentance Prayer for Those Who Commit Adultery.

After understanding the procedures for sincere repentance and its virtues mentioned above, we will next learn about the procedures for the sincere repentance prayer for those who commit adultery. The procedure for the sincere repentance prayer for those who commit adultery is the same as the general sunnah prayer. The only difference lies in the intention and purpose. The procedure for the sincere repentance prayer for those who commit adultery is performed in two units (rakaat) with one greeting (salam). It can be performed in two, four, or even six units.

This is the Procedure for Taubat Nasuha Prayer for Adulterers, Virtues, Prayer, and the Bad Impacts of Fornication

The absolute requirement for performing the prayer of taubat nasuha is to be free from major and minor impurities and to cover the awrah. Here are the steps for the taubat nasuha prayer for those who have committed adultery that need to be known:

Niat sholat taubat nasuha, boleh dilafalkan agar lebih mantab.
Ushalli sunnatat taubati rak’ataini lillahi ta’ala.
Artinya: “Saya niat sholat sunnah taubat dua rakaat karena Allah Ta’ala.”
Takbiratul Ihram.
Disunahkan membaca doa iftitah.
Membaca surat Al Fatihah.
Membaca surat dari Alquran.
Rukuk (Membaca tasbih ruku’ tiga kali).
I'tidal (Membaca doa i’tidal).

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Sujud (Recite the tasbih of sujud three times). Sit between the two sujud (Recite the prayer 'Robbighfirlii warhamnii...'). Second sujud (Recite the tasbih of sujud three times). Stand up to continue the second rak'ah as per the sequence above until 10.. Final tasyahud (Recite the final tasyahud). Say the salam. Pray for forgiveness."

The translation of "Doa Setelah Sholat Taubat" to English is "Prayer After Repentance Prayer."

"After performing the procedure for the prayer of repentance above, it is recommended for those who have committed adultery to recite the prayer for forgiveness below. When praying, it is hoped that one does so sincerely, seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT."


The translation of "Bacaan Doa Latin" to English is "Latin Prayer Reading".

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Astaghfirullahal ladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyuumu wa atuubu ilaihi. O Allah, You are my Lord; there is no deity except You. You created me, and I am Your servant, and I am on Your covenant and promise as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge Your blessings upon me, and I confess my sins. So forgive me, for none forgives sins except You."


I ask for forgiveness from Allah, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living and Self-Subsisting, and I repent to Him. O Allah, You are my Lord. There is no rightful deity except You. You are the one who created me, and I am Your servant, and I am bound by Your promise and will fulfill it to the best of my ability. I seek refuge in You from all the evil I have done, I acknowledge Your blessings upon me and I confess my sins to You, so forgive me. Indeed, none forgives all sins except You.

The translation of "Cara Menghindari Perbuatan Zina" to English is "How to Avoid Committing Adultery."

"Zina is an act that is highly prohibited by Islam. Therefore, every Muslim must avoid such actions. This means not engaging in activities that lead to the act of zina. Here are some ways to avoid committing zina that Dream friends need to know:"


The translation of "1. Menjaga Pandangan" to English is "1. Maintaining Perspective".

This has been explained by Ibn Kathir that Allah SWT forbids His servants from committing, approaching, and engaging in things that cause and become motivating factors for the act of adultery. Guarding one's gaze in this context refers to the opposite gender.


It is also explained in the word of Allah SWT through Surah An-Nur verse 30 as follows: قُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغْضُوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَزْكَىٰ لَهُمْ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ Meaning: “Say to the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that is more pure for them. Indeed, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.” (QS. An-Nur: 30).

2. Providing Limits on Ikhtilath

"Ikhtilath is the mixing of men and women in a place for a long time. This has also been explained in a hadith narrated by Abu Daud as follows:

“Minggirlah kalian, tidak boleh bagi kalian (para perempuan) berjalan di tengah jalan, hendaklah kalian berjalan di pinggir jalan.”
(HR. Abu Daud)."


"Friends of Dream can also see the boundaries of ikhtilath when performing congregational prayers. Where the men's row is at the front and the women's row is at the back."

This is the Procedure for Taubat Nasuha Prayer for Adulterers, Virtues, Prayer, and the Bad Impacts of Fornication

"3. Diligent in Fasting"

"How to prevent someone from committing adultery is not always by getting married directly. Because marriage is also required for those who are already capable, both physically, mentally, and financially. Therefore, in addition to marriage, one can also fast. This is as explained in a hadith narrated by Bukhari as follows:"


“O young people, whoever among you is able to marry, then marry. For marriage is more effective in lowering the gaze and more protective of private parts. And whoever is not able, then let him fast, for fasting can suppress his desires (as a shield).” (HR. Bukhari).

The translation of "Dampak Buruk Perbuatan Zina" to English is "The Bad Impact of Adultery."

"Committing adultery in Islamic teachings can result in a very great sin. Therefore, whoever has committed it is commanded to perform the prayer of taubat nasuha as previously explained. In addition to bringing great sin, adultery can also have adverse effects on the perpetrator. Here are some of the negative consequences of adultery besides the great sin that Dream friends need to know:"

"1. Getting a Bad Reputation"

One of the consequences of committing adultery is receiving a bad perception. This relates to the people around who will view the adulterer differently than they would view an ordinary person. There is a negative perception given, causing the adulterer to feel uncomfortable as well when in that environment.


"2. Receiving Social Sanctions if Known by the Community"

The act of adultery that is known by the community usually causes an uproar. In fact, in some regions, social sanctions are imposed on members of the community who commit adultery. For example, in Aceh, which implements Islamic law. And when someone commits adultery, they will be punished with a whipping in front of local residents.

"3. His Heart is Narrowed by Allah SWT"

"Those who commit adultery, their hearts will be constricted by Allah SWT. Remember that Allah SWT Himself greatly hates such actions and imposes a very large sin for doing them. Therefore, those who commit adultery find their hearts becoming narrow when doing good deeds. They may become easily angered and feel restless."

The translation of "4. Menghilangkan Cahaya Wajah" to English is "4. Removing Face Glow".

Another bad consequence of committing adultery is that it can erase the light of the face. A person who has committed adultery will feel extremely ashamed, making their face gloomy and appear unrefreshed.

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